Microsoft Xbox Series X 1TB Console - Forza Horizon 5 Premium Edition Bundle are currently $849 elsewhere. I'm waiting on Amazon to get back to previous deal price of ~$750 and I found this and thought might be of interest to someone.
Xbox Series X 1TB Console - Forza Horizon 5 Premium Edition Bundle $799.61 Delivered @ PB Technologies

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What kind of screen are you playing on? If your playing on a 1080p monitor with 120hz support the s is probably the best option but if you use a 4k oled tv or you just want to use your old 360 game discs the X is the best.
I think the biggest differentiator is the lack of a disc drive on the S. It can be a deal breaker if you want to buy physical or play physical copies you already own from 360.
This is the reason I went for the X, I have so many old games I want to play that need the disc drive.
Costs way more to buy games from Xbox store too, especially if you are just into a odd AAA title.
I own both.. Series x definately doesn't feel twice as good at twice the price.. Series s is fantastic.. If your just playing cod or fortnite or overwatch I'd say it's the pick of the bunch..
Go the Series X.
1) Double the storage (the proprietary storage expansion route Microsoft took with the Series consoles is expensive, and the 360GB or available storage on the Series S is a complete joke for an all digital solution)
2) Disc drive
3) A lot more powerful than Series S
I own the Series S and Series X. The Series S is initially tempting because of the price tag, but longer term, it really doesn’t represent good value.
Regarding the first point and the S being all digital, to be fair, the X is all digital in that you still need to install the game and install an update that is often the same size as the initial install.
The X doesn’t come with 360GB of storage, so I’m not sure what your point is?
@aja12: You said that 360GB is a complete joke for an 'all digital solution'. My point is that while 360GB is less that what you'd get on the X, it being 'all digital' and not having a disc drive doesn't make a difference when storage is concerned since you still need to install games on the X. Just pointing that detail out because some people might think you can save space and play games off the disc if you buy an X.
@manbearpig: Lol, I’m not saying you’ll save storage space by having the Series X, I’m saying you’ll have MORE space. Not even Sony saw the cost cutting benefit in gimping the digital PS5 with a useless amount of storage.
2) Disc drive play all your xbox one and a lot of 360 games
I have a PS5 with disc for almost exactly two years now, Horizon Forbidden West is the only PS5 game I've played, apart from that it was TLoU2, God of War, Days Gone, Infamous… and they were all PS4
X for sure mate. My all Digital S has cost me way more in the long run having to buy games from the online XBox store.
Being able to buy from retailers is waaaay better. Plus you can re-sell!
We went from a 360 to a Series X. The only thing we miss is the Kinect and that isn;t available on the S either.
Can still play some of the kids games on the Series X via the disc drive - more storage, etc. for not a lot more money up front.
Life is good, but it could be better. Get the X.
Get an x, for the reasons already started previously. Plus if your running RetroArch certain games will run much better especially when upscaling to 1440p/4k
Not until 2029.
While this is a good saving (thanks OP) it's frustrating that the only option for the Series X is the proprietary tech from Seagate. No competition from anyone else means these prices are still ridiculous even with the saving.
I believe you can still use a normal HDD to store games, so if you don't mind copying them back to your console then it could be a solution, it would definitely beat downloading them again.
Is it sold out ? Seems like the link takes you to an empty page now
My last console was the Xbox 360… should I go for the Series S or X for casual gaming?