Parents Hacked over Email - Kind of Confused - SOLVED

My parents made a booking through yesterday and today they received an email saying there was an issue with the payment and to scan/click a QR code where they then re-entered credit card details on a page that looked identical the real site. To everyone here it's obviously a scam but they're old.

What suprised me was that the email was from sent from and had all their booking details in there - correct reserveration number, dates and all the personals. All the links in the email were to URLs exept the QR code image. I spoke to and they said they were not hacked.

Can someone explain how the scammers got all the correct reservation numbers etc if they were not hacked? I guess my parents email address could have been hacked but the email came from the sites legitimate email address.Just a bit confused over this. Thanks


Hotels listing was hacked.

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  • Better Call Saul…

  • +2

    Did it really come from though? When you look at the email headers etc, they likely show a different email

    • +4

      Yeah it did. Looks like it was the hotel listing that was hacked.

      • Thanks for updating, instead of leaving this post in limbo

  • +2

    email or pc hacked…

    • Parents are hackers?

      • what do you think?

  • +1

    Hijacked listing, the third party saw booking details and then "tried to confirm payment details again".

    That's off the top of my head. Could be wrong

  • +14

    Yes, this has been going for a long time.
    Relevant article from last week.…

    Per the last sentence.
    Next time use someone else. are sticking their head in the sand rather than solving the problem.

    Potentially a pertinent comment from that article

    It's not that has a security problem - it's the end hotels that have the issue.
    Hack the hotel, get the details of the booking and then use the messaging to message the customer via the hotel's account.

    • +1

      Oo didn't think of that one. Makes sense.

  • +1 probably just email bookings through to the accommodation provider. Someone there has a compromised email account. From there, it's easy to send out a targeted email.

    • Or a disgruntled hotel/booking . com employee knows the booking details and set your parents up.

  • +3

    correct reserveration number

    The typo always gives it away that it's a scam…

    • no

    • +2

      This one weird trick scammers don't want you to know!

  • +2 is likely using MailChimp or similar mass emailing service. Few of them leaked their API keys recently:
    MailChimp, Mailgun, and Sendgrid API leak endangered over 54m users

    So, for a while, do not trust legitimate looking emails and always double check it by logging in yourself in browser or via their apps.

    • +3

      endangered over 54m users

      Most OzBargain users are between 1.6m to 1.9m though…

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