Hi guys looking for a dehumidifier for my small bedroom to keep it less damp when it's not too hot and when I don't want to use the aircon. Wondering what you guys would suggest? Looking for something under $300 if possible.
Dehumidifier for Bedroom

Last edited 10/02/2023 - 12:28
Or give them a call, they often have demo units on sale.
We've got a compressor type from these guys: https://www.ausclimate.com.au/products/dehumidifiers
Don't expect to get much sleep while they are running, just run it for a few hours before you go to bed.
All dehumidifiers should work in my opinion. Fairly simple principle. A bought a $15 one on gumtree or eBay a few years ago. Worked fine. The first time I ran it, it sucked about 2 litres of water out of my bedroom air.
Use the dehumidify option on the aircon.
Exactly this.
A dehumidifier is just a purpose-built aircon. The smaller the unit the less efficient, so a wall-mounted split will dry out a room more efficiently than a portable unit will. If you already have an aircon you save on both capital and running costs by using that instead.
I had air con in my old house (north brisbane) and never used the "air con" just the dehumifier. House was cool and comfortable throughout summer
How about the above one?
I have Ausclimate dehumidifiers as well as a Delonghi they all work very well, you can't really compare with AC's because with dehumidifiers the water is collected in a bucket whereas the AC's discharge it outside so you can't tell how much water it removes from the air.
you can't tell how much water it removes from the air.
Why would you even care.
Add a bucket to the AC discharge
Can’t go past the aus climate ones imo, unfortunately a fair bit over budget unless you get a super amazon special