34% off all Volleyballs!
Free standard postage Australia wide on orders over $50. Free C&C in Brisbane.
Indoor Volleyballs
V5M5000 Indoor Volleyball - (was $139.95) Now $90.97
V5M4500 Indoor Volleyball - (was $109.95) Now $71.47
V5M3500 Indoor Volleyball - (was $79.95) Now $51.97
V5M1500 Indoor Volleyball - (was $39.95) Now $25.97
Beach Volleyball
500 Series Beach Volleyball - (was $44.95) Now $29.22
No deal here. You can get the top three models from Australian Volleyball Warehouse (AVW) at a cheaper price:
$75.00 for the V5M5000
$54.00 for the V5M4500
$42.00 for the V5M3500
The only one that is cheaper here is the V5M1500, but my advice as someone that plays volleyball, don't bother.
Here's a non-affiliated link to AVW's site (the site itself looks dodge because it's simple, but they're legit): https://www.avw.net.au/list.mibiznez?id=21&name=Indoor%20Vol…