Hostile Work Environment Advice Needed

So I worked in business for a while (contracting). I think I am being targeted now. I am on the team's crosshair. What should I do? Put up till the end on the term in a slightly hostile environment or look for a new role? I have summed it up to as BAU politics.

Nothing has been said about my performance. Instead I have received good feedback.


  • Who is targeting you adn what makes you think so
    maybe others are pissed that your doing so well and getting good feedback and they suck?

    • +1

      This is up to OP

      Nothing we can do here

      If OP is VERY uncomfortable then get out.

      But no work environment is guaranteed to be comfortable

      Next one could be worse!

  • +6

    CYA by getting everything in writing, let boss know of blockers daily and escalate as appropriate. Up to you if you want a job elsewhere.

  • -4

    Get Bikies to surround you during work hours.

    You're welcome.

    • +15

      Get Bikies


      A box of family assorted for the tea room will get them in the good books.

      • +11

        Nothing like burying the hatchet over some blend43 and double coat Tim tams

        • +2

          If the workplace provides double coat Tim Tams then how do I apply?

          • +7

            @MS Paint: You apply the first coat, wait for it to dry then apply the second coat.

  • +2

    I think I am being targeted now.


    • Just the gossip going around. It's definately not direct. Gotta watch the tv series "the office"

      • +3

        You have heard gossip that you're being targeted. For something. Maybe.

        Really unsure where the hostility is here.

      • +17

        So you aren't being targetted, it isn't a hostile working environment, you are just hearing some random gossip that happens in every office and overreacting?

        • I guess I'm not good at people skills. You basically summed it up.

          • +6

            @AndyRates: Good opportunity to have a think about the soft/people skills you're lacking that caused this 'crisis' and train them up, though. Maybe google some resilience/team work books and see if anything grabs you?

            • +1

              @Crow K: Maybe @Wuman can find a free ebook or Udemy course to help with this?

      • -1

        1973 Hostile Environment - Jungles of Vietnam.

        2023 Hostile Environment - Office Gossip.

        • +5

          i know, right? people who think they have office problems should just reflect on the fact they aren't fighting in a war zone fifty years in the past!

          • +1

            @Crow K: Right so if you get bullied to the point of depression you should count your lucky stars you weren't born in a war?

            Doctor, I'm healed, crowreally solved everyone's problems because they couldn't possibly be as bad as someone else's!!

            • +4

              @coffeeinmyveins: It's almost like I was sarcastically commenting on tsunamisurfer's (typically terrible) point, hey?

              • @Crow K: Needs an /s tag, I'm not a mind reader and text has no tone

                • +4

                  @coffeeinmyveins: "It's everyone else's fault I had a 'whoosh' moment".

                  Don't forget to drop some /s tags on your own sarcasm in future too, wouldn't want any clones of yourself getting confused and pissy with you.

                  • -1

                    @Crow K: to be fair, sarcasm is only effective when you have to let other people know that you're being sarcastic.

                    that was a sarcastic comment


                • @coffeeinmyveins: It's the Internet. Assume everyone is being ironic at all times, unless they say "unironically" and even then it's 50/50.

            • +1

              @coffeeinmyveins: Imagine not getting sarcasm.

        • I hate this sort of rhetoric.

          It's up there with "finish your plate, there are starving kids in Africa".

          There is always someone who has it worse or someone that did have it worse. But why does that insulate invalidate what's happening to someone else?

          You may have had an arm cut off but if I have a finger cut off, it doesn't matter because it's not as bad?

          • @coffeeinmyveins: Well you should finish your plate of food… and there are starving children in Africa. So be grateful for what you have and not a naughty little poo poo pants.

  • +7

    I think I am being targeted now. I am on the team's crosshair. What should I do?

    Not sure what you want us to do since you haven't even given a scenario that has played out at work but rather just a "feeling" that you have.

    Nothing has been said about my performance. Instead I have received good feedback.

    So you think you are being targetted but your feedback is good and nothing has been raised. Do you have paranoid tendencies or something else going on, because this makes absolutely no sense.

    I also don't get why your first instinct is to post about it on a forum when nothing has happened .

  • +1

    I've not been in a work place that doesn't have gossip. It's just whether you're tuned-in to hearing it or not.

    What comments have been made about you and how did you hear / overhear the message or how were you made aware of it? And are you sure they're about you? etc etc.

    An example of what you're experiencing would assist as 'slightly hostile' is quite subjective. As extreme take of the situation - Are you sure it's the others and not you?

    'Not you' example - I once ended up walking in the same direction as a woman as we both headed towards the escalator - I was behind her. Just prior to stepping on the escalator she turned to me and started yelling 'STOP FOLLOWING ME' and making a big scene claiming I was a stalker or something.

    Hence, clarification of the subjective nature would assist and provide perspective of the work situation.

    • +3

      'STOP FOLLOWING ME' and making a big scene claiming I was a stalker or something.

      Username checks out

  • An oldie tale being bandied about yet again ….. do go on

  • As others mentioned please provide some details for us to understand why you think you are being 'targeted'

    That is a very vague statement to make without any context.

  • +3

    What should I do?

    Call your Employee Assistance Program or see a psych. Get whatever is in your head out

  • Normally feedbacks will be coming from workmates, so if they're targeting you, don't you think they will put a negative impression of you to the boss? Unless that's not how performance evaluation works in your company, or your boss is really pleased with your work.

    I would say, just look for another job. Australia could be in recession, but so many companies are looking for manpower overseas, so that doesn't make sense, which means jobs are everywhere.

  • Gonna need some more detail than that. But going off communication skills I'm betting the rest of the team are forming deeper relationships which you are excluded from purely because of a cultural divide.

    What exactly is the gossip you've heard about yourself?

    • -1

      Just the regular stuff. Nothing I haven't seen or heard before….

      Doubtle Tap on shoulder

      • +9

        Dude this means nothing. What is the regular stuff? Just say it already. Female coworkers think you're paying them too much attention? You smell? You're not pulling your weight?

        Your reluctance to answer makes me thinks it's something along the lines of the first one.

      • Is there a reason you can't give specific examples?

  • +7

    expected a great read based on title. blank pages inside this book though
    giving us absolutely nothing to work with

  • +1

    What's your role there? Are they on the same level?
    Being new to an existing team is not always easy. To them, you're an outsider and it's normal for them to suss you out in the same way you're probably sussing them out. If they like you, they'll eventually include you in their group. If not, then you're always going an outsider. It doesn't necessarily mean they're targetting you though.

  • +1

    What should I do?

    Quit. Go to clown college and start a career as an travelling entertainment professional.

  • How long until your contract ends?

    • +1

      So I worked in business for a while

      It ended some time ago

      • Problem solved.

        • You would think so however looks like OP hasn't moved on

  • +1

    Start keeping a diary on interactions. Time, date, who was there and what was said. Be factual and not emotional with your interaction reports.

    Remain neutral in any interaction, like you are a bystander just taking notes. Don’t engage anyone in any negative dialogue. Let it slide like water off a ducks back and then write it in your journal.

    Then, when that meeting finally comes about, slam the book on the table and say, “yes, let’s talk about this team… I have a few things I would also like to cover…”

    Remember, HR is there to protect your employer. They work for your employer… not for you. You need to make them think that you are going to take legal action or be a threat to the company before they will even take you seriously. Don’t ask HR for help, they are not there to help you.

  • Agree. Document everything. Even if they say you spend too much time in the loo.
    You'd be surprised how many people don't make it past the probationary period.
    They find ways to rid of people they don't like.

    • -1

      Document everything.
      They find ways to rid of people they don't like.

      So 'documenting everything' isn't going to work. They'll find another way to get rid of him if they wanted to.

      I think documenting everything during probation could make things worse - it makes that person come across as a liability even more.

  • You need that parent who wants to complain to the Minister of Education because it is alleged some teacher yelled at their child during school.

  • I would ask why is this happening? Especially being targeted by the entire "team'? Perhaps the issue isn't in them?

  • Question is who did you hear this from that your being targeted.

    Quite often some workers like to stir other workers in my work place there is 1 in particular who does this out of a team of 12. We ended up having to have words with him when we found out he had wound up a casual. It was just malicious just be aware that some people find amusement from others discomfort. Having a joke at work can be fine the problem is some cant read the situation and either take it too far or offend outright.

    You may be getting targeted but its more likely one or two co-workers are just assh@&=s.

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