Hi. I have stumbled upon this site after needing a moneysaving/hot deal fix. Not long arrived from the U.K and in dire need of those bargins. So thanks for the tips and deals so far. Hope to find some myself to share.
Hello - new here !!

Lshopshopshop on 23/07/2012 - 09:48
Cheers for that. I did look at the starthere one the other week but as I have not quite got into the swing of internet shopping here - or rather not been finding the best places for bargins I have not signed up as yet. I find myself still ordering from u.k - perhaps that will change? when I know the sites to look at - iygwim.
We all buy from the UK too lol.
Welcome to OzBargain!
I think we are similar to HotUKDeals and MoneySavingExpert in UK. For cashbacks you might wish to consider either Buckscoop.com.au or StartHere.com.au, which work similarly to Quidco in UK.