This was posted 12 years 7 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

R.U.S.E. [Steam Activated] ($7.49 USD) - [85% off Steam price]


Currently $33.49 USD on Steam @ 33% off! Metacritic: 76/100

RUSE feels like a boardgame, but it's also taking place in real-time, in a way that could only really work on an electronic game system. Boardgames, by their nature, tend to have trouble not being turn-based, and so the experience of RUSE is an unusual one. It is about deception, observation and, well, clever ruses.

The central conceit of the game is that you can employ intelligence and counter-intelligence powers to fool and fox your enemy, just as you might in some militaristic card game. Of course, the real decision about who wins will still come down to firepower: this is the Second World War, with all the planes, tanks, artillery and men with guns that such a setting implies. RUSE is an unusual hybrid.

RUSE has a really broad palette of strategy on offer. The very slow pace of the game - infantry takes so long to move into position that they need to head off in the wobbly………

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  • This is $5 at DSE if you can find copies. Been that price since the sale 2 months ago

    • Actually, this is the lowest price yet compared to records on SteamGameSales. And, I can't find RUSE on DSE site.

      Looking through the past OzBargain deals, the cheapest RUSE I have come across is $8.99

      If you can post the link to the $5 deal and ensure that it is still available, I will gladly request the mods to delete this post.

      • live your life buy whichever one you want to buy regardless of the 3.99 price difference

  • +2

    I got this for free with the Ubisoft free games thingy a while ago, came with a steam key too.

    • I didn't think games from Ubisoft were unlock-able on steam as they keys were not compatible - at least the games I got from the Ubisoft 'free' thingy didn't work.

      • I think R.U.S.E. was the only game that was Steam activatable.

      • Both Bloody Good Time and Ruse could be activated on Steam.

        • could either of you comment on the game as I don't have it yet either

  • Grabbed a hard copy from DSE for $5 - still waiting to be unwrapped.

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