The price of Weet Bix has gone up, you only have to look here, it's also been quite a while since it's been half price so please do enjoy!
Aussie kids, are Weet Bix kids.
The price of Weet Bix has gone up, you only have to look here, it's also been quite a while since it's been half price so please do enjoy!
Aussie kids, are Weet Bix kids.
Like myself? Yeah I do and am totally proud to.
Hmm… on second thoughts, perhaps one shouldn’t be in too much of a hurry to grow up. You have my blessing to remain a HamBoi until you’re ready for the big time
I think you swallowed the advertising whole .
Good with a little hot water , milk n honey for a warm breaky in winter.
Admittedly I haven't eaten for many years as there's much more variety in breakfast cereals these days , but growing up , a little butter and peanut butter on top make for an improvised snack if there was nothing else in the cupboard.
Admittedly I haven't eaten for many years
I see you successfully made the transition to adulthood. Congrats!
@tharlow: Maybe you should try transitioning to an adult yourself
This is a staple , cheap and healthy food for a lot of low income households.
How about some positive alternatives suggestions ?
But Instead
Somehow you think your funny but it's just going down like dry Weet-Bix.
Don't give up your day/dole job .
5/5 health star rating
When compared to other similar sugar-loaded cereals as the manufacturers wanted…
1.7 g per 2 biscuits. Less than 1/2 teaspoon.
66% carbs
Yes wheat is mostly carbs. It enabled humanity to have high calorie food that stored well and easy to produce/grow. Enabling civilization.
Okay, so what do "adults" eat for breakfast?
bacon & eggs.
Coco Pops
I heard some people eat these with water or just on their own
Yeah I eat them on their own. I can’t stand these or any cereal with milk it’s too much of an odd texture for me to stomach
i eat mine with fruit and almond milk.
Aussie kids, are Weet Bix kids.
And… Kiwi kids, are Weet Box kids
weet bux
weet bux keds…
Not a bad deal, though not as good as half price Vita Brits 1kg, which I'm hoping for next month, based on the specials over the past 2 years.
I prefer vitabrits but eat weetbix because it's supplemented with iron
but eat weetbix because it's supplemented with iron
It also helps fund Seventh-day Adventist Church.
How many boxes of these do I need to build a small house, and whats best to use as glue and prefer something that won't melt in the rain?
Apparently concerns have been raised about the structural integrity of Weet-Bix, especially when they get wet.
" Weet-Bix, especially when they get wet"
Are you really the only person who hasn't let some dry in the bowl and needed a sandblaster…
Thanks OP, just in time!
I love my Weetbix with honey.
What kind of honey?
Pure honey from a beekeeper in Great Western
You've done it all your life?
Yep, around 60 years
Weetbix with frozen fruits and a dash of Beechworth honey plus Vitasoy soy milk. Easy, fast, fulfilling, balanced breakfast
"it's also been quite a while since it's been half price"
Woolies had it last week
Kids don’t remember yesterday, let alone last week
Aldi Bix are a good substitute, also less added sugar.
So Vitabrits then…
bet 99% of people who eat these add sugar in some form anyway (fruit/honey/milk/yoghurt) so why does that matter?
only eat weetbix with milk no sugar
I looked at 3x brands and placed their boxes side-by-side in Woolworths,
ie. Weetbix, Wheat Biscuits, Vita Brits,
to compare their salt and sugar content, and they all vary.
It's not so clear-cut, as to which is better,
but I tend to buy the in-house brands (eg. Home Brand 'Wheat Biscuits' or Aldi's 'Bix'),
because they seem to be the "healthiest".
Weetbix has iron supplemented which is why I choose it
This was ½ price two weeks ago at Woolworths.
Kids eat like there is no tomorrow
That sweetness requires water standby nearby.
½ Price Weet-Bix 575g $2.10
and support the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Not really… it’s half-price. So it’s more like stealing from God