I am due to return to work after having a baby. I have requested to work part-time and have more WFH option. My boss informed me that the nature of my work (Project Management) is not suitable for part time. Feeling disappointed, I suggested reduced hours for Mon - Fri. He said he could accommodate that, but will put me under contract (which means I will pay my own super, no work cover etc.) I felt gutted when he said that because at that moment, it seemed like I have just been made a contractor and is no longer 'part of the company'. He assured me that nothing changed, but I am not too sure. He even mentioned that he will put in a clause to give 4 weeks notice if I were to leave under this contract arrangement. To me, it means that I will no longer get a promotion, yearly increment, work cover, etc. I really do not want to be a contractor. But I feel that I do not have a choice. Finding another job as part timer will be even harder.
Edit: Also, I do attend site, client meetings etc. No work cover seems very risky! Do I need to purchase my own insurance?
Honestly, I don't know what I'm asking. Just feeling disappointed and unsupported in my transition back to work. I have a toddler and a baby under 1. Part time arrangement (I.e 3 days per week or max 4 days) will be best.
Perhaps it is time for a change of career? Any advice?
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