This was posted 12 years 7 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Audible: Free Audiobook "FREE: The Future of a Radical Price" by Chris Anderson


Here's a free audiobook on Audible. Unfortunately it looks like you need a US account (see below).

FREE: The Future of a Radical Price
by Chris Anderson
Narrated by Chris Anderson

LENGTH 7 hrs and 2 mins

Overall 4/5 stars (1505)
Performance 4/5 stars (358)
Story 4/5 stars (350)

Update: While you're there, here is another free book, as mentioned in this post.

The Two
by Will Carver
Narrated by Richard Aspel, Nicki Paull

LENGTH 11 hrs and 8 mins

Overall 2.5/5 stars(4)
Performance 2.5/5 stars (4)
Story 2.5/5 stars (4)


The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
by L. Frank Baum
Narrated by Anne Hathaway

LENGTH 3 hrs and 49 mins

Overall 2.5/5 stars (1)
Performance (unrated) (0)
Story (unrated) (0)

(thanks to melmac77 for the above two)

Re: Requiring a US account:
Audible, like it's owner Amazon, only require a US billing address to be classified as a US-customer. You can still have a US address and use an Australian credit card to buy (that's what I do). No VPN or proxy server needed.

So if you happen to be say, staying at a US hotel and use its' address as yours, that would work. BTW did you know that Oregon doesn't have any sales tax?

Currently have an Australian Audible account?
You can change your address to a US one and still keep all the books you've purchased on your Australian account. You can also change it back to an Australian address at any time and keep any US-only books you've purchased (or got for free).

How to change your Audible address (step by step).
Log onto your account.
Go to "Account Details" page.
Click "Manage payment information"
Click "Edit Card Details"
Make sure you have your real information under "Card Information".
Under "Billing Information" put the real US address of the place you're staying at in the US, or your real Australian address when you "return home".
Click "Save changes"

Don't have an Audible account?
And if you don't have an Audible account currently, you might want to give my earlier post a visit to get 2 audiobooks free (any from the 10,000 on audible) or 3 from a selected list for free.

Related Stores

Audible US
Audible US

closed Comments

  • Boo

    I cannot purchase coz I live in Australia.

    Didn't know Audible was racist

    • I've updated the post. You might find what you're looking for there.

    • -1

      No shortage of races in Oz.
      Which particular one did you have in mind?

  • So how do I change my AU to a US one. I should already have a US address on my Amazon account (so I can get US Kindle books) and my Audible account is linked to my Amazon account.

    Am I missing something?

    • Reading a little more, I see that (unlike Amazon which requires a US SHIPPING address) Audible requires a US BILLING address.

      Do I need to use one of my Aussie credit cards with a US address or can I just use a fake card number and bill to my Aussie card (also on file at Audible)?

      • I've added a US Billing address to my account and used one of my other credit cards.

        It still says:

        We're sorry. Due to publishing rights restrictions, we are not authorized to sell this item in the country where you live.

        Looks like I need to remove my Aussie cards too.

  • PS - I have tried changing my billing address to a US one, but Amazon says no to my request to buy this free book because my credit card is "Based on the billing country of your credit card, we will be required to remove one or more books from your shopping cart, because of publishing rights restrictions. These legal restrictions prevent us from selling the following title(s) in the country where you live:"

    Still a good deal though

  • We're sorry. Due to [RUTHLESS CORPORATE MONOPOLIES], we are not authorized to sell this item in the country where you live.

    My Amazon "1-Click Default" address is a US address; although I do have my home address in there as well.

  • How to change your Audible address (step by step).

    Log onto your account.
    Go to "Account Details" page.
    Click "Manage payment information"
    Click "Edit Card Details"
    Make sure you have your real information under "Card Information".
    Under "Billing Information" put the real US address of the place you're staying at in the US, or your real Australian address when you "return home".
    Click "Save changes"

    • In the end, I didn't have to delete my Aussie details. I just set my USA credit card as my default. Now I've got both books for free. Cheers

  • Meh .. nothing that a quick google could not solve .. sans country-hopping.
    regarding 'Radical Price. it's a 285MB DL. Thank you OP.

  • +2

    A new Free book on Audible is The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum Narrated by Anne Hathaway I know this is free on US accounts(mine) but I'm not sure if it is free for Aussie Accounts

    • Thanks. I've added it to the OP.

    • Thanks so much. Loving free Audiobooks.

  • +1

    Not free, but pretty cheap (US$3.99) for some classic science fiction:

    When Worlds Collide
    by Philip Wylie , Edwin Balmer
    Narrated by Peter Ganim

    LENGTH 10 hrs and 1 min

    Overall 4/5 stars (169)
    Performance 4/5 stars (149)
    Story 4/5 stars (145)

  • If you have a US Books on Board account they currently have Map of Bones by James Rollins for free. Books on Board Audiobooks are MP3s using the Overdrive Media Console. I created an account simply with my email address and US hotel address no payment details no VPN and was able to get the book :)

    • +1


      If we're adding non-audible audiobooks, check out: - from the site:

      The term podiobook was coined by Evo Terra to describe serialized audiobooks which are distributed via RSS, much like a podcast. Listeners to can choose to receive the episodes of their books via an RSS feed or by listening to episodes by directly downloading episodes from this site. Some listeners keep the audio files on their computers, some transfer the book to CD, but most transfer the file on to their MP3 player so they can listen no matter where they are.

      Why are authors making these versions available for free? Many authors do this to get exposure for their work, others do it in the hopes you'll buy a physical copy of their current or perhaps next work in development. Still others simply do it for the sheer joy of writing. And while it's not required, you have the option to donate money to the author of your choice. When you consider that audio books run usually twice as much as their hardcover counterparts… we hope you'll be generous. Authors receive 75% of all the proceeds from the donations from listeners. The smaller portion goes to the maintenance and upkeep of

      You basically create a (free) account, select the audiobooks you want, and they are sent in a podcast-like manner, one chapter at a time, over several days (or weeks or months if the book you select is "in production"). I use iTunes to auto-download each chapter. The books appear in iTunes just like a podcast.

      Quality varies by title, and they run on a "donation" basis, so keep your expectations low and you might be pleasantly surprised.

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