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[eBook] The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson $4.99 @ Amazon AU

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Kindle Daily Deal - Normally $14/$17

'An in-your-face guide to living with integrity and finding happiness in sometimes-painful places.' Kirkus

'Hilarious, vulgar, and immensely thought-provoking. Only read if you're willing to set aside all excuses and take an active role in living a fcking better life.'* Steve Kamb, bestselling author of Level Up Your Life and founder of nerdfitness


For decades, we've been told that positive thinking is the key to a happy, rich life. Drawing on academic research and the life experience that comes from breaking the rules, Mark Manson is ready to explode that myth. The key to a good life, according to Manson, is the understanding that 'sometimes shit is f*cked up and we have to live with it.'

Manson says that instead of trying to turn lemons into lemonade, we should learn to stomach lemons better, and stop distracting ourselves from life's inevitable disappointments chasing 'shit' like money, success and possessions. It's time to re-calibrate our values and what it means to be happy: there are only so many things we can give a f*ck about, he says, so we need to figure out which ones really matter.

From the writer whose blog draws two million readers a month and filled with entertaining stories and profane, ruthless humour, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck is a welcome antidote to the 'let's-all-feel-good' mindset that has infected modern society.

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closed Comments

  • +11

    A good portion of OzBargain need to learn this.

    • +3

      Yes I need to read someone else's opinion for what makes me happy for $5.

      • +13

        The fact that I was negged means that there are people who really do give too much of a fck about unimportant things.

        • +2

          I'd say your initial comment might have been 'giving much of a fck about unimportant things.'

          • @kuwahshi: -30 and I get a badge that doesn't matter.

        • +1

          there's been a big uptick of neg voters these past couple of years.

          • +4

            @Caped Baldy: Cancel culture is getting worse in younger generation and they don't realise they'll end up cancelling them selves-each other.

            • +3


              they'll end up cancelling them selves-each other.

              Cant wait for that to happen.

          • +5

            @Caped Baldy: Indeed. mckayver is pretty right about it, plus there's trigger words on OzBargain like Alienware monitors and Tesla.

            • +2

              @Clear: Try mentioning the bible.

              I got negged the other day when I rebutted someone's suggestion that a more expensive phone plan wasn't ideal for some people.

              • -3

                @Caped Baldy: Definitely don't use facts to question the climate change religion and Greta thunberg. Negged to Oblivion for that.

            • @Clear: There is trigger formatting too such as bold text.

    • +2

      It's ok everyone. Just found a summary of the book here

  • +18

    Not free? Then I couldn't give a fcuk
    about these deal ๐Ÿ˜‚

    • +2

      Library Genesis is your friend ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Booking title checks out, until it becomes free.

  • +4

    For anyone wondering if it's also on sale on the US store, it's not.

    For those wondering why people here would care about the US Kindle store, the AU store is much more limited in what titles it sells on Kindle, and Audible is even worse). And many of us started our Kindle libraries many years before Amazon came to Australia.

    • I'm on the US for digital. I have a couple of Australian titles too on both kindle and Audible. I think I have some UK and possibly German titles too on Audible. It's a mess.

  • +11

    The Secret Art of torrents and Calibre

  • +1

    why does it have to be subtle?

    • Yup should be blunt and no beating around the bush.

  • Walk into any op shop and you'll find a physical copy of this for a couple of bucks.

    • Because nobody cares about the book.

      • +2

        Or because it's wildly popular but doesn't require a second read?

  • +4

    I downloaded it for free. Just google the title with download at the end and Bob's your uncle ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  • +1

    Why is the book title giving (profanity) and censoring that word?

    • Apparently OZB has read the book

    • +1

      Edgy self-help marketing for edgy midlevel accountants and mumpreneurs.

  • You don't need to read this if you're Australian.

    • Why not?

      • +2

        Cuz we pretty much live by it.

        • +6

          our mental health/psychologist wait lists beg to differ

  • +7

    Worlds most overrated book

    • +5


      I also found it really cringe.

  • +3

    We need more caring people in this world.
    More mothers and less child carers.
    More families and less individualistic people.

  • +1

    Just wondering, can anyone explain why is Mark Manson an authority on this?

  • +3

    Hmm, just trying something. I'll be back later to see the results.

    • Loll

    • Yep interested in the results.

    • Subtle. I like it!

  • +2

    What better way to convince your self you don't care by buying and reading a book about it

  • +1

    I thought this was written by …. Morrison.

    • He swears by it

  • It's a 10 week wait for LA Public Library. Anyone else know of other US libraries with shorter wait time for borrowing ebooks to be read with Kindle?

  • +1

    In other words: "don't sweat the small stuff"?

    • +1

      Unfortunate far too many do.

  • +2

    For anyone still looking at this, you could try the free summary of the book on YouTube by the author himself. The title of the book is more of a "clickbait". He acknowledges you can't stop caring about everything, and shouldn't. One of the key points he makes is shifting caring to more important things rather than useless sh*t like OzBargain comments (if they can trigger you). If you struggle to do that, then one of the reasons why is you don't have many important things in your life to care about (which would be something to work on).

  • Good thing there is an audio book because I don't give a f&#k about reading the ebook

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