• expired

Vodafone Nokia C01 Plus 4G + $30 Prepaid Starter Pack for $29 @Woolworths


Low stock but managed to pick up last one at Gregory Hills. None at Narellan.
Nationwide and website does indicate stock but too unreliable.
The checkout girl said that the offer started from 25/1 and goes till 14/2.
Be prepared to get evil looks from the girls unless you do self check out which they don't allow with phones.
Happy hunting.
Optus 4g modem for $5 looked too bad to waste $5 (https://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/optus-alca…).
Could try price match at officeworks if stock found.
Online IMEI check says phone is unlocked.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Seems like a bit of a cruddy phone but that is still a bloody beaut bargain gotta say!

    • -1

      looks like great deal on surface, but 16GB 1GB RAM makes it almost not usable for most kind of daily use - I am not pushing S23u here, just saying this is very very low specs for 2023 (imho almost not usable) :)

      • is it 1 gig RAM or 2? The officeworks version had 2 when i looked at it, i dont know which one this is? I mean either way it's obv not good but as back-up phone or something not too bad?

        • +1

          Online says 2GB but i haven't checked yet

        • +2

          yes, my bad, vodafone website says 2gb :(

      • I wouldnt be looking it as a phone, rather as a mobile computer with display and battery. I find phones work much better if they don't have a sim in them lol

      • +2

        Remember this is running Android GO, slimmed down version to run smoother on lower speced devices.

  • Apparently it's also dual sim - https://youtu.be/vEFXM1hoCwQ

    • +3

      None, it is just single sim! Just brought it!

  • can't find stock everywhere……

    • +2

      I think its about searching nearby and then asking at the store as they have them hidden under the phone counters

  • +1

    Up voted only because it's Nokia…. Better than samsung low end range

  • +2

    2GB ram
    480 x 960 Screen
    Unisoc SC9863A (entry level SOC)
    No NFC
    $30 voda kit is probably worth $5 (based on previous sales, cheaper with cashback)
    Price about right

    • +3

      480 x 960 Screen


      • Micro usb
        Double yikes

      • +2

        I remember the HTC Velocity 4G had this res, it was quite a nice phone back in the day. I thought it looked fine back then, and my eyesight was much better

    • +1

      Where'd you get those specs? Official site says:

      Resolution: HD+ 720 X 1440

      For $29, there's little to complain about. Removable battery. Comes with a 3.5mm jack to pick up on that FM radio too, so you can save on streaming!

    • yeah a phone with out NFC this days is a phone that is useful since most people use there phone for google pay or apple pay and don't carry a wallet any more with cards having no NPC mean you don't have that functionality.

      • Use your smartwatch to pay paired with the phone? But yes i do enjoy the ability to tap my phone

        • if there spending 30 bucks on a phone I highly doubt they will go out and spend another 200 to 400 on a android smart watch…

  • +1

    Just curious, if the phone looked good enough to waste $29 but not the modem for $5, how bad did the modem look lol

    • Probably phone is useful for the backup but the modem locked to optus when i had telstra 4gx modem was a waste for me personally

  • +1

    Missed out on the previous Optus Samsung deal but this time I managed to grab 1. Had the evil look from the checkout person as she had trouble finding it. Great phone to use for Samsung trade in bonus!

  • +3

    Nokia used to make premium phones but now they're making bargain bin pre-paid mobile phones… sad.

    • +5

      Nokia used to make phones to suit demand but now they still do… Shocking


      'Nokia has been adapting to the needs of an ever-changing world for over 155 years'…

  • +3

    "Be prepared to get evil looks from the girls" why?

    • +3

      She thought i looked dodgy as…
      I think bunnings price errors of past has people overestimating muzeeb

    • +2

      some of them get grumpy when they get flooded with calls/enquiries from people after a phone they don't have stock of. most are happy to help out.

  • +2

    Not bad as GPS tracker
    Keep one in the car with Google maps location history enabled and see where it gets driven around next service

    • Has this phone got OK GPS performance?

      Some cheap phones don't.

  • hard to find stock

    • +1

      Yes i went to buy another and no stock

      Edit: cleared up Camden store

  • +3

    Note10+ screen cracked. Maybe this will get me through until the S23 ultra arrives.

  • -1

    Managed to get all 3 in stock from Wagga store.

  • +1

    This has android go. It usually requires less ram and storage.

    • +1

      Does it have snake like the nokias from the good old days?

  • $30 Vodafone Prepaid Starter Pack often discounted to $10 so you basically pay $19 for the phone, which assumes you need the Vodafone starter pack.

  • Is it locked to Vodafone?

    • +1

      it is for me at least

  • +1

    got one but its locked

  • +2

    if it's got vodafone/optus/telstra in front of the make/model of the phone, you can expect it being locked to said telco

  • How much does it cost to unlock the phone?

    • for my imei it said 25

      • How to do this, please?

        • +1

          Why did you get rid of the cheese?

          • +1

            @Royale with cheese: It's ozbargain… Discount galore.

            • +1

              @royale: 😅 i come with the cheap cheese 🧀

              On a side note, I think Vodafone has an option to pay for unlocking but not sure if that makes financial sense

        • online vodafone unlocking page , enter the imei and it will show it all

  • +1

    good to give the daughter for the bus when i ban her iphone

  • +3

    Any cheap way to unlock these…… is "Bagman" still active on OzBargain ?

    • +1

      Also want to know.

    • +1

      Bagman is out of the biz when I asked them a while back. I suspect the cheapest way for new Vodafone customers would be to activate the SIM and stick the phone in a drawer for 6 months. The Lebara "Standard Plan" is an unadvertised PAYG plan if you want something cheap for low usage.

      • Sorry for my ignorance; are you saying they become "unlocked" after 6 months?

        • +1

          the fee to unlock will be cheaper after 6 months

  • +1

    Yeah miss bagman !

    and whoever used to give discount recharges thru the play store Rebatr app [ for telstra]

    Edit :Ah misremembered was cash refunds using prepaid credit.

  • @Royale with cheese, the one which you got is unlocked by default? Is it only few of them sold are locked?

    • I actually haven't had a chance to open the box but i did an online imei search which said unlocked

      • Thank you!

  • I managed to grab one this morning I will check later if is locked and I will inform,tnx OP

    • Username is infectious.

      But appreciate your input if you can confirm kindly

  • I just checked its locked 🙄

  • If you miss out, ask about the TCL 305 4G. Balmain had one for $49. Unfortunately, I can't tell you the exact spec as the Vodafone archive page doesn't load from the Wayback machine. Comparable performance I would guess, bigger screen.

  • I suspect that the staff have been holding back some stock for themselves, which is fine, but as a result, the system stock level never being correct. Woolworths should improve their system to accurately reflect the stock levels on the website. It's frustrating to visit multiple stores and find nothing.

    • I think they are not often bothered to look thoroughly as i had to ask the girl to check all the red boxes and there it was, one last box of C01

      Try officeworks price beat? https://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/nokia-c01-…

      • How do office works price beat if there is no price showing in woolies site?

        • Google search will show price on the search list under the woolies link but will say out of stock in the search results. Then you could open the link in the browser and show stock (although inaccurate) online to argue a match. They could say its a vodafone bundle so be prepared

      • I visited 2 shops and both were searching for me, taking approximately 3-5 minutes each (may be not hard enough… though hard enough for me). I gave up as there was another customer waiting for assistance.

        I'm just disappointed the stock level isn't reflected accurately… (3 shops were supposed to have the item - checked from the girl's terminal, I had visited 2 and no luck.)

        anyway… good to you, enjoy.

        • Unfortunate 😪

        • As the old Yellow Pages ad used to say, "Let your fingers do the walking." If there is some effort/delay involved in getting to the shop, ring them first and get them to confirm stock and hold it for you. I only visited two shops with my mate who I suggested the phone to as a backup and he ignored my suggestion. The $29 price probably reflects a very low stock level. That was the case when the Realme C21 dropped to $29.

          Both the shops I visited appeared to do reasonably thorough searches of their cabinets with one taking quite a long time (somewhat oddly, that one changed to out of stock many hours later.) Of course they might still have missed one. One store scanned a bunch of other Vodafone phones in case something else appealed and honestly $49 for a TCL 305 4G also seemed reasonable though probably cheaper next week or so if stock levels drop further - if my theory about Woolies is correct.

          Don't be too sad if you miss out. All this phone really has going for it is the small size and removable battery - and you probably wouldn't replace the battery anyway. It's ok if it's just the bare basics you're after as its a pretty basic spec but you can probably get something better if you wait and are persistent.

          Yes, its annoying that the computer isn't correct but stock gets lost/stolen and there would be phones placed aside by staff awaiting collection (or hidden away for later purchase by themselves or confederates.)

  • +2


    Could I ask you kind people to check if your phones are unlocked? Inserting another SIM after all the updates available have been applied is the most reliable way as some phones reportedly lock when updated. However, I'd be interested in what the Vodafone unlocker has to say and you should probably check that before applying updates if the phone works out of the box on another carrier. I recall in the past that if the unlocker claims the phone is unlocked or can't find a code Vodafone were known to provide a freebie after some delay. I don't know if that is still true.

    P.S. It occurs to me that sometimes only some batches are locked so if there is any manufacture date on the phone box or a batch number please post that too.

  • anyone has used any of the following services?


    • +1

      I've only ever used Bagman and eBay. You might check any previous locked Nokia deals to check for recommendations. The Nokia C1 is a different model BTW. Historically, Nokia have been difficult to unlock but my knowledge is pre-HMD. What price was the Vodafone unlocking page giving you? You might try talking to a Vodafone CSR and see if you can convince them into giving you a free or discounted unlock for some extenuating circumstance. Personally, I've avoid buying locked Vodafone phone unless I know in advance that there's a cheap unlock available. Unlocks seem more expensive than they used to be several years ago for all phones.

      • $50 before 6 months
        $25 after 6 months.

    • +1

      I ordered for me from eBay for 30$ I'm waiting the code right now when I received it from the seller I will let you know if everything is ok and you can ordered if you want it

    • Looking at some old posts I came across someone having successfully used simunlock.com. Searching OzBargain I then found someone with a bad experience. I don't know how much trust to place in the review site but again reviews are mixed. The price of the slow unlock isn't too bad. Perhaps there are sites with better scores and more reviews? Yes, some can be found here though not all of these supply carrier unlock codes and the couple I checked were more expensive than simunlock and FWIW not up to date on what networks exist here. Select another country for further choices, a country with cheaper labour might offer cheaper unlocks.

  • Small update about unlock,the seller from eBay refund the money because probably he can't provide the NCK code, then I give a try to www.unlocklocks.com same story refund🙄

    • +1

      Thanks for the update. Tough breaks. At least the sellers did the right thing. Best of luck in your ongoing efforts. Can you live with using a Vodafone MVNO or keeping the phone offline for six months?

      • Or kogan

        • Would I be an asshat to point out that Kogan is a Vodafone MVNO? Yes, an el-cheapo offer from Kogan can be good. Lebara has a good PAYG plan called the standard plan that they don't advertise. $10/year with casual data at 2¢/MB. Data add-ons are reasonably priced too.

          • @Stingo: Although kogan is becoming much more painful. They said the free first month didn't apply to me as i was with kogan last year. Then adding the payment method as a mandatory requirement

  • Probably I will keep the phone offline for 6 months and then I will unlock via Vodafone.

    • +1

      Make sure you activate the included SIM to establish the start of your history with Vodafone. If you've got nothing better to do you might give Vodafone customer service a call and try for a free unlock on the grounds that you will be (temporarily) working/staying somewhere where their service is non-existent (and planning to go on a post-paid plan thereafter?) If they push back I'd ask for a refund on the phone as Woolies won't give you one. Be creative/difficult but polite/sympathetic. I've no idea whether it will work but I doubt unlocks cost them anything directly and keeping you an ongoing happy customer is more in their interests than charging you for an unlock. Of course, I'm sure they've had many people trying to scam them for a free unlock before but methinks its worth a try depending on how you value your time of course.

    • unlocking now, all done online.
      Hence, calling them or visiting store would not help, IMHO. They will direct you to this website:


      After 6 months, I believe it still costs $25 to unlock. Not free.

      • Yes, I'm sure people get directed to the web site but in the past when that system has failed to provide a code they have e-mailed people unlock codes free of charge after a delay. They would have ways providing free unlocks but its up to them as to who qualifies.

  • $19 at Coles but very limited stock

    • Do you know how can we check stock level ?

  • Unsure sorry, try calling?

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