Late last year through one of the ebay promotions, I was able to take advantege and purchase a motherboard for a 22% off discount from an Australian seller through ebay. I received the motherboard without issue. I had also purchased the CPU and RAM from the same seller direct rather than through ebay.
Unfortunately there was a defect somewhere between the parts within the first couple of weeks. At the time it was not possible for me to identify which component was faulty.
As most components were purchased direct, I contacted the company directly and organised a return for which they were amenable. Despite the testing taking an extrordinary amount of time, a fault with the motherboard was identified.
The seller is now attempting to provide a refund for the ebay purchase while I've made my choice clear for a replacement. I intentionally purchased all components from the same company as it usually simplifies any warranty matters as demonstrated by the problem I experienced.
Ordinarily I may accept a refund, except in this case the refund would be for the purchase price (including the 22% off), leaving me out of pocket to purchase a replacement.
The conversation appears to be going south, and the seller appears intent on doing what I consider a breach of consumer law.
Aside from making a complaint via the ACCC, is there any service or body which could mediate or be involved in this case? Would the civil and administrative tribunal be suitable to involve? I do not accept being out of pocket in order to have a replacement motherboard.
They're entitled to do this and have no obligation to acquire or set aside replacement stock for you.
Tough luck. You win some, you lose some. Sorry.