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[VIC, NSW, ACT] Chicken Drumsticks $2.50/kg @ Woolworths


RSPCA approved chicken Drumsticks are on sale this week at woolworths. This is the cheapest it's been in a long time.

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  • +11


    Edit: not this price in SA šŸ˜¢

  • +1

    Are you sure it's not State specific? I checked the WW catalogue that starts on Wednesday and it says $4 per Kg https://ibb.co/R0WmQTw

    • $2.50/kg on NSW catalogue, not sure about other states.

    • Looks like Vic and NSW only

  • +2

    Great I got a $90 spend a week challenge, this should cover it.

    • +9


      • +8

        Your maths is excellent. 3.6 tonnes

        • +8

          LOL. To be fair though "Sunny bought 36kg of chicken" still sounds like a maths textbook problem

        • +3

          your maths is even stronger . 36 tonnes

      • Yes this might cost $1,000.

  • +7

    ewww… chicken flavoured ice-cream! No thanks

    • Yeh, I prefer chicken cornettosā€¦šŸ˜…

  • +18

    no wonder there's a shortage of eggs - no legs

    • +3

      They don't need those!

      • +4

        Looks like chicken's back on the menu boys

    • True, can't have egs without legs

  • Not in tas

  • I would suggest improving the title to either:
    - Chicken Drumsticks $2.50/kg @ Woolworths (NSW & VIC only)
    - Chicken Drumsticks $2.50/kg @ Woolworths (VIC & NSW only)

  • +2

    Prob because aint nobody buying drumsticks at $5 a kg, normal price before the hikes was $3.50 a kg

  • +3

    Lollipop chicken time!

    • +1

      Worth the prep time, my kid loves this preparation

    • I thought you made lollipops with the wings and not the drums?

  • +3

    Best Southern fried chicken/Korean fried chicken recipes that don't involve an air fryer……go!!!

    • -1

      Do your most racist impression. Add baking powder to chicken and put the chicken in an oil fryer.

      • I get the premade Southern Style fried chicken from Aldi. Toast some Aldi waffles and then I drench both the chicken and waffles in Aldi Canadian syrup. Very rich but extremely tasty.

    • +1

      don't involve an air fryer

      Not long ago I would have expected to see "doesn't involve deep frying".
      Is this the future?

  • Why do the other states miss out?

    • +1

      Perhaps oversupply of chickens in SE states only?
      It takes around 16 weeks to grow a chicken.
      16 weeks ago in early October, there was severe flooding in VIC and NSW.
      Maybe every farm started growing chicken at the same time in the area in early/mid Oct?

      • i think broilers take far less than half or a quarter of 16 weeks.

    • +2

      More chickens on Tinder in VIC and NSW.

  • Damn, no QLD

  • Depending on specials butchers sell them as low as $1/kg,

  • This is probably karma as QLD had like a good 5 years+ of $9.95 / $10.95 of cheap Tuesdays at KFC

  • I'm a thigh man myself, so not really thst excited 'bout this deal. Maybe next time.

  • +1

    Aldi have cheap bags of drumsticks as well.
    There's a fair bit of meat on drumsticks sometimes I cut the meat off em with a boning knife and it makes great stir fries as a substitute for chicken thigh

    • +3

      I have tried Aldi chicken several times and it always smells off even through nowhere near use by date. The meat has been ok.

    • +1

      It's $4 per kg, so this is a very good deal!
      I just bought the 2kg bag last night, $7.99 or something close I recall.

  • Please do not abuse the deli workers.

    • +1

      Iā€™m not a piece of shit scumbag, why would I abuse the deli workers? Oh, you mean OzBargainers in general because so many on here are shitty scumbagsā€¦

      • Humans in general.

  • +1

    Awesome! My 16yo son AKA the bottomless pit, loves drumsticks, and this allows me to offset the cost of his favourite-skin on salmon! (Actually it's steak, but who can afford that?)

    • Get that young man a grillin'. Charcoal chicken is tasty, a third or less than the cost of steak and if he gets into it you can let him go and enjoy the fruits of his labour.

      Google "Roadside Chicken VWBB" or "Peri Peri Overclockers" for two my teens make and eat.

  • Just a tip for those that think to buy in bulk a freeze.

    Chicken drumsticks that have been frozen, thawed and then over baked, leak some weird stuff from the bones and not very appealing. Just my experience, but an FYI.

    p.s. I oven roast them (high heat to crisp up then moderate) with a spice mix and then drown them in franks buffalo sauce. Think buffalo wings, but with more meat to bone ratio.

    • I have a Ninja 15 in 1. I steam/airfry them with salt, pepper and paprika, or Moroccan seasoning. 25 mins straight from the freezer!

  • I made a few stops at 5 different Woolworth's across a 30 mins drive today, Melb E/SE.
    Only 1 store is in stock. bought 15kg. Thanks.

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