I thought insurance companies would give a similar model and brand as hire car if you're not at fault
How does it work or is it dependant on the insurance company
BMW 320i being fixed
But received Kia SUV
I thought insurance companies would give a similar model and brand as hire car if you're not at fault
How does it work or is it dependant on the insurance company
BMW 320i being fixed
But received Kia SUV
Similar so far as the seating arrangement goes. E.g if you have a 7 seat people mover, expect to get a 7 seat people mover. If you have a sedan, I’d say they’re just going to apply logic that the car is the same number of seats and a similar size.
Similar brand? I don’t think so.
Not any 320i rental cars.
Rental companies are not that stupid.
Hertz has Audi Q5.I have one in April for 12 days.
That's part of the prestige range at Hertz. We are talking about a 320i.
It is, but just saying they have Euro vehicles.
@Muzeeb I see what you did there
Very good
Hertz has Audi Q5.I have one in April for 12 days.
You may have one…. See the words 'or similar' on the booking.
Did you not read the other posts? I was saying that they have Euro’s, not that he is going to get an Audi.Big difference. You have completely read the post wrong.I never said once that he would receive one, because he won’t.It is in a completely different category(all by it self.)
@Hackney: "Not any 320i rental cars."
"Hertz has Audi Q5"
Very certain it's not Muzeeb or JimmyF that need to work on their reading skills.
@Typical16-bitEnjoyer: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
You have completely read the post wrong.I never said once that he would receive one
LOL, Not at all, maybe you should go back and read what was said. I said nothing about the OP, it was about your booking.
You claimed you have an Audi Q5 booked in April for 12 days. I said you MAY get an Audi Q5 or as those little words next to the booking class say "or similar'.
Come back and let us know what you really got.
@JimmyF: Audi(guarantee, not ‘MAY’ but will.) it is the only car in that class.I have rented in that class before & have always received what I specified. I have rented many vehicles(specifically from Hertz).With a insurance company I have usually ended up with a Corolla(Hybrid once).
Audi(guarantee, not ‘MAY’ but will.) it is the only car in that class
Looking at Hertz rentals you have hired a 'Prestige Intermediate SUV' aka V5 class vehicle and yes this is a odd ball one that doesn't have those famous words tacked on to it. But if you cast your eyes around, most of them have the words 'or similar' which was my point, just because you booked something pretty in the picture, doesn't mean you get it.
@JimmyF: Do you not get it? You arguing for the sake of arguing.How clear can one be to understand what I have said in regarding it? Obviously you seem a bit thick.It is not ‘oddball’.As I keep saying I will get it.(fact).Give up while you can.Your not going to get anywhere on this one.You can keep arguing until the cows come home.
It is not ‘oddball’.As I keep saying I will get it
and that is what makes your rental an 'odd ball' rental, as if you look at all the other classes of vehicles from all the many different rental companies around, they have those famous words at the end that says…….. or similar.
@JimmyF: That particular vehicle is the ONLY one in that class.(I have actually spoken to Hertz about the guaranteed rental) they confirmed it.The only way you would not get it if one was taken off the road in an accident or something similar(which is highly unlikely).There are four in my area.I pre booked the vehicle in early December.So, you believe what you want to, I really do not care what you think you know.I am not going to argue with you anymore about it.Debate ends here.Thank you for your interest.
That particular vehicle is the ONLY one in that class
and as I've said already, that would make your rental an 'odd ball' in the rental world as 99% of rentals are 'or similar'.
I really do not care what you think you know.I am not going to argue with you anymore about it.Debate ends here.Thank you for your interest.
LOL, I'm totally ok for you to pack up your toys and go home in your rental Audi Q5 (or similar).
@Hackney: "i hAvE ReNtEd mAnY MaNy mAnY VeHiClEs bEfOrE I Am vErY VeRy vErY ImPoRtAnT AnD WaNt tO TaLk mOrE AbOuT My cAr rEnTaL HiStOrY Of lUxUrY VeHiClEs oN A BaRgAiN WeBsItE In sUpPoRt oF My iMpOrTaNcE"
@Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Have you thought about consulting your physiatrist? Think you mIGhT need OnE.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Hackney: Are you trying to spell physiotherapist?
I had same issue and CMT company replaced a MB gle 300d.
Kia is better tbh.
You get what is the cheapest for the insurance company, you will not get like for like.Usually a Corolla OR a Cerato(in the case of Hertz.)
Last not at fault claim my insurer offered a small hyundai/kia (insured car was a ranger). When questioned, they stated that there is a fixed rate per day that was covered "up to". Was able to get a Kluger by changing hire locations which resulted in a cheaper rate. Call and see what your options are, there's usually more than one.
I can’t see any issue unless you are provided a car that is smaller than your current vehicle. Ok, so it sucks you don’t get a BMW and have to slum it in a Kia, but get over yourself. If it fits in the driveway, carrys the same number of people and enough groceries for you it’s perfectly acceptable as a temporary replacement.
If you were a tradie with a ute full of tools and got a Yaris or a family of 6 and got a 5 seater you could complain.
Exactly, as long it gets you from A-B who cares!
BuT iT's NoT a BmW
Imagine what Tiffany, Bella and Melody are going to think this week when taking the kids to school and Mrs Horny Ghost turns up to the school drop off in a Kia.
@pegaxs: And not even an EV Kia. Their private Facebook chat group will be going nuts.
@pegaxs: Especially @ that ‘private school’ on the ‘upper’ North shore or Eastern suburbs! The ‘gossip’! ‘They’ turned up in a Kia!Kids will be given a really hard time! The shame of it!
@pegaxs: Think I've seen that vid on the Hub
Based on your insurance policy, rental company gives you similar size car, i.e. if its BMW 320i , Toyota Camry not Kia Rio. So consider your self upgraded to SUV, its a good car, enjoy.
You get what get and you don't get upset!
at least u get to try out the indicators!
have a go when turning right. do it slow though, once per drive.
you will get your mind blown
Hey hey leave OP alone, OP only got a 320i.
Comment of the thread. No offence OP!
Sounds like you got an upgrade… congrats. Don’t tell them though, they may take it back and give you a BMW to drive.
That Kia is less likely to have an electrical gremlin with its gearbox; you were upgraded
I guess they would match the car but you would have to check the PDS.
What normally happens there is an allowance per day which is usually a small car. Sometimes you can upgrade and pay the difference.
However some people have gone after the at fault party and claimed a matching replacement. These are their stories
And of course the obligatory question… What does the Hire company say?
I thought insurance companies would give a similar model and brand as hire car if you're not at fault
BMW 320i being fixed
But received Kia SUV
You get similar in size/seats, not brand.
A Kia SUV while not being a BWM, is similar or bigger in size, plus comes with working blinkers.
so are you complaining you got a better car than your own,
If your car was 15 years old, would you expect the insurance company to find you a 15 year old hire car?
…. Such a first world problem… Sounds like an issue that should be put on TikTok or whatever the latest self-satisfying/gratification/pity social platform it is these days.
How long are you expecting to have a hire car for?
Are you worried that any dates you have in the next week or two might get a different impression?
They gave you an upgrade?
Completely agree with OP here.
I was livid when some bozo rear ended my Ferrari SF90 Stradale and I was given a Hyundai Veloster by my insurer.
I get it. Ones has 2 doors and the other has 3.
They're just lucky it wasn't an Alfa Romeo or I would have been straight on the phone to the Ombudsman, A Current Affair and Sky News
A Current Affair
With Tracy gone and Ally in I'm not sure if we can use this reference anymore.
Really? So if you have a particular car you get that car as a hire car from youer insurers? Where did that random thought come from? Just give up crusin for botoxed slappers until your car comes back.. you will survive.
Just give up crusin for botoxed slappers
Why am I still laughing at this? Gold.
I agree with Gooner on this one. usually the girls you are trying to impress with a BWM are also the same girls that come with a "per hour" fee.
What? If you're paying per hour, why would they care if you rock up in a shTbox? 😬
here I am thinking insurance companies would give you a helicopter if you had a high yield investment vehicle….
Heaven forbid someone rear ends my Cessna Mustang and insurance hands me a gyrocopter for the fortnight.
Get the optional rear facing sidewinder missiles and people won't drive so close to your aircraft.
The High Court ruled on this recently. Person was not at fault with a prestige car. They went ahead and hired one on their own accord. The at fault insurance company refused to reimburse because a Toyota Corolla would have done the job.
In the end, the insurance company was forced to payout because it was reasonable to for the not-at-fault driver to have hired a car that was more expensive than a basic car and was "broadly equivalent" to the one damaged.
If it is doing what it needs to do then don't be a dick about it. We all pay for it.
If you have a $150k prestige car and it's off the road for 3 months waiting for parts.. I'd be pretty pissed given a Corolla. That 3 months you're probably looking at $5k of depreciation which you are paying for and not getting any use
For sure. But a BMW 320i to a Kia SUV doesn't seem to be out of the realm of reasonableness.
Depends on which KIA SUV. Bottom end $24k KIA Stonic to replace a new $80k BMW 320i… not reasonable
As long as it gets from A-B who really cares.At least he has wheels.
Unless the prestige car is used for entertainment or income generating purposes or something, it's probably not a bad thing to try a different car sometimes. It might remind someone of why they bought a nicer car in the first place and appreciate it more.
More you cry about these kind of events, there is higher chance insurance going to increased the premium on luxury vehicals.
When its comes to insurance, house always wins :)
Well.. increase insurance for all cars really… as this is only for not-at-fault, in fact probably more so for cheap cars as they don't have the collision avoidance systems of prestige cars.
If you're at fault, the insurance company can specify anything they want in terms on what hire car is available. They can charge more fore like-for-like hire car, or budget insurance can specify a basic car only in the hire car option.
More and more incurrence companies going to add terms as follows, "we will arrange and pay the reasonable cost of a hire car that meets your transport needs" , this is from AAMI. I have seen some has a set amount, max $80/day.
Hiring a 320i wouldn't be cheap, compare to standard Camery, plus there aren't many of them hold by car hire companies.
If people like OP driving a Ferrari, they should at least have a Lamborghini electric scooter as second backup vehicle. ;)
@boomramada: The insurance companies use the cheapest option possible.Hertz have loads of Corolla’s & Cerato’s. These are the ones that are given out 99.9% of the time.I have never had anything else but a Corolla, it is the mainstay of their fleet. No insurance company is going to give you are more expensive rental car.
The at-fault people who don't have insurance are going to cop it big time.
If crashing into a lambo and having to fork out for the repairs itself isn't going to be bad enough, imagine having to pay the car hire for a few weeks or months while waiting for the parts to be shipped from Italy. A lambo costs $2000-$3000 per day to hire from here. I guess they could get a "cheaper" rate for a longer term hire!
I think I'd be filing for bankruptcy! lol
I had a colleague's kid ended up at fault for an accident. The other party had their Volvo XC90 damaged; and independently sourced a replacement Porsche Cayenne rental. Lawyer sought damages from kid.
Due to insurance, kids passed bucket to insurance company. The lawyer was well extensively well known these tactics and was promptly knocked back and dismissed on "we will arrange and pay the reasonable cost of a hire car that meets your transport needs" clause.
But hey, there's no harm in trying. Worse case they'll just knock you back with a 'No.'
Sell the loaner Kia and rent a BMW…
I rather push a Kia than drive a BMW !
at least your blinkers will work in the hire car
Next post: wHy haVe My iNSURancE prEmIums gOne uP So mucH? '
You drive a sedan, you get a sedan.
You drive a suv, you get a suv
Brand doesn't really come into play unless it's a high-end prestige, 320i wouldn't really qualify personally.
Actually no, it’s not like for like.It doesn’t work like that.I had a SUV that was in the shop awhile back, & ended up with a Corolla.They are only obliged to give you a basic car(this is coming from the rental firms rep).
It is actually like for like. There was literally a court ruling on this.
Court ruling or not, it still doesn’t work like that in reality.
@Hackney: When you ended up with a corolla did you have a valid reason to need ‘like for like’? Or did you just whinge to your friends that they only gave you a corolla and did nothing to try to get an alternative from the hire co?
@Euphemistic: Didn’t care what I ended up with,as long as I had wheels.Does it really matter what you get? It has never phased me.
@Hackney: I've literally done it.
@brendanm: I should say you must be a rarity then,because a rental company won’t budge on anything that insurance company has paid for.No insurance company will pay for an upgrade.
@Hackney: I've done it as a third party, you simply know your rights, and tell the insurance company what is going to happen.
i haven't been in that many accidents to care.,
Depends on the policy and whether or not it's an optional extra. What does your PDS say?