I currently have a iPhoneSE (1st Gen) that is long overdue for an upgrade. I'm looking at an iPhone 13, but am put off by the high prices, so I'm thinking of getting a refurbished model. I have never bought a refurbished model, so want to make sure that I'm getting the best value for money. Some of the questions that I have are:
- How much should I pay?
- What condition would you recommend (or than new) would be best?
- How long should I expect the warranty to last?
I've seen some on Phonebot, Reebelo and Belong ranging from $859 to $999+. Any advice as to which online stores to avoid would also be appreciated.
I'd recommend a refurbished phone from Apple is fine https://www.apple.com/shop/refurbished/iphone
everything else is more of a gamble.