Large picture frames for photography in home

I am looking to print some of my travel photos into large format to hang in our home. I would like to DIY it, as professional printing and framing adds up quickly. Does anyone have any experience or tips on which frames and printers are best for that studio quality look?


  • +1

    Assuming you want it done budget -

    A1 size prints I got done at fotofast in Taringa.

    Frame varies wildly, I’ve been pretty happy with the Kmart frames which if I remember right were $20 for a size a0 mat to a1.

    The material for the protective cover is plastic. The frame is some kind of chipboard, and done as cheap as possible ( i know because one fell apart on me taking it out of the car…). - once it’s all up though looks fine as you can’t tell from behind.

    I also have some nice wooden frame ones, with glass. Same size that I picked up over my years in retail but still set me back like $70-80 ea.

    Do I noticed the difference? No.

    • +1

      And plastic advantages apart from being cheaper: lighter, less likely to break. You'll feel less stressed handling plastic.such as when you're trying to hang it up.

      • Good point, have had a few smashed glasses in my time (curse you, 3M) and yeah… the glass SPLINTERS are insane. Maddening as you can’t see them… but oh boy they are there.

  • +1

    Ikea frames are okay as well. Again plastic, not glass in those I've used. You can always get glass cut to size, from a local glazier, to upgrade the frames.

  • Great point. Plastic has many advantages l hadn’t considered, especially in a house with kids..!

    I do prefer timber frames but given I am on a budget I think Kmart or IKEA might be the next best thing. Thanks I will check them out now.

  • Was just in Freedom, they had some nice wood frames, a slight step up from my IKEA ones, not much difference in price.

  • Have a check of your local op shops, they usually have a collection of old frames, some are really nice

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    If you have a large format photo printer around then you should probably learn how to frame too.

  • In my opinion, you get what you pay for. A beautiful wooden frame is more important than the image inside it, in my opinion. I’d prefer to have a nice frame with an average image than the other way around. They’re extremely difficult for an amateur to build. I have some beautiful frames that I’d like to keep forever, whereas the images in the frames can be replaced. Not so concerned about them. With photo printing, I think you get what you pay for too. You can print them yourself, or get them printed large at Kmart, but I imagine a professional printer can do a better job most of the time.

  • I just wish I could find mounts for when I frame photos! In the olden days when you got film developed and photos physically printed, the shops sold frames and mounts separately - and the mounts came in different colours to suit your decor!

    I miss the olden days…

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