• expired

BWS: 15% Cashback ($20 Cap) + [Westpac] 20% Bonus Cashback ($20 Cap) @ ShopBack



  • Wholesalers
  • Gift card purchases unless otherwise stated. Purchases paid with gift cards / Woolworths Dollars are not eligible for cashback
  • Transactions paid using WOW Rewards are not eligible for cashback.
  • Returns, exchanges, cancellations & promo/voucher codes not approved by ShopBack
    Champagne, Penfolds & Non-Alcoholic purchases (unless stated otherwise)

When will I get my Cashback?

Purchase Tracked In Claim In
Today 2 days 120 days

BG’s Notes:

  • Multiple transactions are allowed unless it’s specified it’s capped per member
  • The bonus cashback tracks as a separate line along with the upsize cashback and it’s not in addition that’s added onto the order total
  • The list of eligible Westpac cards can be found here

Referral Links

Referral: random (3584)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

Related Stores

ShopBack AU
ShopBack AU
BWS - Beer Wine Spirits
BWS - Beer Wine Spirits

closed Comments

  • How do you calculate this? Is it 35% or calculate 15% first and then do 20%?

    • calculate each separately (go by the westpac cap for maximising the 35%, as that will tap out first….so your best bang for buck is $100 buy total)

  • +1

    does anyone know if purchases via the app count?

  • $35 cap per transaction?

  • +1

    can you use the promotional vouchers from the cooler promotion?

    • No.

  • How much do you have to spend to get the full $40 cashback?

    • +1

      Assuming you get cashback on GST, it's about $133. But percentage-wise the best value is up to $100 (after $100 you don't get any extra bonus cashback).

  • Can we use sipcoin?

    • I think you can only do that through the app and I don't think you can use cashback through the app anyway…maybe check with Shopback or @Gotyourback

  • +4

    god I hate the BWS website search function. It is so clunky….they really should take note of something like First Choice, although theirs hasn't been as good lately either. If I am buying beer, I want to be able to sort the size (as in carton etc) and then by price for all beers, so I can find the best price point per litre of ones I might be interested in….BWS, doesn't do that…and even if you try to sort by price, it doesn't actually work in price order. Very annoying…plus show straight away if stock is not available for the store nominated, instead of making me click on each item, only to find it isn't in stock…..such a time waster on this website.

    • +1

      Liquorland enters the chat

      "Hold my beer."

  • +2

    Cashrewards was 20% at BWS yesterday. And at least it tracks the purchase.

  • My purchase tracked at 15%. The 20% bonus was not tracked.

    • How long did it take for the 15% to track

  • Good cashback offer but tracking is poor despite using sb app and making sure no other app is open. Its the only merchant where I've had difficulties with cashback :/

    • Just to update I had tracking issues with bws via ShopBack (was a bws issue) but all resolved with minimal fuss! Happy shopper here and big thanks to gyb :D

  • +1


    Can you even buy from bws via the shopback app? It gives me a blank page and says "only purchases from the bws website qualify for cashback".

    That's such a confusing message given the shopback app is meant to display the bws website. I'm not sure if they mean to use a PC web browser or just to avoid the BWS app.

    • Am not affiliated with either company so just my understanding but I think when they say not to use app they mean bws app.

      BWS website displays for me via ShopBack app but only sometimes does it track so thinking of just cancelling all my orders because I cba with guessing which one worked :/.

      Guess gyb could also elaborate on how to get better tracking with bws? Is shopback website via pc Web browser the best option as you suggested?

      • Please be careful here. That's not what they say. They don't say anything about not using an app. Instead they say to use the bws website.

        The fact the website displays for you via the Shopback app probably answers my question though.

        • Yup just checked and you are right. I could've sworn they used to say no purchasing via bws app so maybe its been removed… Or maybe I imagined it!

  • how long has it taken to track for everyone?

    • Ordered yesterday for pick-up from my local, neither the 15% standard rebate nor the 20% Westpacrebates tracked so far :(

      • My 15% tracked at 1am in the morning I ordered at 11:43am the previous day

      • +1

        Finally tracked this morning (both rebates)

  • Has anyone had trouble checking out -the click and collect and delivery option says unavailable in my area when I know it is

    • Yep getting click and collect unavailable at all stores around me!

      • This happened to me from within the app so eventually I had to go boot-up my laptop and then it seemed to go through from desktop Chrome.

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