Heya guys, my friends PC has broken down and I'm giving her my 1660 as well a few other things to get her rig up and running but need to start looking for parts for myself. So far I can get everything else but still unsure about what to get for GPU.
I was looking to pick up a 6900xt and had been camping the tags page and wanted to grab the one for $999 except i forgot about it.
Now I'm not too sure if I need it anymore. I don't really browse with many tabs open (< 10) and haven't really gotten into playing AAA games. So far its only Old school Runescape and Overwatch 2 but would be nice to have the oomph to play games in ultra but is a 6900xt required?
I thought about getting a 6600xt or a 3060 TI but haven't really been looking at the prices for the latter or if it would do any justice on AAA games. Would you guys have any suggestions (anything in-between for that matter) for which one to get and how much it would cost?
edit: AAA games would be God of War, Bayonetta, Horizon Dawn to name a few.
More PC specs - no point getting a $1000 GPU if its just going to bottleneck the CPU