• expired

25% off All USA Travel SIM Cards and 15% off All Other Travel SIM Cards to Europe, NZ, Japan, Korea, Asia @ TravelKon


Hi Ozbargainers,

Wishing a Happy New Year to all of you! Thank you for all the amazing support throughout 2022 looking forward to a big 2023! How was everyone’s holiday (for those lucky enough)? Ready for the next one? Let’s get this sale started!

We are offering 25% off all our USA SIMs including eSIMs, not travelling to the USA? We are also offering 15% off all other travel SIMs until Sunday 29 January 11:59PM (AEST). Some of most popular USA SIMs include:

  • T-Mobile 30 Days USA SIMs $49.50 - Unlimited Data note: 50GB FUP may apply (eSIM option also available)
  • USA 30 Days 8GB + 3000 Mins $29.25 - best value!!
  • USA / Canada / NZ / UK / HK 30 Days 10GB $41.25 - good option if you are travelling in multiple countries

Why buy our travel SIMs?

  • Convenience, get connected as soon as you land
  • No hidden roaming charges
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee if the SIM cards does not work
  • Aussie Live support via FB Messenger and WhatsApp

As always big shoutout to our Ozbargain supporters, we can’t thank you enough for your continued support. We wouldn’t be here without you ❤️. We are confident that we are currently offering the most competitively priced SIMs & eSIMs on the Australian market with one of the widest range of products and we will continue to expand our offerings (stay tuned!).

We hope our SIM offerings can make you stay connected, stay tuned for our next month’s sale 😏

Lastly, if you think the deal is good we would appreciate an upvote ✌️

✈️The Deal✈️

✅ Discount Code: 25% off USA SIMs and 15% off All Other Travel SIMs Cards: USA25 & HNY15 (code automatically apply)
📦 Limited stock available.
⏰ Sale Ends Sunday 29 January 23:59 AEST.

Country Days Data Call & Text Price Expiry
USA 30 Days (AT&T) 30 Days 8GB 3000 Mins Calls $29.25 31/12/2023
USA / Canada / UK / NZ / HK 30 Days 30 Days 10GB Data-Only $41.25 31/12/2023
USA Only 30 Days (T-Mobile) 30 Days Unlimited Data in USA Unlimited Calls & Text $49.50 27/09/2023
USA Only 30 Days + International Call (T-Mobile) 30 Days Unlimited Data in USA Unlimited Calls & Text (including Australia) $57.00 27/09/2023
USA + Canada + Mexico 30 Days (T-Mobile) 30 Days Unlimited Data in USA, 5GB in Canada & Mexico Unlimited Calls & Text $53.25 27/09/2023
USA + Canada + Mexico 30 Days + International Call (T-Mobile) 30 Days Unlimited Data in USA, 5GB in Canada & Mexico Unlimited Calls & Text (including Australia) $60.75 27/09/2023

eSIMs (delivered within 24 hours 🚀 except for T-Mobile eSIM which will be delivered on the day of arrival)

Country Days Data Call & Text Price
USA Only 30 Days (T-Mobile) 30 Days Unlimited Data in USA Unlimited Calls & Text $49.50
USA Only 30 Days + International Call (T-Mobile) 30 Days Unlimited Data in USA Unlimited Calls & Text (including Australia) $57.00
USA + Canada + Mexico 30 Days (T-Mobile) 30 Days Unlimited Data in USA, 5GB in Canada & Mexico Unlimited Calls & Text $53.25
USA + Canada + Mexico 30 Days + International Call (T-Mobile) 30 Days Unlimited Data in USA, 5GB in Canada & Mexico Unlimited Calls & Text (including Australia) $60.75
USA eSIM 7 Days 7 Days 1GB / Day Data Only $21.75
USA & Canada eSIM 30 Days 30 Days 5GB Data Only $26.25

Activation Dates

Some of our USA and Europe eSIMs will require you to select an activation date for each eSIM when checking out.

  • The activation date is required to place your order
  • Please enter the date of when you arrive in the country you want it to work in
  • If you are unsure of your dates, you can put a placeholder date in and contact us to advise
  • Note that if the date is wrong or you try to use the eSIM before the date given - the eSIM will NOT work when you land and you will need to contact us to have it manually activated

We have tested our sim cards before we sell them and if for some reason it doesn't work we do offer 100% refund, please see our Money Back Guarantee💵


If you have any questions, please leave a comment here on OzBargain, email us at [email protected] or live chat with us on our website.

Thanks everyone and stay safe!🙏

Referral Links

Referral: random (256)

Referee and referrer get 50 points.

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closed Comments

  • This team is the best, really recommend them to all. I had an issue and couldn't travel, they without question refunded me (even 6 months after the fact!), going to get some esims a bit closer to our departure date. Used a Europe sim from them last year and worked no problem. Much prefer having something in my phone ready to go rather than trawl through stores after a long flight.

    • Thank you very much!! We strive to improve our product and service.

    • yes also had good experiencing with quickly swapping my physical sim order to esim

      • Thanks for sharing 😊


  • What's TMobile like for coverage ? planning to travel in Hawaii, California, Utah, Arizona and Nevada

    • TMobile is one of the top 5 mobile network company in the US. I checked the states you are going and looks like the coverage is great. Please head over to https://www.t-mobile.com/coverage/coverage-map.

      • -1

        Thanks for that. Coverage does look good. Any more discount if we buy 3 or 4 of these ?

        • This sale for the USA SIMs is the best price we can do now.


  • +1

    Seems quite expensive

  • Can you confirm if this is for Aus?
    The label for each table says "Country NZ"…

    • Sorry for the confusion we deleted the flag 😅


  • Need a sim card for Greece (Athens and Santorini), Turkey (all over), Dubai.

    Any Sim card you recommend? Thanks

    • Hello our Vodafone will work in Greece and Turkey but not Dubai unfortunately.


  • If you buy 2 of the 30 day SIM cards, is that the best solution for 60 day sim in USA?

    • Yep that’s right!


  • For the Asia e-sim card , am I able to activate it the day before I land in Singapore flying from Melbourne or it only works when I am there?

    • +1

      Yes you can but it will activate but the plan will start right away.

      Once you land in Singapore it should work (turn on data roaming and reset phone).


  • Awww man - @TravelKon, was really hoping this month's deal would be 20% of some sims for use in Singapore!

    Going there in March and was hoping to pick up 2 sims :(

    • This is the best we can do for now :)


  • Ahh just bought an esim and physical Sim just last week from them for my travel to Asia, oh well. I had a few questions about the Sims and their Facebook msg was pretty quick would recommend

    • +2

      Hello DM me your order number :)


  • Sorry just being pedantic, say the "Southeast Asia Explorer Travel eSIM Card 12 Countries", I'm allowed to travel freely between those countries during the 30 day period right?

    • Yes that is correct :)


  • These seem to be data only which is nice, but does anyone do data plus calls to Australia from SEA in the same deal?

    • Our Asia SIMs are usually data-only, we recommend using voip apps such as Rebtel (which has free trial btw) or Skype.


  • Omg I literally bought from travelkon last night

    • +1

      Not to worry - DM me your order number :)


      • Thanks!

  • Will there be a birthday sale this year? Hoping to pick up a couple of sims before my Japan trip in March.

    • Stay tuned :)

      • When is the birthday?

        • Their first birthday deal was posted Fri 21/02/2020, skipped their second due to COVID, and the third was Sun 27/02/2022. So potentially some variance in the exact date in late-Feb.

          I'm travelling early-mid March, and concluded that the extra 5-10% off wasn't worth the risk and stress of the Japan SIMs being out of stock, or arriving too late, so I got one under this deal. We'll see whether I regret it. 🫣

      • cool - looking forward to the Japan sale too. Trip in March as well. Thanks

  • Any eSIM for Aeromobile to use on planes?

    • Unfortunately no we don’t


  • +1

    If you're only going to the US remember that T-Mobile and Visible have completely free network trials — I used the T-Mobile one extensively on a recent trip.

    • Did you use this on an iPhone? Was it relatively easy to sign up? Thanks

      • My friend used an iPhone, needed to switch to the US app store to get the app and worked fine after that.

  • Bought an eSIM for Asia on the 10th of this month as a last minute exercise on the way to the airport. Wife thought she’d forgotten to bring the physical SIM that she’d bought for Japan.

    Once the QR code arrived 24 hours later I was good to go - activating worked seamlessly in Japan on the hotel WiFi and I’m currently still using it in Taiwan without issue. Happy days.

    • Thank you for the support :)


  • +1

    Africa? I dont see any support for them.

  • Does anyone know if cam run 2 esims on a s22. Camt seem to find definative answer.

    • I doubt.
      I use S22+, and it only support 1 physical sim + 1 esim

  • Worked quite ok with WhatsApp in Malaysia and indonesia . few issues inside shopping mall and airports that I have to select carriers manually ( off the automatic ) and restarted phone few times .

    • This is good to bypass indonesian govt restriction for overseas phone?

      • Interesting, I don’t know about that at all … but it worked for me using the WhatsApp to call and chat and to use grab and Idrive. I don’t know what to do for travelling around without those apps . However, I noticed a local sim traveller card in the airports under telkomsel which may require passports to get them

        • +1

          Hi guys just shedding some light on this topic, our sim cards are "roaming" sims and therefore the got regulation of imei block on overseas phones does not apply. So yes it will work!

          If you try buying local sims it won't work as your imei is not registered with the government.


  • I bought an eSIM from TravelKon in August last year for a trip to NZ, it worked great.

    This time I've bought an eSIM and a physical SIM (for ms sween64) for SEA (6 Countries) for our trip to Bali.

    • +1

      Thanks for the support 😊


  • -1

    Hey there, just wanted to check which Sim card I'll need for Taiwan and Korea? Cheers!

    • Hello! our Southeast Asia Explorer 12 e/SIMs covers both Taiwan and Korea :)


  • Was about to buy one of these over weekend but wasn't sure if I'd receive it in time for my trip to US Wednesday… Even more tempted now but delivery seems even less likely

    • +2

      Purchase an eSIM? I just asked them via messenger how the QR codes are sent and they said via email.

      • Yep eSIM are sent via email however only those who has esim functionality can use them.

        Please head over to our website for the list if compatible phones.


  • I've used eSIM from Travelkon earlier this month in South Korea and worked perfectly. No issue.

    • Thanks for sharing! 😊


  • Can you recommend a Sim for 30 days that'll work in UK, Italy, Germany and Greece?

    • Hello! All our Europe SIMs works in all those countries - you would need to choose based on the amount of data you will use.


  • ordered one (japan), thank you

    • Thanks for the support :)


  • Hi, can you tell me how much it would cost someone in europe to call my travelkon sim number when I'm also in europe?
    If the sim number given is UK, is it still considered EU?

    • If your friend is not from the UK the call to our SIM would be considered to be international call.

      Likewise when you “roam” in EU you can only do “local” calls e.g. Spain to Spain, France to France.

      Hope this make sense.


  • Any good deals for ATT in USA? Heard that it's much better than T mobile?

    • Hello, we don’t currently stock AT&T local SIM - we will continuously look for new SIM :)


  • Need 2 weeks Germany and then two weeks Egypt. What would be the best combo please OP?

    • We currently do not offer any SIM for Egypt unfortunately.

      Europe you can go in the our "Europe" category on our website and chose accordingly.


  • Can you amend t mobile activation date after purchase?

    • Yes we can please DM us your travel date and we will fix it up.


  • Hi guys! I’m using the Japan esim and noticed that the carrier is like China something. I was watching YouTube and all these ads in Chinese are popping up. Is this normal? Thanks

    • Hello the Japan SIMs are from a Taiwanese operator that partners with the Japanese carrier (hence roaming has to be on) - so yes it is perfectly normal.


  • Can you please confirm these prices are in AUD? It is not clear on the website (or I am just blind). Thanks

    • Yes the prices are in AUD - we are based in Australia


  • Will there be any discounted travel sim offers coming soon?

  • anymore of the Europe and UK Travel Sim Card | 28 Days | 80GB | Unlimited Calls?

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