Looking for similar PS3 game to Resident Evil 4?

My husband isn't a fan of the usual shooting, sports or driving games but really enjoyed Resident Evil 4. I've been trying to find similar games in that genre but was hoping someone could point me in the right direction as I was planning to buy him some decent games as a gift.


    • Resident Evil 5 (and very soon to be Resident Evil 6)
    • Dead Space 1/2

    by extension
    - Deus Ex: Human Revolution
    - Bioshock 1/2

  • Resident Evil 5
    Deus Ex
    Mass Effect
    Spec Ops

    These games are shooters, but each have a very good story line.
    They will not take long to finish either, maybe a good 12 hours per game.

    Ps3 Must play titles

    Uncharted 1,2 and 3
    If he liked Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones then this is a great game.
    It is like a male Lara Croft and still attractive. Again, great story line (maybe 10 hours each game)

    I personally enjoy games that aren't never ending, has a story and doesn't seem sooooo repetitive

  • Oh and the big one: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

  • Thanks for the suggestions everyone, that should give me enough of a list to last through a few occasions.

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