• expired

Samsung 128GB SSD 830 Series | $125.95 DELIVERED Australia WIDE!


I'm back again!

Like us on facebook if you are cool and stuff - https://www.facebook.com/phasercomputers

Samsung 128GB SSD 830 Series - SATA III 6Gbs, 2xnm Toggle DDR NAND, 3-Core ARMv9 MCX Controller, 3 Years Warranty

surcharge of 3% for paypal

CC is available in store. 2% surcharge.

Pickup in store available from tomorrow.

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closed Comments

  • +25

    You forgot step 3: Unlike from facebook.


    • +16


      • +8

        Thanks for the deal! I just hate having to promote stuff on facebook to get them.

        • +11

          Same, I simply don't do it! This is a good price, but I don't do FarceBook at all. ;)

        • +1

          This entire post has confused the hell out of me and many others, keep it simple buy it or don't buy it, all other strings are NOT your concern !

    • +1

      He said 'like us on facebook if your cool'..

      Fincky != cool

      • echo …
        was thinking to post that.

  • +10

    Just a friendly reminder that you are not permitted to charge your customers a surcharge/processing fee if they pay via PayPal. (User Agreement for PayPal Services, clause 13.3c)

    • +2

      Yes you can. Pretty sure that's only for eBay purchases. All the other retailers do it as well :)

      • Easy solution, put the surcharge into the regular price so non paypal customers have to pay for it. lol!

        No idea what cynix intends you to do… anything besides charging a surcharge means the customer loses.

      • +2

        The clause noted above applies to all sellers and does not mention eBay at all.

        • +4

          would you rather me just charge more for the total?

          At the end of the day, it costs me more if you pay via paypal, if you don't want me to pass this charge onto you, pay direct deposit :)

        • +1

          its actually not more work if your accounting system is perfection. not really neg worthy.

        • +2

          Piss poor reason for a neg though, Señor Bung!

          You know theyz gotz da bankin' on da interwebz now don'tz ya? It ain't much more work! ;)

        • +8

          would you rather me just charge more for the total?

          At the end of the day, it costs me more if you pay via paypal, if you don't want me to pass this charge onto you, pay direct deposit :)

          The fact is that Paypal gets your cut. They are providing you a service of allowing the merchant to accept credit card payment without credit card facilities (which normally cost money) OR credit card payment from customers who are afraid of giving out their credit card details to every merchant they want to spend with. Those "afraid" of fraud types would not have given you their sale had the payment option not been available to them. Paypal also offers more peace of mind to the buyer by offering buyer's protection and acting as an intermediary between seller and buyer in the event of a dispute (the buyer will get their refund from Paypal instead of directly from the seller, which is easier for them).

          All this makes Paypal a more attractive payment option to the customer.

          Thus Paypal has earned their cut, and their cut ought to come from you, not the customer, because if you hadn't offered that option there would be fewer sales for you.

          I'll be honest with you. I got no problem giving my credit card out to reputable merchants. I don't think you're going to rip me off or anything, but little guys I haven't heard of, I'm a bit more hesitant to give my credit card to, especially online. CC payment would always be a last resort for me. I don't think I would have bought it off you without Paypal to tell the truth. So yeah you don't have to pay them the 3% surcharge, but you also lost whatever margin you would have made from me.

          Pay them their due, or don't take that method of payment at all. They're offering you a service, and you ought to pay for that service.

        • +1

          You mean the same way that a system like Paypal works? Yes, thanks, I do.

        • Nothing is perfect :)

      • +9

        From the User Agreement for PayPal (Australia):

        13.3. If you receive funds through our Services you must:
        c: not impose a surcharge or any other fee for accepting our Services as a payment method.

        No mention of eBay.

        • +10

          Considering PayPal charges rates for the seller to use its 'services' i dont see any issue with sellers charging more for using it.

          PayPal should not charge such stupid rates to use its 'services' which causes pric es overall to go up :/

          just my 2 cents,…

        • +9

          +1 Paypal sucks balls as a seller.

        • +1

          But it gets you sales from a buyer.

          How many things would you buy from ebay if there was no Paypal?

        • +2

          Considering PayPal charges rates for the seller to use its 'services' i dont see any issue with sellers charging more for using it.

          Well.. why not take your payment from the customer without their 'services'? Are you equipped to take online payment by credit card? What would it cost you to set that up?

        • +4

          Im having a go at PayPal saying "We will charge you, but you cant charge the customer" not that they are offering is bad (As in a universal secure payment system)

          For the current size of the business it seems PayPal is the most suited way to go (As they do have CC in-store as detailed) however why, as a business, waste money on a stand alone CC system + paypal (which is what most end users want).

          As said im not having a go at PayPals 'services' but saying 'you cant pass on our fee' is utter bull (Which paypal will slugg the seller 2-3% each transaction as their "service fee")

          PayPal always seems to benefit the end user not the seller which if you do some research has been proven over and over again… Sellers get the short end of the stick in almost every case until it seems to kick up alot of dust

        • +2

          Well considering they are owned by the same company -_-

          As said PayPal is great, but their TOS are totally 1 sided and users throwing quotes around is plain annoying saying "its not fair i have to pay it when paypal said i dont"..

      • Yep, pretty poor form rep. Just cause others do dont mean u have to as well.

      • +1

        You can do what others do and offer a discount code for direct-debit or just automatically apply it if people choose this option.

        • +1

          if this is what you then ill do it.

          Price increase of $4 for paypal buyers.

          Use discount code directdeposit if paying via direct deposit for a discount of $4

        • +3

          Don't do it, the $4 discount is the price you want to be advertising to the public, especially to places like staticice.com.au

        • +3

          Doing it now would be opening up a can of worms here mate, save it for your next deal & let this one ride as it is IMHO!

        • Just one way to get around their rules. If you spin it off as a discount (for DD) rather than a surcharge (for PP), I can't see that breaking any rules. It could be a "promotion" like PP so often do (free shipping at xyz.com with PayPal).

          Achieves the same results and actually makes customers feel like they're getting something back.

        • No thats stupid as his advertised price will be higher then it really is…

        • +1

          ok, changed back due to the votes swinging FOR in not offering discount code.

        • +1

          No thats stupid as his advertised price will be higher then it really is…

          Isn't that why merchants rather charge the surcharge?

          Even if they give a discount for paying by direct deposit, from the face of it, the extra 2-3% can put people off.

        • +10

          Exactly ozhunter.

          This is why I'm 99% sure we have 12 year olds on ozbargain who think they actually know the first thing to running a business.

        • +7

          I think the simple solution is either abide by PayPal’s terms or don't offer it as a payment method?

          Or else continue to do what you are doing, but accept that you are breaking the terms of service and accept whatever consequences that involves (which by the sounds of it is none)

        • +4

          This is why I'm 99% sure we have 12 year olds on ozbargain who think they actually know the first thing to running a business.

          So true

        • He's a smart cookie. I think he's done the right thing. Instead of 'penalising' some people, reward others instead. And if he's within $4 of others on staticice, then this wouldn't be a deal worth mentioning.

          EDIT: Um, yeah. This isn't really a deal. We'd have 1000's of 'deals' in PC hardware each day, otherwise.

          $127-129 pickup from all the usual places.
          $119 Sydney pickup from I-Tech
          $119 Brisbane pickup from OnlineComputer


      • No, you can't charge a surcharge when receiving PayPal payments.. eBay or not.

    • +13

      I doubt Paypal can overrule the ACCC:

      Merchants can choose whether or not to pass on the cost of accepting credit card payments directly or indirectly to consumers. Not all businesses will want to charge a fee to consumers who pay by credit card. There is no obligation on them to do so.

      • +5

        It’s not about the ACCC. PayPal have a terms of service, if you don't agree to those terms don't use the service (i.e. don't offer it as a payment method), simple as that. PayPal’s terms do not in any way impinge on your quoted text from the ACCC.

        • +6

          PayPals TOS are against the law… Charging sellers to use it and saying you cant recover the costs in anyway? Have you ever used PayPal as a merchant? Unless you have large volumes the charges they PayPal put to sellers is exorbitant

          Im sure if a vendor challenged the TOS regarding on charging fees PayPal would have very little leg to stand on in Australia….

          Same with CC's surcharges, paypal charge to use it sooo vendors need to get that money back some how…

        • +1

          PayPals TOS are against the law… Charging sellers to use it and saying you cant recover the costs in anyway?

          You can recover the costs the same way everyone else who uses it does: By factoring in the cost in the pricing. And optionally giving a discount to those who don't use it. This is not the same as charging a surcharge on top of it even if the effect to the buyer is the same. The difference is that you can't advertise the lower price.

          Paypal have their own lawyers. If their TOS was against the law, it wouldn't be in the fine print. They would have been sued by now.

          Im sure if a vendor challenged the TOS regarding on charging fees PayPal would have very little leg to stand on in Australia….

          I think if Paypal threatened to stop accepting payment from Australians, it would be the ACCC that balks. To them we're a relative drop in the ocean. But to everyone in Aus that buys online, they are a big deal.

        • +1

          Paypal have their own lawyers. If their TOS was against the law, it wouldn't be in the fine print. They would have been sued by now.

          Those lawyers must have been on leave when eBay decided to make accepting Paypal mandatory on auctions.
          Having lawyers doesn't make your terms and conditions legal. :)

        • +1

          Paypal have their own lawyers. If their TOS was against the law, it wouldn't be in the fine print. They would have been sued by now.

          By that logic no big companies would ever be sued…

      • +1

        PayPal payments are not credit card payments.

        • +1

          I believe the company couldve just called it "admin cost" but instread decided to be honest and called it what it is.. =)

      • Merchants can choose whether or not to pass on the cost of accepting credit card payments directly or indirectly to consumers.

        Purely from the letter of the law, I don't think you're exactly accepting credit card payment because they're not directly giving you their credit card. You're getting the payment from Paypal who is getting their payment in turn through whatever means (the buyer does not have to use a credit card to pay via paypal btw, though it is the most common way to pay).

        The discount code is more tactful.

        • I don't think you're exactly accepting credit card payment because they're not directly giving you their credit card.

          I very rarely give online retailers my credit card number. The retailer usually directs me to a cc payment processor who charge my card. So by your definition, very very few retailers 'accept' credit card payments.

          Anyway someone else posted a link saying Paypal wasn't big enough in 2009 to follow the same rulings as the big boys. I wonder if that has changed.

  • +2

    what about 256GB?

    128GB is too small…

    • ^^ this

      256GB or 512GB for the same or better $/GB please :D

  • +1

    Price updated to $125.95 delivered.

  • Fact: if he raises prices, even if he offers discounts for cash/DD, you will still only see the higher price until you checkout.

    This causes him to lose money due to him losing customers

    I have never seen a business give a discount for non paypal transactions, this is just stupid.

    Some people here clearly have no idea how to run a business and would just drive themselves into the ground.

    • +12

      exactly. Quote impossible to keep the ozbargain community happy. Always one who has to whinge.

      • Not whinging - just pointing out the facts. At least now you won't be surprised if PayPal suspends your account for breaching their agreement (not that they will though, they don't seem to police it) ;)

        edit: Just to be clear I'm not having a go at you rep, I can fully understand your reasons

        • +1

          There's no real incentive for Paypal to police it as they simply won't get the transaction revenue that they would otherwise get.

        • they'll probably do it anyway. Remember when paypal cancelled 9289's "deal-a-day" website?

        • thats because they had too many orders/customers throwing up paypal disputes, when that happens paypal lays down the whip!

        • +5

          It's about time the RBA did something about PayPal's (and eBay's) ability to impose "no surcharge" rules. I'd rather have the option to pay $100 via cash / direct deposit or $102 via PayPal, than have a fixed $101 price with the $1 being an invisible subsidy toward those who choose the more expensive payment system.

        • +1

          i could be wrong, but i thought it was because 9289 sold millions of dollars in tvs very quickly. Flagged their account

        • +2

          The last time the RBA looked at this in 2009, it declined to regulate PayPal because PayPal wasn't big enough yet.

          Section 4 of http://www.rba.gov.au/media-releases/2009/mr-09-03.html

          "PayPal has indicated to the Bank that it accepts that if it were to increase in size substantially, its no-surcharge rule would need to be removed for consistency with other payment systems."

    • Agreed. The status quo is merely competing with the exact same methods of rivals, I would change nothing until competitors change their modus operandi!

    • Fact: Price Pirate give a 2% discount for DD http://www.pricepirate.com.au/articles.asp?ID=135

      Coupon code is "888". Price Pirate seem to know how to run a business rather well?

      • should go buy from your mate pirate pete then ;)

        • +1


          Wasn't directed at you, in fact, I was suggesting to you earlier how to get around a blatant PayPal policy violation. But if you don't want me to buy from you, I can happily look elsewhere :)

          Was in response to "I have never seen a business give a discount for non paypal transactions, this is just stupid." which is something others have been doing to avoid enraging PP.

        • They cant be that good, Ive never heard of them and never seen a bargain on here from Price Pirate.

        • They're actually fantastic.. they had the cheapest price on a fridge, washer and electric oven when I was looking before the 2% "discount". Free metro delivery and very quick. They're usually the cheapest on Getprice, MyShopping etc when delivery is factored in.

        • Huh? You surely haven't been on da intrawebz for long then. Next you'll tell me you've never seen a 2% surcharge for credit, either.

          User pays works for me. I'm happy using my money, so why should I pay extra 'cos others want to play 55-day games with the bank's money?!

          Every bit of bloat the merchant has costs us. If they wanna diet, and pass it on, I'll always support it!

  • ADDed $3 on postage,not a free shipping,mate.

    • +4

      where did i say free shipping?

      I said $125.95 delivered country wide. 122.95 + $3 = 125.95.

      • +14

        Your attracting "special" people to this thread :)

        • :)

      • misunderstood,didnot notice the promo code.
        anyway,ordered one.

  • -7

    in the end the "customer is always right"

    • +22

      I think a fair few customers in here are Left.

      • yep the one's who care about the final price

    • Henry Ford: "If I asked customers what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse". :p

      Not that I believe either adages as absolute truth.

  • +10

    If you don't like the terms why not buy it somewhere else at a higher price?

    • +1

      exactly, Umart has had these for $129 for a few weeks now…

  • any deals on intels 520 240gb's ?

    or 240gbs of this or, even vertex 4 240gb?

  • How long will this deal last? How much stock is there? Considering whether to buy one now or tomorrow morning (which would be preferrable)

    Edit: I would also much prefer a 240gb SSD.

    • still quite a few left in stock. You should be ok for buying tomorrow :)

  • +2

    Isn't school holidays over??

  • no 'facehook like' sales or your mates positiving your comments accepted. I live in the real world.

    YOU on the other hand are breaching PayPal merchant terms. And you come across as a 15 yo.

  • -4


  • +2

    No, wang "your" is correct in both instances of giggles' comment. You're is short for "you are".

    • +3

      He wasn't replying to giggles' comment, it was a reply to the OP.

      Like us on facebook if your cool and stuff - https://www.facebook.com/phasercomputers

    • haha corrected. Cheers

    • LOL, made worse when used in the context of being "cool and stuff".

      • +4

        i did it just for you bogan. ;)

  • +1

    Thanks ozhunter, I stand corrected. The "your" and "you're" confusion is something which really peeves me.

  • +1

    I dislike the surcharge but I understand it. As a consumer if I wish to use paypal's service, I should pay for it right, same with credit card (I mean, don't some merchants also charge 2% extra for card).

  • Azkay.

    Great at handling business:
    "OH WOW! good for you bro. If I ever see an order from you, I'm going to delete it just to make life more difficult.


    Yours sincerely,

    Rhys Evans
    Managing Director
    Phaser Computers"

      • You do? What is it?

      • +10

        You are setting such a bad representation of your company, this is pathetic.

      • Ridiculously unnecessary and inappropriate from CEO of a company. You lost a valuable customer(me) and many others who will see this in future. Although this may not be representation of your company's service, there is no doubt that you have lost trust from some of your customers on OzBargain.

        I hope OzBargain mods do not unpublish any of his comments for the record.

        • +3

          Hyuk, ANYONE can become a CEO of ANY kind of COMPANIES. it doesnt say anything. just like anyone can call him/herself a Dr. and rip off some stupid customers by selling them crappy earphones. ;P

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