Hi everyone,
For context, a couple of years ago I bought a cheap trolley jack from SCA which I ended up throwing in the bin 5min after using it for the first time. As I was jacking up my car, the thing felt like it was going to fall apart, didn't want to risk it and ended up hiring a trolley jack from Kennards hire and it was night and day. Kennard's trolley jack lifted my car with ease and felt really solid, I was comfortable jacking my car with that trolley jack which wasn't the case with SCA's piece of crap.
Anyway, I've been hiring trolley jacks ever since each time I needed to service my car, but now I've got a 2nd car and I would like the convenience to be able to lift my car whenever I want without having to hire a jack.
The thing is that I don't know much about trolley jacks, which brands are reputable, which brands are cheaply made and to avoid etc.
I did come across a nice video on youtube where a guy reviewed jacks from brands such as Snap On, Daytona, Pittsburgh, Black Jack, ESCO, Maasdam.
The only issue is that it doesn't look like most of those brands are available in Australia.
From the look of it, in Australia, we've got Daytona, Kingcrome, and a lot of VEVOR advertised on Google ads whenever you type any trolley jack-related keywords on google.
Though Costco is selling this Arcan trolley jack https://www.costco.com.au/Automotive/Car-Accessories/Trolley…
Based on the fact that Arcan was featured on that youtube video I assumed that they were a serious company. However, they didn't review the same model so I'm not sure about this particular one sold at Costco.
Is the Arcan one is good, I'm happy to go ahead and get it, if not, any recommendation would be appreciated.
My car weights 1.7T and I'm also not sure if a 2-tonne jack is enough or if it's better to go with 3-tonne jack
EDIT: Please no need to reply and say that a trolley jack is not meant the hold the car up. Fully aware of all the safety precautions around how to use a trolley jack and own jack stands.
my 3T SCA has been fantastically sturdy