Seems like the new lowest for the PS5 disc version?
Lowest I could find was just under $90 around boxing day.
Seems like the new lowest for the PS5 disc version?
Lowest I could find was just under $90 around boxing day.
following the logic, just wait till ps 6 comes out and you can get this game plus the console for next to nothing?
$85 almost seems worth it by how good this game is, and more importantly - how big it is. I've put in more than 50 hours into this game (storyline is only 18 hours or so, but the side quests keep you going).
tbh highly depends on which stage of life you are…
$85 is the kind of money i would've spend in less than an hour pissing off at the pub in my 20s.
$85 over 50 hours is great value for the now old me.
boy what a price.
I was watching ebay for this on the cheap but not much around under this price.
Probably should get second hand one from FB since many players have finished the game.
EB expensive, was over $100 last time I checked
FB Marketplace should be the place to go mate.
agreed, picked up a copy for $50 on marketplace. Do feel a little sorry for those people who got the digital only PS5 and the game is still $125 on the PS store.
Do feel a little sorry for those people who got the digital only PS5 and the game is still $125 on the PS store.
Self inflicted. They will try to convince you that we are the fools.
nothing wrong with digital only and only play PSN plus deluxe catalogues…
right product for the right use would be perfectly fine.
for me, some games i would replay after a while, over many years, like no mans sky. for others, there isn't a lot of re-playability once you get through the story. imo, GOW franchise belongs to the latter.
edit: also i regretted trading in my rdr2 disc, a cheap digital copy would probably come around at some point in the future.
Turkish PSN is a godsend for this (I have a disc version but I am getting lazy in my old age 😅)
Just picked up a copy after dinner for $50 off marketplace as well. 10 min drive from my house. Booyah
This game is still expensive for a reason. 55hrs and just finished the game. Shed a tear or 9 on my playthrough. Masterful single player experience.
Only 9? Damn I'm tossing up whether to get this now or not. I have so much in my backlog to play!
This game is worth it even at full price
An outstanding game, highly recommend it
Best 46 hours of my life! Should've won Game Of The Year.
I copied the idea from @speirsy76 then bought a $50 gift card via ShopBack on my Westpac Card to get another $5 off. Also got the 2.5% Cashback from buying the gift card, effectively getting the price down to $68.75!
Well done, @popejohn. You've earned your OzBargain stripes achieving that sensationally low price!
Or wait 3 years to get it at $8