This was posted 2 years 1 month 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PS5, Pre Order] Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Edition $88 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Price dropped to $88 from $98 for the PS5 Deluxe Edition of Hogwarts Legacy.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +38

    this is the first game in many years that im actually excited about..please dont be terrible :c

    • +27

      not saying its specifically this game, but if you are excited about a game, i suggest not pre-ordering as the disappointment will be greater.

      • +24

        Nothing wrong with preordering from Amazon, can return within 30 days for a full refund if you select the return option “product didn’t meet expectations”.

        • +14

          to each their own. it's a suggestion to avoid being involved in post-launch expectation vs disappointment dramas I seen throughout the decades in gaming.

          getting it from amazon has nothing to do with my suggestion. if you can return it, and can spare the time, its not that i'm stopping you lol.

          • +4

            @slowmo: didnt neg ya- but this is one of the only games i will break my NO PREORDERS rule with.

            been burnt by

            cyberpunk (actually its pretty good now after ..years lol)
            no man sky (actually i dont mind this game now..and is actually pretty cool in VR)

            • +4

              @Jimothy Wongingtons: The game that I got burnt was Spore. Never pre-ordered anything ever again after that. Luckily, it was early on in my gaming life, so a good lesson nice and early.

              • +2

                @brotherfranciz: It's been nearly 15 years and I'm still a little sore about that game

              • +2

                @brotherfranciz: OH. MY. GOD. SPORE.

                YES. I must have hid that memory far in the back of my mind. What an absolute ***** that turned out to be.
                Great, I am now going to be salty for the rest of the day now.

                btw were we the only 3 people that pre-ordered SPORE HAHA @roseyhead

                • +1

                  @Jimothy Wongingtons: Not only did I pre-order Spore (which I'd forgotten about until you posted, so thanks for that painful memory), I also pre-ordered Evolve, the full $180 premium all the bell's and whistles version…

                  8 years later and I still haven't lived that down….

                  • @Intoxicoligist: I’m proud to say I did not get caught preordering that mess… such a shame though, it sounded like a great idea

            • +1

              @Jimothy Wongingtons: <insert any UBISoft game>

              • +1

                @serpserpserp: Actually that unlocked another core memory, pre-ordering THE DIVISION because all my friends hyped it up..what a ***** that turned out to be too :')

                • +1

                  @Jimothy Wongingtons: I'm debating on getting Division 2 on sale right now. It should be all fixed up for PC. But man, it is just a risk it won't work.

          • @slowmo: The excitement / expectation will still be there whether you preorder or not. Given that most reviews hit before the game is released, still have plenty of time to cancel the preorder if they aren’t favourable. But then you run the risk of being burnt too for games where reviews aren’t out on time, looking at you Cyberpunk..

            As you said, to each their own. I’d rather have the gems on the day of release than have to wait a bit longer for them, with the option of canceling / returning those that don’t hit the mark.

        • +1

          People reported online their account gets suspended after several returns so don't go overboard.

          • @tajid: I wonder if there must be a monetary ceiling to this too as I’ve returned quite a lot of relatively low cost goods as they were totally not as described or just outright poor quality and never had an issues… though I’m probably spending a good $500 a fortnight with amazon between my personal goods and work purchases.

            • +1

              @Jimothy Wongingtons: Yes I'm sure there's monetary consideration. To say, return game if you don't like it - this may be over and beyond what's normally accepted (of course depends on other factors).

          • @tajid: I’ve returned well over a thousand dollars with no repercussions..

          • @tajid: I have read this. Returned a few games last year but it’s probably offset by the amount I spend on other items. Not sure what the trigger is for the possible account warning/suspension but since reading about it, I haven’t been as ‘trigger happy’ with my games purchases. Harry Potter and Dead Space are all I have preordered at the moment!

        • +1

          Can you return it for a full refund even if you've opened it and tested it out yourself?

          • +1

            @nicholasv: Sure can

          • +1

            @nicholasv: Yep. Game doesn’t have to be returned in shrink wrap. Amazon then sell it as used for a few dollars cheaper than the brand new product.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: Awesome, thanks legends. I'll pop in the preorder but hopefully the game is good so don't need to return it

    • +3

      Agreed. I saw gameplay and equipment of gold, purple, blue and I'm thinking loot boxes. If so they f'ed it. We shall see. Definitely dont preorder. Wait for reviews.

    • +4

      The developer doesn't have a good track-record.

    • History tells us it will be terrible because of long pre-sale time

  • +3

    Why is the digital version always so expensive compared to the disk?

    • Try eneba closer to release, I know I will be

      • +7

        Yeah I can wait. It’s a general annoyance because they are pushing for digital only but it’s so expensive all the time. You would think without being able to resell, and without print and delivery costs it would be cheaper.

        • +2

          Welcome to monopolisation

      • +2

        Can you get digital copies of games from eneba?

      • +1

        For PS5?

    • +8

      Retailers compete for the lowest price.

      • This, and I would say the convenience of not having to swap discs is greater than the cost of distributing the disc.

        • As annoying as it is to have a digital PS5 when games are sold cheaper by retailers than the digital store…it is very neat not having to swap discs and maintain a collection of physical games sitting on the tv cabinet

          • +1

            @mgexiled: It's interesting that keeping the collection is a problem - I only get physical games (unless they're crazy cheap digitally or impossible to find physically) as I love having the collection on my shelf. Having to swap discs is a pain though.

    • +3

      Digital is a monopoly so they can charge whatever they want. Physical actually has competition between various retailers so they are cheaper.

      Makes you wonder why companies are so keen to phase out physical media and have digital only distributions.

      • +5

        Makes you wonder why companies are so keen to phase out physical media and have digital only distributions.

        You can resell physical media.

      • They will definitely make less off me. My attachment ratio is literally like every good game physically released on every system.

        When gaming (practically speaking) goes digital only then I'll pay full price but only buy a game when I'm 100% going to play it there and then. No more collecting or building up backlogs. Instead of 30+ games a year I'll buy about 3.

        It's a shame they'll still come out on top due to me being an outlier :(

        • I agree. My game purchases will drop off dramatically if it was digital only. Even though its just some plastic, I prefer to own my games rather than rent them until the platform owner decides its too expensive to maintain the infrastructure.

    • CDKeys

  • +2

    If you don’t care about the deluxe version, standard is 75 on ps4, 80 on ps5

    • Is there a big difference, or is it mostly just a few extra digital items.

      • +2

        Digital items, and the deluxe releases 3 days earlier.

        • Hopefully Amazon don’t ship a week late 🫠

    • +2

      Standard doesn't get the Dark Arts battle arena

      • What does that mean?

        • Essentially, it's a wave-based combat arena in which you fight evil enemies, and deadly spells such as Avada Kerdavra, also known as The Killing Curse, are in play

          • +1

            @caviar: Avada Kerdavra sounds OP.

            • +2

              @gamerkonks: Not if you turn up with a M4A1 Assault Rifle

              • +3

                @caviar: Why would you bring a gun to a wand fight?

                Just use the Accio spell, and now I have your gun.

                • +1

                  @brotherfranciz: You can accio the bullet, as it comes out the muzzle.

                  But I think someone would be able to press the trigger, faster than a spell could be cast. Unless we are taking some really high level wizards and witches, who can cast without speaking.

                  • +1

                    @caviar: anime canon says you have to announce your special moves for it to be super powered…

      • I bet it will probably be DLC

  • +16

    Excited for this game but I have learnt to never pre-order no matter how good it looks

    • +6

      Amazon is zero risk. No payment upfront till it dispatches. You can 2-click cancel anytime you want and free returns if forget or change your mind once delivered.

      On the plus side, you get to lock-in lowest price guarantee if it goes back up in price later. Win-win.

      • +1

        what if the game is crap

        • +5

          Then you cancel order or return it for free. No harm done.

          • @Hybroid: returns to Amazon invoke you needing to pay for return shipping, unfortunately.

            • +3

              @Scipio: Not if you select the option “product doesn’t meet expectations” - all you have to do is repackage the item, take it to Aus Post where they print a label and off it goes, all for no cost to you.

      • +3

        Only drawback is the game takes ages to arrive

    • +2

      If I'm gonna buy the game on launch day anyway, why not preorder?

      • I tend to wait a couple a while after launch to buy. Depends how excited I am about the game and the immediate feedback at launch date

      • +1

        Amazon has never delivered me a game on launch day unfortunately

  • +15

    If Cyberpunk 2077 taught me anything it was to never preorder.

    • +6

      and Battlefield 2042

    • +2

      same but actually dont mind cyberpunk now and plan to make a stealth playthrough when i get my steam deck lol (i give it about 5 seconds before I go back in guns blazing)

    • +2

      Same, although ended up loving the game after it's updates, so ended up a good deal still.

    • +4

      Too late, she's already made her money, more money doesn't even matter.

    • +17

      People need to learn to separate the art from the artist, not that she had anything to do with the creation of the game itself. Regardless of what you think of her, she created a world that you seem to (want to) enjoy. If you enjoy Harry Potter, you're the only one who knows or cares about the hill you're dying on. Buy the game if you want the game, don't buy it if you don't want it. She did not write the story for this game; she just gets paid what is owed to her for creating the universe. Everyone and their damn virtue signalling these days…

      • This.

      • +4

        People need to learn to separate the art from the artist

        Easier said than done though, especially when enjoyment of something comes from very subjective feelings.

        Personal example, I feel weird listening to Kayne now even though I love his music. When I am listening I can't just forget he's basically a nazi now. I wish I could, but I can't turn that part of my brain off.

        • -1

          He's a talented but mentally ill person with bipolar disorder, who's unfortunately caught up in a very public manic episode. His music isn't about his love for concentration camps or the Aryan race, so enjoy the music and his lyrical ability for what it is. You can disagree with his recent public opinions, as most do, but don't stop yourself from doing something you love because of it. If it makes you feel better, you can attribute the music you love to 'Kanye' and the Naziesque comments to 'Ye'.

          • -4

            @taylor2207: I agree with you until you derail on your last sentence scoffing at virtue signaling.

            Rowling isn't exactly buying a militia but she's not creating a positive impact with her views. It might not be physical harm she creates (at least directly) but it's still harmful.

            I think it's perfectly fine to not do harry potter because your views clash with Rowling's. People do need to make statements through their choices. Although buying second hand or pirating is a bit hypocritical if you have opposing views.

        • -4

          If Kanye was a Nazi why would he say he loves Jews and Nazis? dig a little deeper if you can and realize Kanye is trying to break free from his handlers (perhaps not doing a great job) hence why they are trying to make him out to be Cra Cra. He has nefarious people with hidden agendas constantly surrounding him trying to influence his decisions because of his huge fan base and influence. Free speech means he can say what he likes, and people like you who insist on Banning or Deleting comments that conflict with your own ideals (mob mentality) sound more like a Nazi than anything Kanye has said or done, wasn't it Hitler who was in favor or book burning? Ye is definitely not a "NAZI" ffs lol. If you don't like what he is saying (i personally don't give 2 hoots about Ye) simply don't listen to him. I bet you support Ukraine? even though there is clear evidence Ukraine has a huge Nazism problem considering half their army have swastika tattoos and celebrate Banderas ( A real NAZI). Sadly most Genration WHY ignore the ugly truth in favor of whatever is the flavor of the month, it's so ridiculous the brainwashing that has people like you thinking reducing Co2 is going to save a dying planet…What a joke. Please step back and rise above the BS…EVERYTHING you know is a LIE.

      • +1

        Except that she keeps commenting that giving her money is validation for her to keep on this track.

        She's refusing to let you have that separation and interpretation of the creative works.

        Then there's the whole depiction of goblins… but hopefully that element is appropriately addressed in the plot.

      • i agree. it's like how we can appreciate hitler's art while still not liking hitler

    • +2

      Comments like this make me wish I could afford to preorder it twice.

    • +1

      The only people who suffer from the boycott are the creatives at Avalanche Software

      • what do you owe them they have been making games for 25 years and haven't made a good one yet.

        • +1

          They're at least owed a fair go which they don't get from a boycott.

    • -7

      I have to agree. I am interested in the game as it is a universe I grew up with and delved into deeply and am at least a fan of her not being involved in the story, but I just cannot bring myself to let any of my money go to her. Especially when she gloats about her royalty checks in response to justified criticism.

  • +1

    Game looks like a love letter to the Harry Potter universe. The fact JK Rowling is not directly involved in the development of the game is amazing, the devs are really putting in some amazing effort into the game.

    Hopefully the Steam Deck is officially launched in AU this year, would be great to play this on that… or a PS5 on a 4K TV.

    • +2

      The Steam Deck is available via third party resellers.…

      They confirmed that she “is not involved in the creation of the game,” adding that the game “is not a new story from J.K. Rowling.”
      However, the devs did note that – while they have been creating the world from Hogwarts Legacy – the developers “collaborated closely with her team on all aspects of the game.” - Dexerto…

      • +1

        The Steam Deck is available via third party resellers.

        Exactly why I used the words “officially launched”.

        “collaborated closely with her team on all aspects of the game.”

        Interesting, wonder who her “team” consists of. The design of the game definitely look more inspired from the third movie onwards.

        • -2

          Interesting, wonder who her “team” consists of.

          Probably other terfs like Andrew Tate

    • +2

      The fact JK Rowling is not directly involved in the development of the game is amazing


      Her non-involvement isn't surprising, nor something that would make the game better.

      • -1

        Considering she created the universe and stories don’t you think that input from her on the story could have been beneficial? It’s a testament to the devs that they didn’t need her guidance.

        • +3

          Testament lol

          Let’s wait for the reviews

          • -1

            @XCOM v2: I'm talking about how the game visually appears e.g. how some common rooms look, how Hogwarts' surroundings look, the design of the game, not the story. Do you think that I'm talking about the end product? How does that make sense when the game isn't even out yet?

          • @XCOM v2: They’re out now and as I presumed based on the footage the game is getting reviewed pretty well, so what were you saying again..?

      • nor something that would make the game better

        Yeah because Rowling's contribution to the HP canon post-book series has just been stellar.

    • Genuine question: Why is JK Rowling's non-involvement in the game "amazing"?

      • +2

        This same question was asked and I answered it.

        Expanding on from that answer as an example, is it mentioned in the books what the other common rooms look like or what the greater surroundings of Hogwarts are like? You don't see them in the movies, yet the devs were able to create environments that look like they'd fit right into the universe and movies.

        I'd say the exact same thing about the upcoming Avatar game; it looks amazing even though James Cameron isn't actively hands-on with the game.

        I find it interesting I've been asked this exact same question twice so why did you ask me this?

        • +1

          Thanks. Sorry, I should've read the full thread.

  • +3

    Matching HN

  • +3

    I won't ever preorder a game again, no matter how good it looks or who is making it.

    Learnt my lesson.

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