Twitter 3rd Party Apps. Elon Is Evil?

I used to admire Elon until recently. I liked how he speaks his mind during interviews and not always politically correct.

I have been using Tweetbot since I joined twitter. You probably have heard how Elon just cut off most 3rd party twitter apps with no warning or communication whatsoever.

Imagine the livelihood of these companies and their employees for being jobless overnight!

I can’t wrap my head around how someone can be so rude to developers who helped twitter grow since before twitter even had their own iOS app.

I now know Elon is shit and an evil person.

I tried to use the official app for the past few days and just hate it so much.

End rant.

How did you use twitter? And did this action made you use twitter less?

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  • +18

    No option for "I Don't use this crappy thing" ?


    I now know Elon is shit and an evil person.

    It took him buying Twitter for you to realise this? lol

    • -1

      It is the last option.
      I was on the fence about his personality. Thought he did the world some good with how he helped EV grow in popularity and what spaceX have done so far specially with the starlink.
      I know he does it all for personal gain but that was all very useful to the world.

      • +1

        it is the last option

        No it's not. The last option is "I don't know what twitter is" from the wording of it lol.

    • +3

      It sounds like OP was fine with Musk buying Twitter and was only offended when affected personally due to their favoured third party app being blocked.

      It's reminiscent of that famous German pastor who supported Hitler and antisemitism but once his church was threatened and then he was sent to Dachau he had a change of heart.

  • +12

    Elon buying Twitter is the equivalent of not getting what you want at a restaurant and them not letting your friend in, then you buying the whole restaurant chain just to fire a few people and just so you can let your friend back in, making it worse for everyone else.

    The sooner the guy goes bankrupt, the better.

    • +8

      Elon buying twitter to fire people isn't the worst thing he did. He purposly post vague sentence about crypto currencies and manipulate the price fluction, for his own benefit is at least 10 times worse than his twitter issue.

      • +1

        Apparently, according to the fanbois, manipulating crypto markets is all good as it's not a crime because it's unregulated and the buyers are simps… So, apparently, that makes it all ok.

        • +1

          and the buyers are simps

          The irony of his simps saying this.

    • He lost 200 billion by. the end of 22.

  • +1

    Don't really use Twitter myself but have an account that I mostly used for entering comps, I follow a handful of PC stores and no political commentators. The one thing I've noticed is that about two weeks after Elon took the reins I started getting e-mail notifications for tweets from accounts I don't follow and all of them are right-wing troll accounts.

    • Me too. Competitions only, then a flood of right wingers. They have 0 personal info or data from me too, so nothing on my end.

  • Harpy is my app of choice for accessing Twitter.

  • you came to the right place

  • -1

    I like Elon guys done more good for the world and environment with the EV revolution then all these lunatic protesting socialist chaining themselves to cars and junk

  • +1

    Twitter is literally a cocoon of hate.

  • Reeeeeeeeeeee

  • -1

    Elon is the perfect example of how money can corrupt people.

    • No, it's a terrible one, lmao.

      It's like how a business starts laying off people because it's not sustainable to keep them on.

      • +1

        No it isn’t.

        Third party apps like Tweetbot are considered to be superior to the actual Twitter app. Suddenly removing third party access for Tweetbot can completely jeopardise the entire company and its employees.

        If you think upper management always knows best and actually knows who to lay off you’d be wrong.

        • +1

          Third party apps like Tweetbot are considered to be superior to the actual Twitter app.


          Suddenly removing third party access for Tweetbot can completely jeopardise the entire company and its employees.

          Agree with this one, would have been good to have given them notice .

          If you think upper management always knows best and actually knows who to lay off you’d be wrong.

          Irrelevant. They are the ones managing the company and are in charge of making decisions.

          • @ozhunter:

            They are the ones managing the company and are in charge of making decisions.

            Cool, so if it ever happens to you I’m sure you’ll accept it without any issue then.

            • +2

              @Ghost47: Still wouldn't think the practice of firing/laying off someone is evil.

              • +1

                @ozhunter: There is truth to that but to an extent because it is true that getting rid of dead weight isn’t a bad thing, but when someone comes into a business and immediately lays off half the staff willy nilly on like, a week’s notice after very little consideration, and then rehires some of that staff back, it was a rash and evil decision because it affects people’s livelihoods and mental state.

                Musk’s entire intent to what he did is because he saw Twitter as a leftist cesspool, as many others do, and he acted to quell the platform by buying it, it wasn’t because he wanted to improve the bottom line or optimise the business. He thought carting that sink into HQ was a flex, if anything it’s an embarrassment someone of his calibre acted that way.

                If you don’t think that firing/laying off staff can’t be evil, then you probably don’t think Alan Joyce is evil either.

                I don’t think we’ll see eye to eye on this topic, there’s no point continuing on.

                • +2


                  He thought carting that sink into HQ was a flex, if anything it’s an embarrassment someone of his calibre acted that way.

                  You're talking about the guy that heard about a bunch of kids stuck in a cave, spent the next day running the media circuit showing off his hilarious little cocoon coffins that would "totally ferry the stuck children to safety", then got so butthurt when a diver (who was actually involved in the rescue) told him his idea was a joke that he called the diver a pedo and explicitly called him a rapist with a child bride in private communications to journalists in order to get some MSM crusade going against the guy.

                  Elon is the quintessential terminally-online toddler. Carrying a sink into the lobby because he wanted to make a dad joke for his Twitter friends doesn't even come close to the level of embarrassment that Musk frequents.

                • @Ghost47: Immediately or not is irrelevant. The company was losing millions each day. Other big tech companies were laying thousands of people off around the same time.

                  Musk’s entire intent to what he did is because he saw Twitter as a leftist cesspool, as many others do, and he acted to quell the platform by buying it,

                  I think it is because he values "free speech" and saw Twitter as the digital town square and thinks it would be good for society for everyone to speak more freely.

                  it wasn’t because he wanted to improve the bottom line or optimise the business.

                  Doesn't mean he's ok with it to continually lose money the way it was.

  • +1

    He's doing what he needs to do to make his own business profitable. How is that a crime?

    It was previously funded by every day investors not realising their money was being used to fund yoga and ping pong for the 1000's of unnecessary employees.

    • +6

      Cutting 3rd party access to twitter with no notice and then leaving them in the dark about what happened is far from what he needed to do to make his business profitable! He could’ve at least given them a month notice so they can sort out their lives. These apps actually helped twitter grow when twitter started. They at least deserve some respect.

    • How is that a crime?

      Really? Posting shit on Twitter to manipulate stock and crypto markets that he is heavily invested in for his own personal gain?

      Christ, just how much of Bhagwan Musk's Kool-aide have you been sipping?

      • How is manipulating crypto markets a crime? They are unregulated.

        If idiots want to pile on a crypto when he posts a picture of a dog then they deserve to be screwed.

        • +1

          You seem to have a big problem with a business providing yoga to their employees but are perfectly fine with Elon scamming people out of their money.

          You're a weird one.

    • No he is not.

      He is throwing his weight around

      The company cannot run efficiently on 25% of the former staff.

      Yoga and ping pong are good for employees.

      You are not longer working in the 1950's.

      All companies have relaxation benefits.

  • +5

    I don't live on the internet forums like some do — why is he evil now and why did everyone change their mind so quick? is bill gates still evil too, or was this a direct swap of the mantle?

    • +2

      Reddit is always wrong, is the take-away.

      Back when Elon was their golden child, they loved him for idiotic reasons while ignoring the actually dodgy stuff the lad got up to. Now that he (very publicly) doesn't share their politics, the redditors hate him for similarly idiotic reasons, while continuing to ignore the dodgy stuff.

      To their credit though, they still hate Bill Gates.

      • They loved him because he is wealthy and of course he doesn't think when the speaks. Golden Child for the alt right

        Many hate Gates and a lot of others because Q told them to.

        • They loved him because he is wealthy and of course he doesn't think when the speaks. Golden Child for the alt right

          They liked him because they thought he was "Iron Man but IRL". Reddit isn't alt-right by any stretch. Elon may be earning favour with the US alt-right now, but that wasn't always the case. You should've seen the redditors talking about him back circa 2017 and earlier. You'd think he was their dad or something.

          Many hate Gates and a lot of others because Q told them to.

          Gates gets hate on all sides of politics. The US left are (correctly, tbh) quite suspicious of his Epstein ties, and many still hate him for the decades of Microsoft tomfoolery and being actively hostile to FOSS and hobbyist culture. He's the classic capitalist fatcat.

          • +2

            @whatwasherproblem: It’s so weird seeing all these people dump on Elon for basically allowing conservatives back on Twitter, not shadow banning them like the weasel-libs by nature have been doing and he voted Republicans for the first time in his life but none of these people ever talk about the pedophile i.e. Bill Gates and the most anti union/labour fella Jeff Bezos..

            Is it just because these two happen to support the same corrupt party/policies that all of these people here do?
            Plus, people here are so clueless about the reservations that ‘right wingers’ have had about Neuralink for so many years now.

    • Back in 2018, when Musk and spaceX launched the first falcon heavy into space as a test run for Mars, launching the original Tesla roaster up as a test payload, and live-streamed the whole thing, I was genuinely emotional. That’s the closest thing to a moon landing for my generation. Everyone on my socials were chatting about how inspiring it is, I was really happy to have witnessed a moment in history like that. Yeah, I know Musk wasn’t perfect in 2018. Far from it. But I thought it was a good example of how he was trying to further humanity in a compelling way that we hadn’t seen before.

      Fast forward to 2022 and musk doesn’t really do anything like that anymore. Instead of spending his time forwarding an agenda like that, he has gone headfirst into internet culture wars. Stuff that you or I simply don’t care about, and fighting over shit that doesn’t affect a vast majority of the world left-wing or right-wing. I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about it, but there’s no doubt that his trajectory has been bizarre and disappointing.

      I can’t speak for everyone, but for me it’s kinda like a ‘what could have been’ thing.

  • +6

    Elon is evil because some third party app you use can't work out how to make it work with the new system? I can see it now, Elon at the pearly gates, about to get in, but this app thing? Nope. Down you go.

    • -1

      You don’t seem to get that this ‘app thing’ is actually companies with 100’s of full time employees and running expenses. It is not an app that someone made on their PC while bored and now just generating passive income.

      All of a sudden, these people have no income and still have running expenses!
      If not evil, then it is at least a dog act!

      • +6

        No, I get it. They made an app, that presumably makes money to support these 100's of people, meanwhile Twitter is bleeding money. Yet somehow, they can't keep up with the new way Twitter works to maintain the app's usability.

        I'm not sure I'd call it evil. I understand why you're upset, both at the loss of functionality of an app that you like using, and jobs or whatever, but they made an unauthorized third party app. You could just as easily argue that siphoning off money from Twitter is evil, or neither of them are. It's just business.

        • I was under the impression that those apps were something that twitter (under the old management) actually encouraged and was happy to work with. I could be totally wrong though but I can’t see how they got unauthorised access to twitter’s API.
          I know before Elon’s acquisition, twitter started releasing features for their own app that weren’t available for 3rd party apps. But just cutting them off with no heads up before or even after seems a bit ridiculous.

    • +2

      I'd agree he looks like a rich bully, which is pretty consistent with how most rich people act. seems to almost be the path by which you get to such a position. but none of this is 'evil', right?

      • +2

        Being the poster-boy of free speech for conservative-leaning crowd, but employing insane hypocrisy regarding free speech is evil to me.

        • +1

          by definition — someone trying to fly to mars and implement new waves of AI tech surely doesn't meet the criteria for conservative?

          i definitely agree people are now seeing him differently to before — but i'd rather save the definition of 'evil' for more extreme scenarios. that said — where you draw your line is entirely up to you.

          • @lewislardboy:

            by definition — someone trying to fly to mars and implement new waves of AI tech surely doesn't meet the criteria for conservative?

            I don't know how you came to that conclusion, nor how his plans for colonisation of Mars have anything to do with this conversation.

            I am not necessarily saying Musk is a "conservative", but I mean if you check out the people and tweets he retweets, well … it'd be hard to conclude differently

            • +1

              @ThithLord: Musk himself has said he used to be “half Democrat, half Republican” but in more recent years he is much more right leaning than he used to be. It’s no surprise really, people tend to do this a) as they get older and b) as they become more wealthy.

              You go from “It would be nice if the government helped by doing x” to “I made it on my own steam, f everyone else.”

              I suspect Musk was more left-leaning when he needed to build himself up, now he has what he wants he doesn’t see the need to help people.

  • +2

    You probably have heard how Elon just cut off most 3rd party twitter apps with no warning or communication whatsoever

    not possible.. he said before that all major changes would be done via twitter polls…
    right :)

  • -1

    He is an Immigrant from South Africa.
    His father used to belt him and then left his family.
    Mom fled to Canada so he came via Canada to the US.
    He somehow has a missing mom complex and burns thru Canadian women like water.
    He joined greedy AH's in silicon valley to develop an online paying system for Ebay.
    He made millions with Paypal.
    He bought Telsa as an established failure and turned it around.
    So far so good.
    NASA was in a mess partially to having grown into a stale government agency. The Shuttle crash due to a stubborn Linda H. did not help.
    So he got them a good solution.
    Boring co is what its name says.
    Short-sellers in NYC were going to give hell to that immigrant making dough like no real Yank could.
    As short-sellers used Twitter too much he got trapped in buying the crap.
    Sounds like when Murdoch bought Myspace, a dirty immigrant thrown under a bus.

    Now Elon is screwed, Chinese cheap cars will do what they did to German and American TV makers.

  • -1

    Do you actually use Twitter as a communication tool, or do you just go on their occasionally to see what famous people have tweeted recently?

    In my opinion, Twitter is crap and always has been. I lost some respect for Elon when he bought it.

    Twitter is probably fun if you're a celebrity, because of all the instant adulation your tweets get. On the other hand, some celebrities receive a lot of hate on there.

    Personally, none of my family or friends use Twitter, so I can't see any point using it.

    • +1

      I just use it to follow the news from the sources basically. Only follow some sportsmen, news channels and random accounts that I liked what they tweet. Never tweeted myself.

  • +2

    Twitter is/has/always was a moronic cesspool for people whose attention spans 140 chars. Elon is a rich dude who has had some good ideas and done some profitable business. Who cares if he’s good or bad. How many billionaire rich boys do you think are actually not bad?

    • Snapchat was developed as a bullying tool to kill the evidence. A real cesspool!
      Now Whatsup can do the same but who wants to support Zuck?
      Nobody goes backwards. Short-sellers are not going to Whatsup or FB messenger. That dentist kid from NYC is hated just as much.
      Room for a newbie to perhaps screw over the sharemarket to please darlings like Mary Barra to counter Elon?

  • +1

    "I used to think someone lots of other people were injured by was great, until I myself was affected by something he did"

  • +1

    While Elon is a scumbag, Twitter has been moving to remove ease of use of their API's, and it was pretty obvious that even before Musk took over, 3rd party apps were going to stop being supported soon.

  • Who is Elon?

  • -2

    Only ever used official app.

    Elmo fired 75% of the staff globally.

    He allowed the worst of the worst to return to twitter.

    he is allowing conspiracy theories to thrive

    I have reported neo nazis and was told they are not breaking any rules.

    Even though he is vaccinated he is encouraging conspiracy theories and adds fuel to fire.

    Yesterday he said new algorithm suggests alt right for left side twitters and the other way around. He thinks we should not block as we end up in the echo chamber if we do.

    Not sure why he hasn't pulled the pin yet. Guess his bosses are not allowing him to

    • +2

      He allowed the worst of the worst to return to twitter.
      he is allowing conspiracy theories to thrive

      Do you believe big tech should have the power to censor a specific political side to suit their own agenda?

      They might be ‘the worst’ to you but a large % of the population would not agree. Differing views is a good thing, healthy debate is what makes the world function. Cutting it off is a recipe for disaster.

  • People who spread lies and hate should be censored.

    The majority of the population agrees.

    Minority wanted them back and he obliged.

    Sadly you are not nor have you been paying attention.

  • it's not different views. sadly you fail reality check.

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