Remasters of the classic RTS games Command & Conquer as well as Red Alert by Westwood Studios, at a historic low of 85% off (A$4.49).
[PC, Steam] Command & Conquer Remastered Collection $4.49 (85% off) @ Steam

Last edited 17/01/2023 - 09:12 by 1 other user
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I bought the initial 2 games and 3 expansions well before I had my first PC. Probably sat around a year. Such was my love for them.
Never had so much fun on a PC.
"Never had so much fun on a PC."
Just like me, except for when I'm watching the progress counter on Windows Updates
Great games. Good to see them go so low, although I happily paid full price on release.
Where is that generals remaster, would love to replay!
"China will grow larger"
Thank you for the new shoes!
“Can I have some shoes?”
There is a MOD that basically does it and a heap of people are playing. A bit of googling and i think it's called "C&C Generals Zero Hour Remake". If all the youtube vid's are anything to go by it is done amazingly well
Generals Evolution is another good one, though it's a mod for Red Alert 3.
The particle cannon fx alone were worth the install for me…
AK-47s for everyone
Given every time someone posts anything to do with Generals/Zero Hour I (and a few other OzB degens) get a rockin' nostalgia boner (and want to share it; you're welcome), here's the current situation…
Generals (well, Zero Hour) is pretty much at its all-time peak of popularity right now and only getting stronger. E-Sports tournaments draw 30k+ viewers and prize money is in the thousands of USD now (all community run/managed). is a great source of info and gameplay; most of the pros are based there.
Dominat0r (former ZH world champ) has a brilliant YouTube channel pumping out high-quality replays with full commentary, check that out for sure.
The game is reasonably difficult to legally acquire these days but can be done either by purchasing a 2nd hand CD key from g2a or similar, or you can buy the whole CnC franchise via EA's Origin replacement (should have called it Orifice) reasonably affordably, if you can find the listing (it sometimes disappears, cos EA will kill your childhood for money, but won't let you pay them).
Once installed, make sure you get GenTool and GenPatcher (google) as they fix all the problems running on a modern OS/hardware that is present in a game that had its last official update in 2005 I think. GenTool also activates a bunch of tools for online matchmaking and replay recording/auto-uploads.
The modding scene is funking great too - Shockwave is my fave, with Shockwave Chaos mod (4thelulz) also worth a suss. Rise of the Reds and Contra are others both highly regarded but I never got into them quite as much as they kinda meddled with the core game mechanics (IMO).
Anyway, hundreds of hours of fun if you dip your toes in again - after playing relentlessly as a teen, I forgot about PC gaming for the most part, then reinstalled following a period of illness. Used to think e-sports was a total joke and waste of time, yet here I am watching like 45min of Dominat0r replays every day (the bugger pumps like 3 out a day, he's a machine!).
TLDR: best RTS evaaaar (again, IMO but you can GTFO if you disagree you mule). Disgusting that it's been 20 years and nothing comparable in the genre has lived up to it (Dawn of War 1 gets real close but ZH is a tighter package with more longevity). The micro focus, unit mix, difference in races/generals, and mostly the sheer fun factor are yet to be matched. And holy bananas, the soundtrack! AND the quotability of the units (lol see below)! Too much love for this -chefs kiss- special guy.
No idea it was that popular again. Hopefully EA sees the benefit in doing a remaster and continuing support like Microsoft did with AoE 2 and releasing DE. That game is even older and still pulls numbers, and they did a good job with it too.
This is an excellent price! Anyone who remembers these should get this remaster, it's done brilliantly (hell, even people who like RTS' should get these and play them, they're so good). 10/10 can recommend!
At this price I'll grab it just for the soundtrack.
"I'm a mechanical, I'm a mechanical, I'm a mechanical man!" so good lol
I can hear this text, delicious
"We are going to have to act - if we want to live in a different world"
Covert Ops is one of the best soundtracks ever - Just Do It (Up)
Thanks Op, I used to play this with my cousin over 56k modem until mum picked up the phone and rage was ignited !
Fell in love with Red Alert, loved Skirmish mode and working toward building and setting off the nuke (the animation was even better in Generals!).
I keep hoping this comes to
GOG may get the originals but not the remasters. They have Crysis (DRM-free) but not Crysis Remastered.
They can keep Crysis Remastered. The franchise died after Warhead.
The franchise never took off in the first place.
Crysis was a glorified tech demo with the most braindead campaign story ever seen in an FPS that made the original FarCry seem like a Shakespearean play and gameplay that devolved into running around while cloaked as you eliminated the broken AI. In fact, it was the original Far Cry with sexy new game engine.
I can't stand how shallow of a developer Crytek are, their only claim to fame is CryEngine and its glory days are firmly in the past given it's completely failed to achieve the popularity and licensing revenue of Unreal, Unity or the Source Engine.
Ubisoft took their half-assed Far Cry IP and actually turned it into a passable excuse for a shooter franchise with FC2/FC3.
The concept for every single game Crytek come up with (Crysis, The Climb, Hunt: Showdown) seems like something they shat out during a 15-minute coffee break.It's actually mind-boggling that they've managed to stay somewhat relevant and on the radar of the videogame industry for so long given the fact that they've basically re-released the same exact game every 2-3 years for 20 years now: a tech demo that can melt GPUs with story/gameplay mechanics that are at least 10 years behind the curve. Though I guess that says more about how stupid the gamer demographic is than Crytek.
@Miami Mall Alien: I played through Crysis and Crysis Warhead late 2022. They hold up. They're fun to play, especially on the hardest difficulty.
Everyone who hates it never had the hardware to play it at launch and have forever held a grudge.
Everyone who hates it never had the hardware to play it at launch and have forever held a grudge.
Lol, flexing about running Crysis at launch in 2022? God that meme is beyond stale by now dude, seriously.
I played both games years after release when I could easily max them out and they're still garbage.
I even gave Crysis 2 a chance thinking that Crytek may have changed their smooth brain ways but no… still the same old, game-length tech demo horsesh*t.@Miami Mall Alien: Crysis 2 was not a tech demo. It was a consolized piece of shit. I'm sorry you weren't able to appreciate the original Crysis.
I'm sorry you weren't able to appreciate the original Crysis.
No sh*t. It's damn-near impossible to find any redeeming qualities in a completely generic dudebro shooter that is the gaming equivalent of a Vin Diesel or Steven Seagal film and whose only selling point, the graphics, is no longer relevant.
Expand your gaming palette.
There's far better ways to waste a few hours if you're just looking for some satisfying shooty-bang-bang action: Doom 2016, Doom Eternal, Wolfenstein: New Order/The Old Blood/New Colossus, Dusk, Ion Fury, Bombshell, Amid Evil, Prodeus, Halo: Master Chief Collection, Black Mesa, Spec Ops: The Line, Far Cry 2/3/4/Primal.
All of them are nowhere near as insulting to your intelligence or dignity to play as any of the Crysis games.
FYI, if you've got MS GamePass, this is included as part of the partnership with EA Play. Downside is you also need to install EA Play..
I'd rather pay $5 lol
And then you own it forever.
Well, only as much as you "own" anything on Steam… Maybe one day GOG will bless us with a DRM-free version.
Yeah I'd recommend paying it. The EA Play app is horrible and half the games I've installed off there don't even work.
The ant missions were brutal when I was a kid.
had so much fun with this
Need Red Alert 2
Yes what is going on with this?
Great game.
Use hack to see all map.
Then get banned by EA Games lol
I bought this from EA during the boxing day sale, haven't been able to get it to launch with permissions issues around the EA launcher, this seems the plague the game from what I can tell online with no solution in sight… Hope it works for all the Steam people out there.
I managed to get mine to work, there are 2 steps, the instructions are well documented online
I tried playing this recently on Hard mode and realised the pathfinding and targeting AI is horrendous. The graphics and UI are remastered but the pathfinding and targeting are abysmal.
Your units will run up to a tank and throw themselves under its treads before even thinking about opening fire. They will run up to the enemy turret and lay down to die. Or they will abandon the rest of your troops and run in the opposite direction.
I love these games (especially the soundtrack) but games have come a long way since then 😅 and hard mode is frustrating rather than fun. Try normal.
PS I have so much nostalgia for it though, especially the soundtrack.
Agreed. I thought the remaster would fix this but they didn't and it's so frustrating. Open RA is a fan made version which is better and free.
Your move Blizzard.
Not so sure about that after what happened with WC3…
Blizzard have been patching WarCraft III: Reforged since last year :)
Ahh this is unlike the first collection I bought many years ago that also included Tiberium Sun, Renegade, etc.
This one only includes the original Command & Conquer plus Red Alert!
And every mission ever made plus the playstation versions that were not released on PC prior and fully remastered full soundtrack movies and graphics… Plus extras and full multiplayer.
It's a definitive version of C and C and Red Alert
I also have the first collection - it has everything but it's not remastered. This is remastered for C&C + Red Alert and the expansions so I bought this as well
Ahh this is unlike the first collection I bought many years ago that also included Tiberium Sun, Renegade, etc.
Those would have been the original Command and Conquer and Red Alert games in that compilation pack you're talking about, which don't even run on modern operating systems anymore without a whole host of hacky workarounds and community-made fixes.
These are the remastered re-releases from 2020. They're vastly improved and expanded compared to the originals.
Ooooh I want Tiberian Sun
can i play this on a M1 2020 macbook air lol
Am trying to figure out how to play it, too
I’ve been playing it on my MBA M1 recently on Steam through Geforce Now.
Anyone tried playing this on an Intel MacBook Pro 2020 model?
Where is Red Alert YURI!!!!
Thanks for the heads up at that price it’s a no brainer
Had a few dollars sitting in my Steam wallet - so an absolute purchase. Thanks for posting!
I know Macs are not great for gaming yadda yadda — but surely they could handle this old game?
Is there any easy way to get it working on a Mac? Asking for a friend… 🙄
Could probably run it in a virtual machine / Parallels etc.
I'm stuck on Mac myself, but more likely to get a simple PC just to play this.
M1 Pro here. I ended up building a PC (full AMD build).
You need a good pc and gpu to play online.
Poster above mentioned " Geforce Now"…
Wow! It's pretty awesome service! Run any game on a virtual gaming server and play it on any platform. Just tested it on my mac and it connects to your game services and libraries (steam / epic etc.) and off you go. I only had it running for 30 mins this afternoon – but seems very smooth once you get your slot.
Retro gaming 4tw
I'd really like to play this but lack of proper ultrawide support (i.e. without black bars during gameplay) is a real bummer :(
Unless I'm missing something of course - If they've added support I'd love to be corrected if anyone can confirm this. Hoping for 3440x1440 fwiw.
I'm using a 3440x1440 ultrawide and it's really not that bad - there is semi support for it and makes use of the space by overlaying the menu icons and the building UI on the right black bar area so you're really only left with black bar on the left and even then some UI elements like the chat window will be on the left bar area, so it clears up the centre for main play.
I bought the full pack about 5 years ago, I actually was looking for it last week, checked steam and epic, thought origin, but found it's closing so installed EA, but couldnt' see it on there either, only the remastered version.
So not sure if it was origin but have lost it due to them closing, would of thought it would carry over to the new EA. Can't think of any other installers that it could of been on?Either way just bought this cause it's some old school C&C, but would be great if it had TS. God i spent 1000's of hours playing that.
Origin is closing down???
Yea, if you go here there's a pop up down the bottom saying, Origin is closing it's doors.
sorry - wrong game
Hello guys, what is the hardware specs that run this game? I normally play on console. Not sure what sort of PC I can run it. Thanks
Not a lot , I'm testing it shortly on my workstation with just onboard graphics so I'll let you know.
from the steam site.
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 8.1/10 (64-bit Version)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 @ 2.4ghz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400 @ 2.4ghz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 420 or ATI Radeon HD 5570
DirectX: Version 11Thanks mate, this is my favourite game during my childhood.
Did Tiberian Sun ever get remastered?
Not yet Comrade
I'm waiting for Dune 2 remastered
Bought and reliving my childhood thanks op.
Hoping the wife and kids don't interrupt me 😉
Chrono commando
Also can not pay via PayPal
Paypal worked for me!
Yes on pc, not phone
I had this same issue, thought it was my account. Glad not.
dune 2000 was the original- C&C was great next step
I'm on it!
Shake it baby!Red alert 2 pls
Bought. Thanks OP.
Bought thanks OP!
Hopefully EA remasters Red Alert 2 next!
Man they don't make games like they used to. This game defined a generation