Porting Number between 2 Exisiting Accounts Boost + Telstra

I have 2 exisiting accounts, 1 with boost and 1 with Telstra Post-Paid. I’d like to port the number currently assigned to my boost account over to my Telstra Post-Paid account. I don’t particularly care what happens to the boost account or other number after this.

Is there a way?

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  • +1

    Yes. Should be easy to do in Telstra shop or through online chat. I recently swapped two numbers between two Telstra services in store.

    If that doesn’t work port the boost number to Optus etc and then port it to Telstra.

    • +1

      Just for clarity sake, it sounds like OP would like to keep both accounts active as they are, but just swap the numbers around. I would have thought the answer was a straightforward "no", but happy to hear it worked for you.

      Do note though that porting out to Optus, etc then back to Telstra will lose the current boost or Telstra plan and start all over again.

  • +1

    Technically, Boost to Telstra is modify order and a sim swap

  • +1

    You can but boost and Telstra use the same system

    Strongly recommend doing this at a store
    1. Select and activate post paid plan
    2. Boost plan gets disconnected as we cannot port to and from the same system
    3. Number of the postpaid service you just activated then gets reassigned to your boost number
    4. Your number is ready on a new SIM card

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