Where to Get Cheap Jalapeño Peppers in Sydney?

I love making jalapeño poppers on the smoker, but the price of the jalapeños is a bit out of control - $30kg at Coles, and pretty poor quality most of the time.

Is there anywhere in Sydney selling fresh jalapeños cheaply?


  • Flemington Markets?

  • +2

    Sydney produce market Flemington.
    Or grow some plants, they are an easy plant to grow.

  • I have seen them consistently cheaper at Harris farm.

    Not by a lot though. They are generally $24 a kilo if I recall correctly.

    • I did see that, still, would like to find a way to buy a few kilos at a time without it costing close to $100

      • Yeah my guess would be to try and get in contact from members of the Mexican community in your area.

        You could also try asking a local restaurant if they would be able to source some through their wholesaler for you.

  • I think El Guapo Cantina in Neutral Bay have them. Highly recommend that place.

    • Funnily enough, a friend owns that place and I didn't even think to ask them.

      • Really? Your mate is doing damn fine work in that case!

        Forgot to mention it’s a restaurant so it’s probably not on the cheaper side.

        You could probably find these frozen, I think I saw them in Costco a while ago.. maybe seasonal though.

        • Yeah, I've been meaning to go for quite some time, but life, kids, work, etc… I've heard it's pretty great through other sources.

  • +1

    If you've got a spot in your yard it's not too late in the season to grab a couple Jalapeno plants from Bunnings. I make poppers too and I've got 4 jalapeno plants going in the backyard atm and I'm about to have more than I can eat, pity I'm in Melb.

    • I’ll take ‘em, thanks

    • +1

      Pickle them, what I used to do. Basically boil with vinegar, herbs, garlic. jalapeno all year round, taste much better than ones you buy.

    • +1

      Awesome, great idea!

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