I need a script for a basic medication that I've been taking for 16 years.
Bit how is everyone getting their repeat scripts these days? Still spending hours going into the doctor and waiting? Doctors phone consultation? Does it still cost $70 for a not bulk billed phone doctors appointment just as if you went in? Do chemist give out scripts now? i remember hearing about that but dont know what kind of scripts they were. And then there is all these online doctor websites that give out scripts that look dodgy..
How is everyone getting repeat scripts?

https://www.instantscripts.com.au/cat/ for prescription medicine that doesn't require a consultation - you say basic medication in your OP so maybe it's one of these?
Otherwise telehealth consultation for ~5 minutes
$49 https://app.instantscripts.com.au/cat/DocCons?refhost=https%…
$45 https://www.instantconsult.com.au/pricing/
Both of them should be able to issue a number of repeats for you and either issue as an eScript - SMS or email to your phone - and/or forward to your preferred pharmacy for dispensing and/or delivery
Thanks for this, I'd been panicking because my GPs office closed entirely and suddenly (it was a place with a dozen doctors) and I was left with less than 2 weeks on my current script needing to find a new GP and get my documents transferred to them.
Went on the site, paid $49, doctor called me in 15 minutes, had a 5 minute chat about my health and I got an eScript sent to me straight away.
I still like going to my doctor, he does a decent checkup on me, tells me I'm fat and does the odd blood test for fun, but this was great to just get the script I need.
tells me I'm fat
Possibly something of an understatement?
and does the odd blood test
… but it turns out that it’s not your fault!
Some places bulk bill for telehealth script renewals. All other apps are out of pocket.
Might need to pay and do initial F2F to get on their books.My old GP who I'd been regularly seeing just gave me a new script without needing to see physically see him after I told the receptionist what I needed.
My doctor refuses to do phone consultations, so I've got to go into the medical centre for a visit that costs $130, less medicare rebate - lucky it's only once every 6 months.
Mine charges $5 for a repeat. Just ring up and ask for it. However, depends on the meds - some they are required to see you (condition of prescription).
Doctors on Demand. $15 for my scripts in one go. Usually delivered to my phone within 10 mins of ordering. Have never seen a GP there.
(They're now making me do an online consult - not happy)
We just call the receptionist and pick it up next day. No consultation required. I think they charge something like $15.
If you belong to category in this page, https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/chronic-disease-gp-mana… you can get bulked billed consultation.
Last one I had was a phone consult and the Dr send a QR code to my phone which was scanned at the pharmacy.
My GPs practice have a repeat prescription service set up online. Cost is $20 and they send an escript to your mobile.
I usually see my GP for other reasons more than I need the scripts so I just always check how many repeats I have left and if they’ll run out in 1-4 months I ask for them when I am there rather than waiting for them to run out and reacting.
Phone consultation, and then get them to send to my pharmacy