Ring doorbell power supply

Hi, looking to replace an old doorbell with a ring pro 2.
Could anyone let me know if this power supply will power the ring?


Model : YK-17130V
Input : 230V ~ 50Hz 180mA
Output : 17.0V 1.3A 22VA

Been looking online and can't find the info.



  • Per website "24V DC, 0.5A, 12W" and also "Do not use with 3rd-party DC power adapters as it will result in damage to the device."

  • From the Ring Pro 2 website;

    If you have an existing wired doorbell system at your front door, you need to check that it's compatible (8-24V AC, 10-40 VA, 50/60Hz)

    The power transformer you have is 17V DC, so no, it may not work based on this information.

    But the information from that same page says what it comes with it's own power supply anyway…

    The easiest and fastest way to install your Ring Video Doorbell Wired is to use the included Plug-In Adapter (2nd Gen).

    • Thanks for that info, I didn't realise it came with the power supply.

  • We hooked ours up to the existing Doorbell. No issues at all.

    • Hi, I bought it today from Bunnings.
      When I got home I saw the box seal had been opened.

      Could you let me know if your box contained this https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/s5EAAOSwSz1hlRsC/s-l500.jpg
      When looking at installation videos it says this is connected to an existing indoor chime if you want to use and existing one.
      I just want to make sure the AU version doesn't have this, could you please let me know?


      • Hey Bro just call Ring. They are very good and will get you set up in no time.

      • No, in Hindsight, mine was I think the older Ring. Purchased 2 years ago.

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