This was posted 2 years 2 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS5] Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut (Upgrade from PS4) $29.66 (was $45) @ PlayStation


I don't know if it's enough of a deal to make it noteworthy, especially as GOT is actually on the higher tier of PS+, but if your use case fits, then it's still a discount. And still a little less cash than a new physical copy of the game.

$29.66 is for the Director's cut + PS5 features.

If playing solely on the PS4, the Director's cut is at $14.99

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Loved this game. Highly recommend it

  • Is it worth the price knowing that the PC port is supposedly around the corner?

    • +4

      If you want it on PS5 not PC, yes?

    • Some of the games from the Geforce Now leak releasing out of order

      • This game coming to the PC? YIPPEE! 🎉

  • +5

    Thanks for the headsup tebbybabes.

    Yes, if you haven't played this, it's absolutely up there as one of the greatest. A lone Samurai up against the Mongol invasion. It's the Assassin's Creed in Japan game I've always wanted (and no, I doubt I'll play the actual one coming out this year, it won't hold a candle to this)

    Make sure you play it with English subtitles, sounds more authentic.

    • +3

      You can hear subtitles? I can speak braille.

      • +3

        splicer meant play with audio language set to Japanese. However, he didn't know in the original edition, lip movement was based on English (so one needs director's cut to get the Japanese lip syncing; furthermore the Japanese audio is dubbed, the mo cap actors / actresses all spoke in English).

        • Did not know that, thanks. I only played Director's Cut on ps4. It defaults to English audio, but it just felt off being in feudal Japan you know? So I put it in Japanese audio, with subtitles, and it was just awesome and more immersive. The voice actor who did Kenji was hilarious.

          • @splicer: It does feel more natural. Japanese characters speaking Japanese. It is one of the advantages of the Director's Cut, cut scenes are real time now. Digital Foundry did a comparison, cannot remember the details. Anyway, it is one advantage of Director's Cut.

            Setsuji Sato is the Japanese voice actor for Kenji.

    • On the original PS4 version I'd disagree because of the lip sync but with the AI lip sync I need to try it in Japanese.

      The English voice cast did an incredible job though.

  • Is this included in psn essential pack?

    • +2

      Included in PS+ Extra, not Essentials.

  • +2

    probably my favourite game on ps5 so far. the combat felt very intuitive and polished and the performance of the game was also very smooth, considering how much eyecandy there is in an openworld game.

    • +3

      I was looking forward to trying this after all the glowing reviews and whilst it's a good game, I came away a bit disappointed. It feels far too repetitive and combat doesn't provide much challenge even on the highest difficulty level.
      Finished Act 1 (I think from memory) and haven't played it since.

      • +2

        Yeah fighting is a bit repetitive. Also picking up random items and so many side quests nonstop to gain xp is annoying. But its still a hell of a game with amazing visuals and great storylines even with the small side quests. Noticed that ever since Batman Arkham back in 08 or 09. So many games have the same fighting controls. Guess that game was too popular. Even Spiderman seemed like a complete copy of it, they just changed the characters and the setting.

      • Combat picks up a little in act 2 because there are more duels.

  • +1

    Great game but part of PS+ Extra for those who have the subscription

    • Hopefully does not disappear within a few short montha

      • +3

        Should be there since it is a first party title. Considered only less than 5 PS5 first party exclusive titles in PS+ Extra, it will be silly for Sony to remove it any time soon.

  • -3

    Typical Sony over-priced upgrade path

  • Thanks, I can't see the upgrade option on website.

    If I have a disk verison of ps4, I assum this only be purhcased on console inserting the ps4 disk and choosing upgrades?

    • comes up when you insert the disk or something like that. Had that issue too.

      • i found it on the psn store but I dont have the option to buy it.

  • is this applicable if you have the PS4 disc version of the game on a PS5?

  • No doubt a bit repedative but still one of the best games I've played on PS

  • +1

    great game, easily the game that capped off the ps4 generation…

    $45 was steep, $30 with iki island DLC & ps5 features you can somewhat stomach, even if that shoulda been the launch price a year and a half ago… but if you somehow have missed the last 2.5 years, the ps5 version is the way to play it. god knows theres not much else around in the way of nextgen games…

  • +7

    Probably just me but I actually found this game pretty repetitive quite early into it. I've tried to enjoy it about five times now and always get 4-5 hours in and end up just not picking it up again.

    I think we are spoiled for choice now, so I've moved on to other alternatives.

  • +1

    I am not sure if there is many out there as target are slim with games but I was about to pick this up on disc ps5 directors cut for $20 I got the last one at mt druitt. tried to look on the website no longer listed other wise would add link. I hope this helps anyone trying to get a disc version

  • Love Sucker Punch (the Sly games are still some of my favourite) and I think this game is awesome generally, but I really struggled to get over just how zoomed in the camera is on the character. Like I can understand that for settlements, but not once you're out in the open world. Was a hurdle I struggled with.

  • +1

    When I click this link it shows as $46.17 for the PS4 version, is any subscription required to access this?

  • +4

    @wswgin, @dealmeister, @SillySausage93

    It's for upgrading your existing PS4 disc. I believe you have to insert the physical PS4 disc and the option/offer to upgrade shows up in the hub.

  • +1

    Is there any discount if you already have the PS4 Director's Cut version? The PS5 upgrade costs $15 normally iirc.

  • So if I already have the standard PS4 GOT (on disc) I can upgrade to the PS5 version of Directors cut for $29.66?

  • Patiently waiting for PC release

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