• expired

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 5G (256GB) $1,249.50 Shipped @ Samsung EPP / Education Store

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Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/Z15th7r.png

It also appears the newsletter code no longer works on the Edu portal so no more $50 discount :(

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closed Comments

  • i cant find the section for the newsletter code ever? it existed?

    • +6

      The $50 code existed for a while and was then basically impossible to get, yet people posting Samsung deals kept flagging that as a potential saving for literally a year or two after it stopped working.

      So it basically became an urban myth.

      • Their system is banning either based on IP or mail providers. Not sure. Gmail used to work, then stopped, then Outlook, then stopped. Proton doesnt work either (not getting any marketing emails). Temp emails worked for a period, but those dont anymore too. Yahoo mail too.

      • Yeah I emailed them, got a reply saying he manually lodged it and I should receive it in 2-10 business days.


      • I was able to sign up and ask for a code to use in December to buy the fold4

      • I have used newsletter codes at least 4 times and given some away too - no myth. You could get a code using any email address you wanted; it did not have to be the one of your education account. You could also unsubscribe and resubscribe to get a new coupon. I used to just subscribe in advance to get codes up my sleeve. Lately I have had trouble getting new codes though - previously they got through fine on my personal domain.

  • +1

    Only if I could convince Jb-hifi to price match.

  • -1

    Wait till the Fold 5 coming out next month….lol

    • +3

      Folds come out in august dont they?

      • +3

        Thought they all launching at once, my bad.

  • -2

    Stay away… Very expensive to repair. Mine slowly stopped unfolding in less than 12 months and they basically need replace the whole hinge.

    • +1

      Best to sell it before warranty is up. Had a cable come loose in my 2 month old fold 4 that stopped the inner display from turning on. Samsung warranty guy said they'd pretty much have to destroy the inner display and outer frame to get to it, which they eventually did. If it were out of warranty I'd imagine that would cost a fair bit. Same with a lot of apple phones that are basically boobytrapped to get damaged further on any repair attempt. Hopefully the pushes for more easily repairable phones in the EU will end this shitty practice.

      • +4

        As much as the Folds are probably more flimsy than the candy bar phones (moving parts, obviously means more risk on the hinges), not everyone experiences these issues. I've had mine for more than 12 months as a daily too and haven't had any problems to date. It is more prone to damage from drops as well than the standard phones so the recommendation is probably not for everyone, especially those who aren't as careful with their devices in general.

        • +1

          I love my fold and don't see myself going back to a regular phone but it's pretty clear these devices are prone to falling apart no matter how careful you are based off other's experiences online and conversations with the tech I handed it to. They're getting better but the fact that expensive working parts have to be destroyed just to fix simple issues makes owning it outside warranty a risk. Samsungs existing controversies with repairability and device failures throughout their current product ranges in general don't help either.

      • +1

        Warranties in Australia are scams. It's automatically covered under ACL.

    • +2

      This is why I want to return mine (fold 3), the inner screen can crack even by opening and closing due to hot or cold weather conditions, or if a bubble gets trapped by a dust it can crack the screen too. I don’t trust this device. I’d rather get a iPad mini with jelly scroll seriously.

      • +1

        Exactly. Hinge is connected to all components and is like 900 to repair. My screen was fine it just didn't unfold. This phone is not ready for prime time and Samsung won't replace under warranty if there is even minor damage to phone. Again stay the hell away. Not sure why I'm getting down voted just trying to save people a buck. This tech isn't ready for prime time. Before you buy also research screen protector replacements as the inner screen requires that about every 6 months and they will only replace it for free once. You need to take it into a service centre. Just get a regular phone imo.

        • +1

          These devices shouldn’t be sold at all, this a major deflect being ignored I’m surprised they haven’t done a recall.
          I made a order from mobileciti (ozbargin post) and they have been ignoring my full “refund request review”.. I haven’t opened the box whatsover so there’s no restock fee, etc
          You got downvoted because there’s immature trolls on here I call them ozbogans

          • +1

            @Alp3r: "You got downvoted because there’s immature trolls on here"
            Mostly fanboys that treat brands like footy teams and get defensive at the slightest criticism. Also people who's phone won the manufacturing lottery, have never had any issues and therefore believe people sharing their grievances are over exaggerating or not worth hearing(Despite the sea of similar complaints for similar issues online, not to mention lawsuits, both class action and individual which samsung have lost). It's just honestly backwards and they are just shooting themselves in the foot by trying to undermine genuine criticism.

    • +2

      My wife's fold3 has had two warranty claims already, one for faulty cellular module, where they had to replace the inner screen to repair. Second time the new screen's screen protector had some air bubble.
      She still loves the phone as she needs a big screen for work. But fold is more delicate, and maybe need better QA. Better to get a 2 year warranty pack and sell B4 it expires.

      • +1

        Warranties in Australia are scams. It's automatically covered under ACL.

        • Great and dandy until 2 years are up and you have to argue that the crack down the centre wasn't your fault…

          • -1

            @geshc: If you argue then you are doing it wrong.

            Need to go to the complaints section of whatever department you purchase from, not to their front-end.

        • I think the extended warranties are more akin to insurance products nowadays anyway… I get it more for user-initiated damage (eg dropped and cracked) with a clear excess which basically sets out how much I'll need to spend to get a new one.

      • These issues are common for the fold 3 and covered under ACL as others have stated. Have a co-worker that had the inner display air bubble issue that eventually led to it cracking. He had to go back and forth with support but eventually it was covered under standard warranty.

      • +1

        These claims were all covered by warranty, and we had no issue with Authorised repairer, I was refering to if she wants to keep the phone more than 2 years.

    • -1

      It's covered under ACL, no need to pay a cent.

  • +3

    I've had the Folds 1, 2 and 3 and had zero issues with durability. I never use a case either (only keep it in a soft pouch). I'm currently using the Flip3 with no issues too.

  • That's the best thing about Australia consumerism laws, after a year just sell it and hand it to someone else.

    There covered for 12 months.

  • Go read that stuff before committing to a "Soon to be landfill item"


  • +1

    My wife has had a Fold 2 for > 2 years and I have had my Fold 3 for > 18 months.
    I have stoppe dcarrying my ipad with me since I purchased this one and soon planning to stop carrying my laptop now that I have discovered DEX!
    Fold 2 was a second hand device and has had no isuess so far. Sheloves it so much that will never go back to normal phones.
    Fold 3 Screen protector on the inner screen failed after 6 months and the replaced one started peeling off at the crease few months later. Have since removed it and use the phone without a screen protector now.
    Samsung In store support was useless. Sending away my phone was a hassel and 650$ upfront security deposit before them assessing it and approving it under warranty is something to be aware off. Fold 3 has survised multiple drops with only few minor scratches. Despite the above reading,browsing,multimedia is a great experince. Not for everyone but at this price is a great device.

    • +1

      I have had pretty much the same experience with my Fold3. I got Samsung Care thinking that it would fail somehow and I would need to replace it but only the inner screen protector started to peel off. I did go naked inside for a while but eventually put one back on.

      I'm back to an S22U for now because my dad wanted the bigger screen and he definitely doesn't baby his phones, it's still going strong.

    • My Fold 2 is going strong. I did get mine replaced under Care+ half a year ago hoping to get a free upgrade to Fold 3 but it didn't happen :(

      DeX has proven to be great particularly for those who use their phone for enteprrise apps and want a way to work with just a USB C hub when they're at say a hot desk in another office, or at home and don't particularly want to pull out their laptop just to read a few emails and (native) Office documents.

    • -4

      Warranties in Australia are scams. It's automatically covered under ACL.

    • Isnt the assessment fee or security deposit only $60?

  • Good price to buy. Is it still available ? Has anyone purchased on the current offer?

    • Yep still there

  • i have, its shipping should be here tomorrow.

  • I got mine too, can't beat that price. Especially when you are getting fold 4 Taskbar view on fold3 latest update. Bang for the buck.

    • Yep looks like the A13 update just came through seems like a pretty similar experience, the tiling seems nicer anything else i should know?

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