So having a few issues with possums and stray cats doing their business near a large tree at the corner of my house and along the fence. I usually don't pay it any mind but my dog has a taste for everything poop and it makes him fairly ill. Any suggestions for any deterrents? Worst case I will have to fence off that corner of the yard so lil doggo doesn't have a free for all buffet. Considering a Garden water spray sentry.
Possum and Stray Cat Issues
Possums are native animals and are protected.
Tell that to our local foxes…
Possums are impossumble. They get through nets, fences, anything, and you won’t win. Best to just try change your dogs habits or as you suggested, keep your dog out.
only way I’ve found to minimise possums, is to trim back as many trees near powerlines as possible.
my dog has a taste for everything poop
my dog makes sure no cat gets out of my yard in one piece!
I don't know your dog
But I don't like it
Call the big possum Bitey
I use this spray when cats come by my veranda. It works well, but is not waterproof so will need constant spraying. multicrop
The reviews say the complete opposite though…
Put chicken wire or similar around where the possums do their business.
Possums hate ammonia and mothballs while cats hate vinegar so nail a bag of mothballs to the tree or spray some ammonia and/or vinegar round the tree
Cats also hate mothballs - I used to put napthalene flakes on an indoor plant to keep the cat out of it. Also citrus peel. Both will need to be replaced fairly regularly, and I'd be worried about the dog eating the mothballs.
Possums do not like the smell of vicks vaporub. Do you have somewhere to smear it like a fence?
Your first few years of cheap or free servicing is built into the initial purchase price. Then after this honeymoon period HOW MUCH IS THE SERVICING?
You own the vehicle for 5 years and then try to sell it, how much do you lose on depreciation? (assume the market is not covid insane in 5 yrs)
As battery technology improves, all the elons and other ev scammers are looking at ways to reduce costs on batteries by lowering their quality.
At the moment ev batteries last about 8 years and then cost a small fortune to replace, to the point many ev vehicles will just be throw away junk further polluting the environment.
And don't forget about all the slave children doing the cobalt mining <granted oil companies are just as evil>
Interesting but how does battery tech relate to cats and possums?
Possums are native animals and are protected. You'll have to keep you dog away if it is a problem.
You need to find a deterrent for the cats, or report it to the council / get a trap.