Apple AOC Store

Thinking of using the pickup option for a MacBook from Apple AOC store.

Will they check for any educational credentials upon pickup?

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  • Why bother? Walk into a JB hifi, say it's for a kid and they'll give you edu pricing.

  • +1

    There should be the back to uni giveaway soon. Hold out for a week.

    Use that for a price beat at OW.

  • What is the AOC store?

  • They check upon pickup sometimes, depends who you get lol – generally no since you've already paid.
    Otherwise if you get delivery they never do :D

  • Isnt it just the education store,
    Not sure where AoC comes from, even in google it just shows education store

  • Whats the different about AOC and Education Store?
    May Apple will check the student ID card ?
    Actually I can provided my friend’s student ID card.
    Can I use my apple account to buy it now?
    or use my friend's account is better?

    • Usually cheaper…never got checked

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