Hi all,
Looking to do a course in one of these I thinkat Curtin. Don't what my dream job or anything is to be honest. I as a Y12 graduate, still trying to choose the right option. Maybe IT manager, director or something, not even sure but I do like the IT and business field.
Currently thinking of Murdoch if I get the scholarship I don't want to do IT or Computer Science. But the low rate of people doing it and it not being certified by Australian Computer Society is putting me a bit off. Not even sure if the ACSs accreditation is even that important.
Curtin course on the other hand is accredited by the ACS and the double major is what I can see to be closely related to the Murdoch course however I think there is more coding involved. I was told to not just look at the scholarship side of things as that can be paid of easily but choose something that's actually good and will get me a job or help me have a good experience at Uni.
Any help, advise and suggestions are much appreciated!
Does anyone even check this? I studied a Bachelor of Computing and never once in any job or even when I recruit myself now is any of these degrees checked against ACS. Then again all the Universities I studied at for all my degrees are accredited :/