Liteon 256GB SSD, SATAIII OEM (no retail packaging)
Read up to 515MB/s
Write up to 440MB/s
1 Year Warranty
Vic Metro = $10
Australia Wide = $14
Liteon 256GB SSD, SATAIII OEM (no retail packaging)
Read up to 515MB/s
Write up to 440MB/s
1 Year Warranty
Vic Metro = $10
Australia Wide = $14
I would wait for thunderbolt available on PC mobo ….…
Come on Will more Scorptec bargains plz.
Only one year warranty?
Some more details would be nice.. Any ideas who it's made by, 3rd party, or do Liteon actually make them? Can't find anything online…..
forget the "up to" figures, what really matters is the 4K figure, that's what you notice the most about a ssd!
I can't find any information about them. Would like to know how they are compared to the recent deals.
Very Ambiguous item, no specification of parts, just simple size, speed, and product code that leads no where. Neg until more information is given. How is a user to know if its actually a bargain without knowing what the product is? Even the picture says "may differ from actual product". One year warranty as mentioned above seems suspicious also.
Please remove neg here is all the information on the drive.. OP please update…
Fair enough. But read/write speeds are different. Could be in error, but the 1 year warranty is still enough of a turn off for me personally.
Its probably this one then they dont make many drives and these are their first ones,…
iops are average 15k, but still great price for an SSD, certianly not one of the fastest SSDs
It's the M3S which vid_ghost linked to. At 75k iops its actually quite decent. Considering replacing my 128GB vertex2 with this
he linked wrong then the M3s is here:…
he linked to the M2
If I am not mistaken, they would appear to use the same Marvell controller as the Crucial M4? I'm reading the same controller number in the photo here:
they do… its a new product from a company thats been making CD, DVD drives for decades
True. Actually, if anybody has been buying Sony CD/DVD drives there's a fair chance they've also been buying LiteON OEM units rebadged! :)
I've been looking at these. I've always stuck with Lite-On for optical drives as they're typically very reliable and right up there with the quality of the dearer brands at a lower price. Sure, if its only going to be $20 difference I'd go with a more known brand, but right now this is pretty competitive.
And lets face it, in 12 months time you'll be able to buy this SSD for less than $50 anyway, so spending $60 more for an Intel or Crucial just to get an extra couple of years of warranty is a false economy.
optical drive? yes! ssd/hdd? never heard one with LiteOn!
For SSDs length of warranty is not just about economy, but also about the quality of the NAND/controller, hence reliability. Lite-On makes SSDs for Plextor which are actually very good and have 3-5 years warranty, that's why the 1-year warranty is unusual. I'm hoping Scorptec will say it's a typo, but if not, I have to assume low quality parts are used in these units.
Don't be surprised if Scorptec are simply quoting the minimum 1yr statutory warranty that they must provide as the retailer; they may not even know the exact manufacturer's warranty period offered by LiteON.
Given that LiteON list a MTBF as 1.5 million hours, you might also find that they offer 3-5yrs; otherwise you would have a solid case for a statutory warranty claim against LiteON down the track anyway! ;)
There is no such thing as a "minimum 1yr statutory warranty", although given that a reasonable person would expect it to last at least a year the end result is the same.
Well the retailer has to deal with all warranty claims within the first year and after that the manufacturer. However long the warranty they state is irrelevant for high price items, as your statutory rights is that the item you buy should fulfill it's purpose for a reasonable time.
edit: Just cut out my irrelevant rant about my monitor dying.
Is this the same drive?
The model number is exactly the same, except that it's "Lite-On" instead of "Plextor". If it is, it looks like it is very good value indeed.
Plextor SSDs are manufactured by Lite-On, or to be precise, by Philips & Lite-On Digital Solutions Corp (PLDS).
At face value (despite its fishiness with the model number, which is different to the one on Lite-On website), this drive is very promising, as it's effectively a Crucial M4 with Toshiba toggle NAND!
I'm voting yes. The specs seems to all match up.
According to this article… they are same drives.
Quote: "Neither Plextor or Corsair manufactures the drives they sell. Both companies buy their drives from Lite-On and if you take a look at Lite-On's M3S SSD, it seems a lot like Corsair's Performance Series Pro and Plextor's SSDs, doesn't it? That's why the hardware of the Performance Pro and M3 is the same—they come from the same plant.
Read more at…
(gonna wait a little bit more though, still too poor lol)
I agree, Patience is a virtue, maybe we can see a 256GB SSD for the price of a 128GB
It's staring you in the face, and you can't even see it!
Enjoy sitting on the fence, while we're living.
Just so happen to be in the market for a SSD 256GB for my MicroServer.
Think I'll jump onto this tomorrow.
With the rate these are dropping in price I reakon I'll have replaced it with one twice the size for the same price within 12 months. So only need it to last a year or two.
Also thinking re short warranty, if you have and use the right credit card to buy one, the credit card company will guarantee for another year. I know several cards offer this feature.
SSD price is constantly dropped. I've bought my Intel 520 (240GB) a couple of months ago for 400$ and never look back. Intel is "a little bit" expensive, but "much more" reliable (as people said) ;)
Reliable with price.
I got OCZ and Corsair, never have any issues with cheaper price. These days, price is most important factor not brand name.
For some reliability is the most important, i have crucial M4's and Intel's everywhere. I chose them because of that not the price, if i didn't care much about the data on the machine then price would be important but typically if i want a SSD for a machine its an important pc :)
But this is a great deal no doubt about that :)
Unless you have used different brands, how can you make the verdict of "much more" reliable? From Amazon reviews, Crucial and even SanDisk are as good in quality as well.
No way would i buy crap ass brand like lite on. SSD market is hot right now and prices are going down fast.
Intel are slashing their prices next month
SSD 520 60 GB: OEM price down from $99 to $89; Reseller pack down from $109 to $99 (9% cut)
SSD 520 120 GB: OEM price down from $179 to $129; Reseller pack down from $189 to $139 (26.4% cut)
SSD 520 180 GB: OEM price down from $269 to $189; Reseller pack down from $279 to $199 (28.6% cut)
SSD 520 240 GB: OEM price down from $339 to $249; Reseller pack down from $349 to $259 (25.8% cut)
SSD 520 480 GB: OEM price down from $799 to $494; Reseller pack down from $809 to $594 (37.7% cut)
SSD 330 60 GB: Reseller pack price down from $94 to $69 (26.5% cut)
SSD 330 120 GB: Reseller pack price down from $149 to $104 (30.2% cut)
SSD 330 180 GB: Reseller pack price down from $234 to $154 (34.1% cut)
$249 for 240GB is still not $185. Intel or not. This will still do whats required.
With a budget of $200, I'm shopping for price not qulaity.
Then you are not a smart person - and for your sake I really hope you do not think the same way when buying power supplies. $200 will net you an extremely reliable device with 180GB of storage or an extremely risky purchase with 256GB of storage. I would rather loose the ~80GB of storage if it means that the 180GB that I DO use won't die on me randomly and stop my computer from booting. I'd rather spend the extra on the Intel one because I know that it has documented failure rates, documented expected speeds and top quality firmware which is very important in storage devices. If anything is not up to scratch I know that Intel will replace it rather than having to waste time trying to track down the contact number of a manufacturer that doesn't even release warranty information.
But sure, go and get a 256GB SSD while it's cheap! I'm sure you'll love it for the 4 or 5 months that it lasts and then hate it when your computer sits on a black and white screen saying that it can't find a boot device.
You could get your point across (which is valid mind you) without sounding so condescending. Just saying.
Concur with blaze.
Anyway, I got a 120GB that fast filling up, quick calaculations tells me that 180GB is not going to make it beyound the 3-4 months anyway. So I do in fact require 256+.. So Yes I will go and get 256 while its cheap.
What can I say, I like to gamble.
I'll just add that this disk is used to host VMs and not a boot partition, if it dies my whole world won't come crashing down around me as I do little thing known as back-ups, and my VMS are backed up online, so when/if there is a problem I just need to re-direct to the backed up disk and everything is running again within a few minutes.
I don't think you can say that it's 'extremely risky' when these same controllers are used in the Crucial M4 which is one of the most reliable SSDs around.
The drives are OEM so we only have limited information of what’s inside. To help answer some questions the SSD is running a Marvel 88SS9174-BKK2 controller with Toshiba flash memory.
Below is a speed test that we have done in-house to help demonstrate the speeds achieved:…
thank you for that.. I have a standard SATA HDD in my system and I benchmarked using the same program and the SSDs are about 4-5X faster. All the talk of iops etc. means nothing to me, but now thanks to the time you took to benchmark I have an idea how much faster an SSD will actually be - here's hoping the price holds out until my tax return, as I'll definately be purchasing one.
As others have mentioned I'm also a little concerned about the 1yr warranty. I've only purchased 3 SSD's in my lifetime (2 OCZ, 1 Corsair) and had to RMA 2 of those well within the first 12 months. I reckon I was just very unlucky, I never lost data because I practice regular backups but hey it's enough bad exposure to expect no less than 3 yrs on a SSD.
I'll watch closely to see if it's been a typo otherwise I'll opt to pay more for peace of mind elsewhere.
Jeez, why is it so cheap? No reviews on the Lite-On SSDs too in the whole world.
umm… because you get what you pay for?
Why be on OzBargain, if you think every cheaper item is an inferior item?!
And I think they are a relatively new product, hence not many reviews.
I wont buy this because I already have a sandisk 120g. But this one is surely a good one if you know ssd brand well. It is cheap because it is an oem product, not retail product. It is quite similar (or maybe just the same) to plextor m3s in performance and reliability.
These liteon drives really are new. They appear to have uploaded a bunch of promo videos to their youtube channel
including this 13minute one with lots of broken english
and this one with rockin' music & awesome impact font…
still not sure what to make of this. price seems good enough to give it a go.
people are saying liteon make the plextor drives & plextor seems to have a product also called the M3S with similar speeds which has got good reviews. so if this is the Liteon M3S (which it appears to be) it could very well be the exact same drive.
Also i found one other retailer via staticice with similar (+$15) pricing:…
I'm not sure what to think of it but it seems like a bargain!
I benched against OCZ Vertex 4 and the Liteon wins in most scores. Damnit!
Since Liteon doesn't (yet) offer firmware for their OEM SSD models, only consumer models, anyone who have bought and received their drive thinking of or tried flashing their Liteon M3S with either Plextor or Corsair firmwares? Since they have identical hardware according to Anandtech review then this should work?
dear Scorptec,
can you run a CrystalDiskMark test against this SSD ?
(or at a minimum a re-run of ATTO with max total length and max queue length settings)
can you confirm the manufacturer warranty of these units ?
Deal still on! Split postage with mate, worked out to $176 delivered.
Thanks Op