Cheap 1080p Projector That Doesn't Have Way Too Loud Fans?

I picked up a Clokowe Native 1080P GC003 projector for $150 to put over my room and have a large screen to watch from the bed. The issue is that it's somewhat expectedly way to loud. About 45db loud. So, it's basically unusable comfortably to watch anything.

I'm just looking for a relatively cheap projector that is native 1080p without being too loud being mounted above or in a small room.

Any suggestions or am I looking for something that doesn't exist? I'm only thinking 1080p being a requirement but maybe it isn't too important for just shows with subtitles.


  • +2

    turn up the sound

  • +1

    See if it has economy mode or something which runs the fan quieter.

    • Yeah this is what I did with my Epson EH-TW5600 running it in a small bedroom. Image isn't as bright obvs but you don't really notice once you adjust, fans run MUCH quieter.

  • Hiya. On my travels through this Ebay store recently I noticed there were a lot of projectors listed. I'm sure you'll find something that suits.
    Oh and yes it is the trader from the recent Philps 4k monitor deal.…

  • Projector Central has a "Find a Projector" tool that can filter on noise, price and res.

    Here's the two with only 30db or less, for under 250 USD, that are actually 1080p:…

    Any suggestions or am I looking for something that doesn't exist?

    Problem with all projectors under $500 is that they are mostly cheap no-name junk. Their specs, including things like noise level, are often just outright lies.

    It's cool that they can even exist at $150 price point, but most do turn out to be unwatchable due to image quality, noise, etc.

    People aren't being snobs when they say to avoid them, they are just trying to save you from the disappointment of buying something you can't actually use.

  • Look up Jayce Ooi who does reviews of budget projectors.

  • what about this one?…

    $169.99 - $40 = $130 no one mention noise issue in the review

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