Is It OK to Freeze Whole Fruit Like Papaya/Soursop without Any Prep?

I couldn't find similar topics on the web as most includes prepping like peel / cut / portion / sealed, only then freeze it.

So i wonder if i could just put the whole papaya in plastic bag and chuck it in freezer, then later thaw it in fridge overnight before peeling and consuming it.

I know some get freeze burn like banana turned smushy and black after taking out from freezer to thaw.

What about papaya and soursop ?



  • +3

    Most suggestion to peel and cut beforehand because it’s easier to deal with it once it’s frozen.

    Bananas for example, if you’re planning to defrost completely to use in banana bread, you don’t have to peel and cut, but if you want to use the bananas in a smoothie while still mostly frozen, peeling and cutting once frozen is much harder.

    If you’re planning to defrost it whole, then by all means just freeze the whole thing and see how you go.

    • Freeze on a baking tray first though

  • +2

    As a guide anything high water content does not freeze well in that it will probably squishy when it comes out of the freezer. This is why most fruit and veg say to do that first

    Personally I can’t imagine papaya being any different (it will be very squishy out of the freezer). Still will be usable but i can’t imagine it tasting very nice as it will be watery

    • Water expands when freezing, so the cells in the fruit explode.

  • +1

    Soursop… Yes
    I've even bought frozen Soursop in bags at Asian grocery shops. Great in summer

  • +2

    The water in the fruit cells expands when it freezes, bursting the cell walls, so when it thaws again the fruit is mushy.
    There is no danger or problem, if you are accepting of the consistency (because it is for a smoothy or cooking, for example).
    Go nuts!

    • +1

      I think it must be a process thing: you can get plenty of un-exploded frozen fruits from the supermarket (*berries, mango, banana, pineapple, etc).

      Perhaps freezing quickly minimises the damage? Thinking snap-frozen peas.

      • I think so, I think the slow freezing in a home freezer allows for ice crystals to grow, but the commercial "snap freeze" makes this less.

  • +1

    I've found paw-paw chunks freeze quite well and aren't overly mushy when they thaw, have never tried a whole one though.

  • Why not just try it? Worst case is you use it in a smoothie.

    • +1

      Why the Neg?

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