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3 Pack soap refill available at $21
Yeah, just need to mix it with water
Soap is used to help wash away dirt and oils, any bacteria should be washed away as part of that process. If your hands are clean at the end of the process, that's the job done. If you're using soaps with bactericidal additives (if you can even buy them these days) then it's probably best that you stop.
just like how diluting alcohol from 100% to 70% makes it ineffective against bacteria in hand sanitiser yeah ?
How difficult to refill?
I just refilled mine on the weekend. A butter knife helped to flick the cap off the bottom bottle. I refilled with Palmolive foaming soap, (that I had bought in bulk from Amazon on an Ozb listing) and snapped the cap back in place. Works beautifully!
Haha funny that I just did the same - did my first refill on the weekend with palmolive foaming soap that I had bought in bulk from amazon on an ozb listing
get a room you two :)
lol smart
Easy enough
Enough of a pain for me to buy other models that allow proper refilling.
I am always able to remove the cap with a small slotted screwdriver
However after using the bottle for 2 years, the cap finally cracked
So I guess going onwards I would drill a hole and put a silicon cap on top
Good timing as my xiaomi “pro” dispenser just stopped turning on after only four months
LOL don't really see the benefit in getting a powered one over a simple pump from Daiso for $3.20, like this:…
I'm sure you'll see one if you think about it a little longer!
@zzyss Do you see any benefit of a car over a bull cart?
Totally agree. Even if the soap dispenser is the most filthy, disgusting thing you ever touch, you're about to wash your hands the second after you've touched it. Making it touch free just increases cost and future landfill and decreases reliability.
The minimal cost associated with using recharable batteries is worth the convinience for me.
In regards to landfill, everything we own will eventually end up there, and I intend on using these for as long as possible.
The convenience of not reaching 10cm further and pressing down 2cm? That's fine if you've got fine motor/mobility issues, but otherwise it's just laziness and/or failure to look beyond the appeal of having a mildly interesting gadget.
@banana365: It's actually more than just not having to manually push down on a dispenser, but if you have to argue about something so insignificant, you probably wouldn't understand anyway.
@magic8ballgag: You're the one trying to justify landfill because "it all ends up there anyway". Not if people don't buy it it won't.
@magic8ballgag: The non-existent batteries and non-existent motor in a manual pump suddenly pop into existence at the dump?
@banana365: Why are you avoiding answering the question? Afraid you'll be judged for consuming and contributing to landfill like every other human on this planet?
@magic8ballgag: What question? Whether what I'm using ends up in landfill? If I were using a pump, yes it would end up there but only the pump at the end of its life, not the batteries it doesn't have or need.
I don't use a pump though, just a bar of soap, so I guess the paper wrapper may end up in landfill.
I don't use a pump though, just a bar of soap, so I guess the paper wrapper may end up in landfill.
You don't recycle? You monster!
@magic8ballgag: Oh I do far worse than that, but I try to balance it out by being a sanctimonious twat on Oz Bargain 🙂
@banana365: I'm confused, do you actually care about the environment, or are you just pretending to justify your negative vote?
@banana365: I would recommend indulging in one of your creature comforts (if they exist) to help ease the pain.
Perhaps a good manual hand wash with your favourite bar of soap?
That shows as $17.50 each for me.
That's for a pack of 10 in USD. Sorry link is just representative. Couldn't find a local link.
You should use it first then give your opinion
I did. I had one for less than 6 months before it broke down and stopped working. Initially thought it was flat batteries but even after replacing them I couldn't get it working again. I disassembled it out of idle curiosity and in the process of doing so decided that it's nothing more than a battery-powered pump, and the missus got that one from Daiso, which is what we've been using ever since (and has since outlived the automatic pump).
Just didn't bother previously 'coz all the salient points had already been covered by other commenters.
i've had all generic ones break down within the first day. this one is very reliable.
Don’t recommend this, it needs 4 AA batteries and it doesn’t comes with any in the box. I returned mine because of this, much prefer the recharged one.
Come on, as OzBargainers we should all have hundreds of eneloops already
What I have has nothing to do with getting what I should've gotten for free.
I use mine 3-4 times a day and have probably changed the batteries thrice in about 4 years.
Yep same here, i recharge my batteries maybe 3-4 months.
Battey version is pretty good for the price
To confirm, you don't turn yours off between uses do you? I got the red light popping up (meaning batteries are low) after about a weeks' worth of being on, and only using it a few times a day, but suspect the batteries that went into it were dodgy.
The reduction light may also mean the sensor is blocked with some foam/soap.
I wipe that excess off and the red light dissappears
@Ausdave: I don't think it's that. It still tries to push some soap out when I put my hand under it, but it's progressively pushing out less (like it's running out of juice). So long as it's not expected that i'm turning it off at the end of the day, i'll just buy new batteries and im sure it'll be fine.
+1 for use of 'thrice'
Yours has lasted 4 years?! Mine lasted maybe 4 months at best before it stopped pumping properly.
if it stops working in 4 months, return it or ask for refund.
wild thought but did you know you can actually buy AA batteries?
Say what?
Get out of town!
I think the last one from ozbargain eBay plus deal didn’t come in the box because it was shipped using airfreight
Interestingly, the packing list shows the challenger. A bottle of soap and 4 batteries,
So it should have come with batteries.
palmolive foaming refills work great, although I do like the smell of the original. Can also recommend this if you have a 3d printer to make the refills that bit easier.
Do you know of a facility to find people with 3D printers, who can make things for a fee?
Most libraries have them
libraries eh?
must pay a visit to one again, one day.
I thought most ozbargainers had purchased one of the 3D printer deals by now.
I've got one. If you're in NSW I'll print you one for free, just come and pick it up from the Ryde area.
Thank you, kind soul - I'll keep this in mind if I come across a thingi I'm keen on.
I don't actually have or want an auto soap dispenser, I'm a control freak with stuff like that.
Just google 3d printing on google, lots of places can print them if you just link them the design you want. I had to 3D print a shower grate cause mine broke and apparently the locking bayonet dimensions have changed so none of the ones from bunnings or reece would fit.
Do you have to specify the filament/material to be used?
I'm clueless with 3d printing. shameful.
@andresampras: Nope, I'm also not familiar with the different filament materials, I just told the guy that it was a shower grate and that it will be in direct sunlight during the afternoon.
He picked the material and even reinforced the grate by making everything thicker and wider. I picked white colour, its been 3-4 years and theres not been any fading or yellowing as far as I can tell.
I’ve owned 2 of these. The proximity sensor broke on one after a year or so, and the other is still working fine after a couple of years. Easy to refill once you know how to pop the lid off. Eneloops last 6 months.
And just use 50/50 mix of regular liquid soap and water rather than buy the “foaming” soap - it’s just watered down regular soap you’re paying extra for.
Got tired of these electric pumps. They only last 1-2 years max. Went back to traditional manual pumps
mine has lasted 3 years and still going.
Kmart has a liquid soap dispenser for $17:…
Mine lasted 1 month
Warning: Not compatible with foaming soap.
Can we manually put BYO soap in the refill container once finished?
Look up.
Not sure why you bother over manual pumps. You are about to wash your hands anyway.
Even public bathrooms with auto taps/soap/dryer still make you touch the door to exit
I always wait for someone to open the door and follow them out.
You grab a tissue on your way out to hold the handle, open the door, fold the tissue and chuck it after.
I have my security open the door for me.
not sure if the username checks out
Something open ha
Yes you can, just add 1/3 of the soap and 2/3 of water in the refill bottle and you'll get foaming soap :)
Love XIAOMI products! Bought two of these 3 years ago, getting more for backups.
Mine died before the soap was fully used. (Still had like 1/3 soap in it). (sensor makes sound but no soap comes out).
Plus occasionally water would go on top of the sensor and it would render it unable to switch from orange to white light (Of to On) for like 3/5 mins.
Best not to go with electric stuff, manual pumps are way better than this electric from my experience.
Also not to forget the changing of batteries ( if they run out WTF are supposed to do ? have dirty hands I guess and spread junk all over until you get the new batteries in there
or use another backup hand soap.
I've been trying to use this with dish shop, and wondering why a massive air bubble comes out every time, i guess i missed the word "Foaming" in the title.
Mines out of battery quick day and a half, seller asks me for video evidence for that, huh
Any good deals on toilet seats?
They look good, but they don't last long. I bought 4 of these and all died within 4 months. I tried other brands with no luck. None lasted more than a year.
By saying that, a mate of mine gifted me a commercial soap dispense from Britex. I am not sure of its price, but it has not missed a beat for 3 years now.
Pretty poor if they don't last. All expensive unnecessary junk that just goes to landfill. Just something fancy for the sake of buying it and not hard refilling a manual one. Worth getting a better brand as you say.
Annoyed an oil diffuser from Amazon died after a year or less.
It's funny the oil diffuser that I purchased from Amazon died within 8 months. Whilst I was at shaver shop buying stuff, I noticed they sell oil diffusers. I was bit hesitant to buy it first, but then I decided to give it a go as their return policy is quite generous. Now 3yrs later, Ellia (oil diffuser) still going strong. It runs 3 to 4 days a week for around 8 to 10hrs. The only issue I have with oil diffuser is the essential oil aren't cheap:-)
Thanks, goos idea will look into that, still got some oils as the old crusty kent next door smokes.
Edit:$50-60 (RRP $100) is a bit rich.
I should have Chased up Amazon (and still tempted to) but the dodgy brand isn't around anymore but there are ones that look almost exactly the same.. cylinder looking thing with different colour light options. Was on sale for $15 but still disappointing if usually over $30. The motor starts then stops and nothing happens so chucked it.
@G-rig: I did chase up with Amazon as the seller was no longer on Amazon. Even though the unit was under warranty, Amazon was unable to help with refund or replacement. The only thing they did was to sweeten the deal, they gave me 3 months extension on my prime membership.
Looks like oos.
Can you use normal liquid soap in dispenser