Need Help on Getting a Job in Queensland

Hi, everyone I'm currently now overseas and I'm planning on going back to QLD.

I remember back then. When I was in Brisbane, I found that getting a job was quite difficult. I mostly tried finding a job through Seek. And it was not easy to get one that is outside the hospitality sector.

Any Job agency, app site, and guide will be appreciated thanks.


  • Write a cover letter and tailor your CV to the job (leave out jobs that aren't applicable to the role and when describing the responsibilities of your jobs focus on the sorts of skills the job you're applying for needs).

    It could be worthwhile hiring someone to help with this if you're unsure.

    Seek is really the only site you need. There is jora and indeed as well but anything I've found there has been on Seek too.

    • Unfortunately, any decent job on seek will get hundreds of applications, so unless your resume is the best of the best (you will be competing against people who lie on their resume) you will not get far.

      The tailoring of your resume and job specific cover letters gets 'old' real fast.

      So, either ensure your resume is the best of the best, or find a good agency even if you have to pay a fee (ensure they are legit and not money grabbers tho).

      • I don't think that can be true. All the jobs I've had besides McDonald's have been gotten through Seek.

      • +1

        You shouldn’t ever have to pay an agency a fee, they are paid by the hiring company to do a job search. If they’re charging you then they haven’t been engaged by anyone to actually fill a role.

        Plus the important part is making sure at a quick glance you fit the role. It’s all a funnel, the form filled in with the job is read first so if that’s good read the whole cv and resume, then call whoever is good from that.

        And the only good cv and resume are the ones that match the job. If it doesn’t relate to the job it’s useless.

  • Just Google recruitment agencies. I've never used one but a mate told me that they'll help find you a job. Supposedly the market is good now but you never know, immigration flood gates are open again so could be hard to get a job.

    Make sure your Linkedin is up to date.

  • Always worth checking Gumtree, all sorts of oddball employers look for employees there to avoid Seek's high fees.

    • So stingy employers?

      • Yeah, but sometimes being an oddball business can be a good thing. Sometimes it can be a bad thing. I don't really care as long as they aren't mean, unreasonable, pay properly, and only expect work while on shift.

      • +1

        Is mostly those Chinese and Korean businesses. They always take advantage of employees by underpaying, overworking, and implemented some stupid training system. That drastically pays below the minimum wage. I remember both the job and the working environment was unpleasant.

  • Find something related to what job you were doing overseas? Brisbane is pretty small with fewer opportunities imo.

  • Try some blue collar staffing companies. I used to work for Adecco (I worked in their back office) they always had piles of labourer jobs around.

    If it’s unskilled try picker/packer, meat processing or labourer (should still be unskilled labourer work around on construction).

    If you have any skills/experience maybe focus on that to start.

  • Just had a casual warehouse job for a month with no reference checks. Due to covid, they were over hiring. If you don't mind sales, telstra/TSA usually hires quickly.

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