Eating a gaytime while writing up this deal.
It’s hard to have a gaytime on your own.
Even if you buy the 4 pack for the occasional half price, this is still $1 cheaper
Equates to approx $1.12 per ice cream stick.
Eating a gaytime while writing up this deal.
It’s hard to have a gaytime on your own.
Even if you buy the 4 pack for the occasional half price, this is still $1 cheaper
Equates to approx $1.12 per ice cream stick.
please explain S Tier ice cream for us ice cream noobs! :P
S tier as in above the normal A++ of the A-E grade.
Ice cream in ice cream
And so concludes our 3 week intensive course.
( in all seriousness though - if you have not tried gay time (in this case, the ice cream), you are doing yourself a huge disservice. To me, this ice cream reminds me of summertime in my care free childhood. I can also recommend rainbow paddlepop )
Rainbow paddlepop FTW!
Unfortunately Paddle Pop recipes were changed a few years ago. I think it had something to do with meeting a health rating for schools to sell them.
If you haven’t had one in a few years you’ll probably be very disappointed in the new taste.
This is the best TED talk.
thank you kind sir - :D good explanation
Bubble-O-Bill is S-Tier too
How about you? Have you tried gay time (not talking about ice cream)
It is fun sharing a gaytime with 15 of your buddies.
Nah 1 man 16 ice creams
Read that as 16 men 1 ice cream, was wondering if it was a soggy biscuit type thing or something else.
…ewww …
What a horrible day to have reading skills and google… 🤢
Try not to choke.
$12 or nothing!
It’s hard to have a gaytime on your own
Gaytimes are firm but never hard
I’ve never had so many nuts in my mouth from a Gaytime before
As long as you're not allergic - you'll experience some swelling
I always enjoy eating my gaytime (ice cream).
(try saying that without laughing)
I tried the Aldi equivalent Summer Delight and it's pretty good, almost can't tell them apart..
6 x "Summer Delights" for $4, cant complain.
I'm pretty sure that I can tell if I'm having a gaytime even with my eyes closed.
Am I the only one that reads the 'brand name' as 'milf in a'
Yup, first thing I saw was Milf in a Summer Delight.
yes but having a Summer Delight doesn't sound the same as having a Gaytime in your mouth.
The last box of Gaytimes I bought were crap. Slim on the coating, unevenly shaped and much of the crumbs had fallen off.
Summer Delights on the other hand have been excellent. I reckon if you took them out of the wrappers and presented them, most people would think the Aldi ones are the more expensive Gaytime!
Just admit it. You don’t love gaytimes
Last time I tried the Aldi equivalent the crumbs were super soft and soggy, didn't have a very nice mouth feel
Open to trying again if this was just a fluke/one-time occurrence :/
You’d definitely want your gaytime equivalent to have a nice “mouth feel”
nahhh AND the summerdelight shape is kiinda off too, like too long n flat
Agree. Gaytime >>> Aldi knockoff
Good deal!
That's a lot of gay time.
We'll have a gay old time…Yubba dubba doo!
I like the soggy biscuit surrounding the gaytimes.
I always lose at that game :( :)
If in South Australia, Foodland SA has the same thing on special for $16 (Save up to $14.00 = $1.00 per 100mL)
Thanks fellow South Australian, I can now have some gay time for myself
Make that 16 x Gaytime's
Evidently Streets was a big supporter of the alphabet community way before it was cool.
It's called Happy Hour in certain regions for reasons.
I'm not sure if the woke mob truly exists or is just something conceived by conservatives to get uppity about stupid shit.
Pretty obvious to outside observers who the butt hurt individual is.
As good an explanation as I've seen anywhere. There are undoubtedly some rare examples of ott "wokeness" but it's usually just another deadbeat rw cliche or excuse for being less aware of basic human rights than everyone else. Often the same users claim they're all for individual freedom. Hypocrisy much?
true dat
Because we can tell the difference between eating ice cream and blokes who prefer other blokes
Going by the number of "outspoken anti-LGBTIQ+ advocate caught with young male escort" scandals, conservatives have trouble with this
honestly this is so offensive, this needs to be banned ughhhh 😖😖😖
Does Gay time means Happy time
It is when it’s golden
This brings me back to the innocent days of my childhood when I could go to my local milkbar, lick a lifesaver, suck a fisherman's friend, chew on a Fag and finish with a Golden Gaytime…
Ah, the good old days!
If you put that on Onlyfans you'd make decent $$$.
You forgot black Chico babies which offend people now days and the fried egg lollies that looked like boobs. I had totally forgot about thoso lollies until now. Ah the good old days.
No Killer Pythons?
poor-mans IMDB (FanTales)?
Ahhh…the days when gay just meant "fun"!
Yea, the same days where rainbow colours were meant just colourful colours…
Amazon price match?
Does Amazon sell ice-cream?
Yes. 10 minute delivery time because you know, ice cream melts and it’s not good for the reviews
I thought that is the only product I could think of where Amazon could not compete with Coles or woolies or aldi. Don't think 10min delivery will cut it as these product come from the warehouse, it takes almost 24 hours before transferring the product from the warehouse to local distribution centre before delivery driver pick up the product. Looking at the logistics, the cost would be so high to refrigerate every step of the transfer process making this an impossible task, just like no eBay retailer sell ice cream. The ice cream van that play music near your street would not go out of business for a while.
Never thought I'd say it, but the Aldi Summer Delights are better these days.
Last Gaytimes I got were low quality, and overpriced even when on special. Very dissapointing.
That's what I thought.
The Gaytimes were disappointingly small, like when you buy a Big Mac and it's smaller than your palm.
I've only had one Aldi Summer Delight and it appears to be slightly bigger than the Gaytime.
Should do a side by side comparison with a tape measure and scale to confirm.
(must be too much time in the holidays, back to work Monday)
Did they shrink em, or we just remember them being bigger because we were kids?
Streets 100ml, Aldi 90ml per unit iirc. Personal tastes differ markedly by for my family GT is far superior all round.
Where are they made pls? I found Calippos are made in China now :(
Pretty sure last time I went to buy gaytimes, they were made in Indonesia
Just checked the box of gaytimes in my freezer and it’s made here
Does it matter where they are made as long as it taste good?
that's so unaustralian Levi ewww
Ahhaha 🤣 stop it !
Today was a good day to visit the comment section.
finished the 4 pack myself in two days… just couldn't resist. might have to get 2 boxes!
with that much sugar you will hear thing through your eyes and see things with your ears
Grabbed 2 thanks OP
found this last week
stock has been unavailable tho :(
i wonder if possible to place order, and substituted for 4x4packs
16 gay times …
I came (no pun intended) for the comments.
Username checks out.
not suitable for those who don't eat meat (vegetarians)
Streets does a plant-based Gaytime in a 4-pack.
Just bought 3 packs and went to the beach and sold them all in 30min for $3 each happy days sorry I meant gay days!
Cheap happy times!
People still carry cash? Or you go payID/square/venmo?
Good deal. Cream on!
The deal link directs me to the new website which is for lack of a better word inferior for me to the old or current website.
I really hope they don't make the new website permanent and kill the old website but here is the old or current website link in case anyone needs it.
Also I found that there are some items that show in the new website that are not even able to be checked out with in the new or old website so yeah it's definitely still a huge work in progress.
Old/current Coles website link:
It's says on the website that it's unavailable. I seen that after I visited both my local Coles store
Exorbitant rip off considering it’s only 1.6L of ice cream.. amazed at the upvotes for this deal. These are nothing like what they used to be either.
Advertising is so easy these days. Just put “half price”, or “while stocks last”, and people rip them off the shelves in desperation. It’s called a “no brainer” for a reason
You sound like an icy pole kinda guy
Yooooo sign me up!!!!!
These are definitely S TIER icecream