This was posted 2 years 1 month 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation Plus 12 Mth Extra $79.95, PS+ Deluxe $99.95 for New/Inactive Subs | 30% off Upgrades for Existing Subs @ PlayStation


New/inactive subs -

  • Extra - 3mths $33.95, 12 mths $79.95
  • Deluxe - 3mths $42.95, 12 mths $99.95

Existing subs - 30% off upgrades available on 1, 3 or 12 month subscriptions.

Subscribe to PlayStation Plus Premium or Extra on a 12 or three month plan, and save a huge 40% on access to hundreds of great games from the Game Catalogue.

Offer available until January 13 2023. Not available to existing PlayStation®Plus subscribers. Game library varies over time, region/country, and plan. PS Plus is subject to a recurring subscription fee taken automatically until cancellation. Terms apply:

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closed Comments

  • +2

    I'm also getting the offer as an existing Plus Essential member to upgrade to Extra or Deluxe.

  • +6

    Existing members get 30% off an upgrade to other tiers (Essential->Extra/Deluxe, Extra->Deluxe)

    • +1

      What if you're already Extra tier, do you get discount for extending the Extra sub? Not that I have seen much worth playing anyway. I probably got my moneys worth from Demon Souls alone though, I probably would have bought that.

      • Doesn’t look like it. $134.95 for an extra year is full price right?

        • +14

          I probably should give PS+ a rest when it expires anyway. I haven't even turned on my PS5 in months. And I never play online games on it.

          • @AustriaBargain: I am thinking about it too. I am also thinking about not renewing my GamePass Ultimate later this year. No time to play games and I think I can get by with $1 / month deals a few times a year. Microsoft tends to offer $1/month deal every time there is a major first party exclusive anyway.

            • -1

              @netsurfer: I'm hoping I can get the ~$50 a year deal again for Gamepass, it's been three years since I did it, though I extended it by three months for free with that deal a few months ago. $180 a year is bonkers but $150 for three years is tolerable.

              • -1

                @AustriaBargain: Will be interesting to see what happens once mine expires. Microsoft knows I've done the $1 upgrades twice and had stopped offering me any cheap deals last time it expired. I had to get cheap JB 12 months GamePass vouchers and then there was a special 7 day GamePass Ultimate voucher deal. Otherwise, I would have to pay Microsoft RRP for that 1 month upgrade.

          • @AustriaBargain: Exactly the same.

            Warzone 2 killed it for me, never even play most the games I load.

            I love gaming, but I don't have the time these days.

      • The 30% discount for existing members is for an upgrade to other tiers. So if you're on Extra you'd get 30% off an upgrade to Deluxe for the remainder of your subscription.

  • -4

    PS+ hasn't been worth it in a while.

    • Obviously didn't look at this month's games.

      I don't even use my PS5, but I keep it going.

      • +1

        You're just wasting money then.

    • Thanks for your insight Phil Spencer.

  • +1

    I just subscribed to one month of essential last night lol
    Need to figure out how to change to 12 months of Extra with the 30% discount.

    • Me too…
      I don't think we're able to do that, but let me know if you figure it out please.

  • +1

    Does Sony ever offer discounts to extend existing subscriptions (without an upgrade)? Or is the only option to let your subscription lapse and wait for a 'new/resubscribe' offer?

    • +3

      Yes, every year. Obviously, you missed the 2022 one.

      Last year's deal 25% off PlayStation Plus 12 Month Subscriptions. Not as good as previous years though. Sony also closed off SEA (South East Asia) PS Plus being cheaper loophole 2 years ago. Used to be able to get $40 for 12 months subscription (and not needed to wait for the yearly discount).

      • I see, thanks for that. I only got my PS5 and subscribed to PS Plus in August so I think November was too early for me to be thinking about renewing for August 2023 onwards. Might let it lapse this August and re-sub around Black Friday or Xmas just so the annual renewal is around the time it usually gets discounted

  • +2

    I have only 7 days left on my current essential plan, so the only option that I can find on the site is to upgrade for the remaining days.
    Ie I can only get 30% off 7 days of extra and then they charge $134.95 for another 12 months :(

    • +1

      If you care a lot about collecting those monthly 'free' games on your main PSN account, then there isn't really any other option.

      If you don't, create a new PSN account.

  • Bought ps5 recently and is the plus membership worth?

    • well you gotta get it anyway for multiplayer or do you only play solo games

      • like to play multiplayer games.

        • F2P multiplayer (eg Fortnite) doesn’t require PS+. Paid multiplayer (eg CoD) does require PS+.

        • Yes, the PS Plus essential is fine for multiplayer and the monthly included games are not bad too.

    • +2


      • If you intend to play online games, you have no choice (though you don't really need extra or deluxe), but to get it, UNLESS you only play free to play online games.
      • If you want to collect PS Plus collection games:…, you need to at least "trial" PS Plus for 7 days.
      • If you do have quite some time to play games, then the extra tier is tempting (assuming you have not played most of the games there).

      The tricky part it is that, if you were to trial it now, you will miss out on this deal. Though this deal is mostly for the higher tiers.

      One way around it is to create a second PSN account and trial PS Plus (basic) for 7 days. Get a feel of it quickly and decide. If you really like it, you could consider getting this deal on your main PSN account.

      • how to get 7 days of trail, I cant see that option anywhere, all it says is to get 1 month service first

    • +2

      If you just bought a PS5 then the Extra sub is extremely worthwhile, tons of 1st party PS4/PS5 games included on there.

      • out of Delux, extra and essential which one would be best match?

        • +2

          Extra, you would only consider Deluxe if you have older Sony consoles.

          Also, the date of activation kinda matters for "free" game collection. Monthly free games are available on the first Tuesday of each month. The worse case situation is a month starts on a Wednesday. Ideally, you want to start PS Plus in the middle of a month (15th), but the minimum safe cut off is 8th (7th is dangerous because the new games are available based on US time and there have been times where there were glitches for hours). Obviously, if you could wait, the later the better (but this deal ends 13th and I would avoid doing it on the last day). Technically, it doesn't matter for this deal (for new subscription) because it is only for 12 months so you will not miss Jan 2024 free games.

          Remember to turn off auto renew afterwards. From memory, this needs to be re-done every time you renew a subscription.

        • +1

          I got deluxe because it has game trials for new release games. So you can potentially save a lot of money in case you dont like them. Also the classics catalogues which had around 10 games i was wanting. Extra $20 is well worth it to me

          • @Whisper Quiet: My cousin has psn account based out of india and he can see the extra 12 month membership for around 53aud. Will there be any differences if i use his account in Aus?

            • +1

              @Nickbag: I have heard quite a few people having issues with different countries. Trying to get a better deal etc. Or even using theirs after moving to Aust. Some games have different ratings, dlc and other things that do not cover other countries. So you might find that many things dont work. Im pretty sure i even read something about that on PS store when signing up last month for the subscription. You could have no problems so who knows.

            • @Nickbag: If you are only playing single player games and not planning on buying any DLC you should be fine. Any physical games you buy will work fine but if they have an included DLC code you will need to redeem that on an Australian account.

              It can be an issue if you are trying to play on certain servers as it can notice you are in Australia running through an Indian account but I'm pretty sure it's less of an issue these days, same with mismatched DLC as you will be forced to buy anything and everything through the Indian store (which means you will need to buy PSN credit from India as well).

    • +2

      I think is worth it, especially the Extra tier.
      You get a very big collection of games, including some very good ones and they are adding about 15-20 every month in addition to the 2-3 of the Essential tier.
      After playing 2-3 games in the collection you basically already covered its cost for the year.

      Deluxe is only needed if you are nostalgic about old PS1 and PS2 games otherwise not worth it.
      If you don't have a ton of time I would stick with Essential (if you are only interested in multiplayer and maybe 1 extra game/month you might like) or Extra if you want to have also a very good collection of recent AAA solo games.

      • thanks all for the valuable info. last question: is there any discount on PSN gift card or anything

        • +1

          As posted by other people, attempt to get discounted JB gift cards, then use them to buy PSN gift cards.

        • +1

          You also can get all your cousins games that he bought by using the console sharing feature. He can also get your games. This only applies to digital games bought in full, not for the PS subscription you get, or discs purchased. Again be wary there might be some issues for different countries

    • Absolutely! The PS+ collection alone (20 games) are so worth it. Most of those games are masterpiece!!

  • I have some JB Hi Fi gift cards to use. Is there a PlayStation gift card I can purchase in store with those that I could then use against this offer?

    • +3

      Yes, you can buy PSN cards (credits) from JB, redeem the credits into your account and pay using the credits. Sony uses your existing credits as the first payment method and then charges you for any remaining amount.

      You can buy online:…
      or in-store. Even for in-store, you still get digital version (the code will be printed on the receipt).

      • Perfect. Done! Thanks for that…and OP too!

        • Once you purchased it, remember to cancel auto renew. This needs to be performed manually every time you renew.

        • Did you have a physical or digital JB gift card? I thought you couldn’t use gift cards to buy other gift cards?

          • @Red Pandas: JB lets you use gift cards to buy JB gift cards. JB gift cards generally are not restricted so you can pretty much buy anything, including Apple products.

  • Seems no promotion in Asia region account

  • This sucksssssss

    I swear about a month ago, I cancelled my PS Plus Deluxe membership, because I wanted to downgrade to Extra once my membership expired. For some reason, Sony don't send emails confirming your subscription cancellation, so I can't check if I definitely cancelled it.

    Anyway, I received an email yesterday (as well as a bank notification) that I was charged $154.95 for another 12 months of Deluxe. And one day later they have steep discounts? I feel so ripped off lol

    And, I cancelled my subscription again yesterday, so it'll be inactive in Jan 2024, and again, no confirmation email.

    • +2

      You can check your subscription expiry date either online (via browser) or on your console. If it is going to expire before January 13 2023, then wait for it to expire and take on this deal.

      • Sorry, I just edited my comment, I meant January 2024

        • +2

          Then, the only way is to try PlayStation Support team. Hopefully, you get a good CSR. Try to cancel it. Even if the CSR agrees to help you, it might still take days. Sony PSN CSRs don't seem to have much real power (compared to Microsoft ones). They'll likely need to raise a request.

          • @netsurfer: Thanks for the advice, on hold with Playstation Support now. I had to call because their online chat appears to be really broken haha

            I'm not in a huge rush to get the refund. I'm 99% sure I cancelled my subscription when the December sales were on, because I saw the discounts on the lower tiers and tried to downgrade but it wouldn't let me until my subscription expired

            • @endeebee: If you get a clueless CSR or an unhelpful one, maybe it is worthwhile to just quickly end the conversation and try again.

              For sorting out my FF7 Remake PS Plus PS5 free upgrade (I bought a physical PS4 copy and then sold it), the first CSR I spoke to is clueless. The second one was really switched on and knew what I want/need and was able to raise the correct request. Got it all done after 2 days (the CSR couldn't do it himself, but the request he raised worked). First CSR was clueless and wanted me to send an e-mail with all the details and what I am requesting.

              • +2

                @netsurfer: Success! I think I got lucky and got a good CSR. Refund has already been processed.

                Funny, she made a note to say that no, they don't send cancellation emails, and that it sometimes doesn't register the cancellation when using account management on the website, which is good to know lol

                Thanks for your advice, I appreciate it!

                • +1

                  @endeebee: Fantastic. Assuming you will purchase this, remember to cancel auto renew right away.

                  • @netsurfer: First time having to call PS Support in the 12 years I've had PS Plus, and hopefully the last!!

                    • @endeebee: I suggest maybe wait for a few days before taking up this deal coz. technically, if a month starts on a Wednesday, the first Tuesday starts on the 7th. The free game is released based on US time.

                      But then, you will need to remember to purchase before this deal ends (13/01).

  • My sub just lapsed without me realising a few days ago, and I have almost zero need for Extra (Ghost of Tsushima is the only one I'm interested in and haven't got a physical copy of already).

    Anyone want to hazard a guess whether there'll be another discount soon on the Essential tier? I could wait a month probably, already got Fallen Order on PC

    • +1

      Probably September if you are lucky. Otherwise, might be next year's Black Friday.

      Generally, if you want long term PS Plus (essential) subscription, you would normally top up once a year (and cancel the auto-renew) when PS Plus is being discounted each year. Sony is trying to sell PS Plus Extra at PS Plus Essential RRP.

      However, given that it is possible to collect 2 months worth of free games with 1 month subscription (if you purchased it at the correct date - i.e. middle of the month or later), I doubt we will get 9 perfect months of awesome, must have PS Plus free games. Subscribing when you need for a month should be fine (just need to cancel the auto-renew every time).

  • My current essentials subscription expires on the 12th, so I think I should be able to cancel it and then sign up for the Extra Subsciptiob before the deal expires

    A bit frustrating but could be worse

  • +1

    get 5% discount more if you buy PSN gift card.

  • So say I am an existing essential member that ends at May and I am buy this extra upgrade, does my 12 month extra starts immedialty or only starts after my current essential expires?

  • +1

    Still no rewards for existing members who aren’t upgrading. Seems like the annual 25% off is the only one that applies to everyone, will need to set a reminder for this year

  • My cousin has psn account based out of india and he can see the extra 12 month membership for around 53aud. Will there be any differences if i use his account in Aus?

    • Games different by the region.

    • +2

      Officially, you shouldn't.

      Unofficially, you "could". However, when you logged in with his account credentials, you can only download games set to India region. The main issue is that for PlayStation, majority of games don't operate cross region (in terms of saved games). So, issues arise when:

      • The saved games played through PSN India in most games won't work on Australia version of the same game (so if you later switched to AU PSN or you purchased a cheap physical copy here, there is a high chance you cannot resume play). Only a small number of games offer cross region save game conversion.
      • Even for the previous example/issue, you STILL have to download another copy of the same game. This is the same dumb issue that if you had physical disc version of the game, if you were to switch to digital version, you still have to download a different copy (digital version). The only good bit is if both versions are from the same region, saved games will work.
      • Potentially set of subtitles, sound tracks/languages and occasionally different free monthly games.

      If you finished the games you want to play and do not plan to revisit them, then having a different region ones is okay. I used to get PSN from another region (cheaper), but couldn't be bothered anymore.

  • It’s offering $70 for extra upgrade from my basic sub for the next 700 days. Lol, but my backlog is severe enough to not be enticed even.

  • Is there any ps5 game that i can download and play after getting the extra membership? I can only see ps4 games.
    Update: only few options for ps5

    • Did you subscribe to playstation extra??

      • Yes got extra subscription and onky a few ps5 games but have plenty of ps4 games

        • So is it worth it?? And how many ps5 games? Can you name some?

          • @kingkhan1990: First party exclusive games in bold. As of January 2023, 54 PS5 titles (4 first party exclusives; 9 PS5 only titles, 45 titles having both PS4 and PS5 versions).

            PS5 Only - Total: 9 (complete list):
            Death Stranding: Director's Cut, Deathloop, Demon’s Souls, Destruction Allstars, Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, Returnal, Spirit of the North: Enhanced Edition, The Medium, Warhammer: Chaosbane – Slayer Edition

            PS4 & PS5 - Total: 45 (not complete list, but first party exclusives are in the list):
            Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX, Balan Wonderworld, Ben 10: Power Trip, Bugsnax, Chorus, Control: Ultimate Edition, Cris Tales, Dead By Daylight, Deliver Us the Moon, Evil Genius 2, Foreclosed, Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut, Ghostrunner, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – The Definitive Edition, Marvel’s Avengers, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel’s Spiderman Miles Morales, Metro Exodus, Monster Energy Supercross, Mortal Kombat 11, Stray, Tennis World Tour 2, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege

            No, it is not GamePass. Sony does NOT have Microsoft Azure Cloud so gaming is Sony's bread and butter. Latest and greatest first party exclusives are not going to be in PS Plus Extra.

          • @kingkhan1990: I thinknaround 26 or 28.
            Mortal kombat , tennis and star war

            • @Nickbag: @Nickbag thanks mate. Also do you know the answer of my question which i posted down??

  • I'm new to playstation online so just want to ask that if subscribe to playstation plus extra in Australia and travel to to Pakistan for holidays, will my Australian subscription still works in Pakistan as i dont think there is playstation online available in Pakistan

    • ???

    • +1

      It's a hard question. It should be possible. Ask your friend or relative there to try the PS Australia Web page:

      If it is blocked, then probably not going to work. I don't think Pakistan blocks PSN Australia . I used to have PSN USA and PSN SEA and they both worked fine in Australia. To control / manage those accounts, I do have to login to the relevant PSN sites. I can still go to those stores and download games I purchased in those stores. If you are unsure, call Sony PlayStation Support. Ask them that if you purchased AUS PS Plus Extra, if you were overseas in Pakistan for 1 month, are you still able to use it to:

      • Play PS Plus Extra games
      • Get your monthly free games while there
      • Play online games
  • I’m new to this, can I buy the subs as a “voucher” and only activates it later? I’m away travelling now and won’t be back for another month :D

    • Not anymore, not officially anyway. It used to be possible, but when Sony was preparing for PS Plus Extra and Deluxe tiers, those vouchers got pulled. Back in 2021, retailers were allow to sell discounted PS Plus vouchers. No such deal last year.

      Non-official ones at available (but not able to find AU PSN ones):
      Old stock and generally at rip off price. Nowadays, those are there mainly if you must have PSN in certain regions.

  • Does anyone know if I can redeem this through gift cards?

  • Can I purchase and send this as a gift? A friend uses ps5 and ps+ but I’m just a pc gamer

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