Am I Entitled to Claim ACL Rights? (Purchased House - Fault in Air Conditioner)

TL/DR: bought a house a year ago, yesterday an aircon unit remote sensor unit stops working (still makes cold air, but won't take input from the remote).

Contacted Fujitsu who advised the unit was purchased in 2016 & factory warranty expired in 2021. I figured ACL should cover it for at least 8-10 years (fit for purpose / goods of acceptable quality). Fujitsu are asking for proof of purchase, which I cannot supply.

Am I still entitled as the new owner of the aircon unit to claim under ACL?


  • Username does not check out.

    Sadly no proof of purchase, no entitlement.

    • +2

      no entitlement.

      Well, possibly much entitlement 😛

      • -2

        much entitlement

        They definitely feeling it.

  • Only if you can prove when it was purchased or made or installed and then ACL may be applicable otherwise Fujitsu are rightly saying that they cannot help as they have no idea when it was purchased or made or installed.

    You may find a manufacturing date on the air con somewhere or a serial number that can be used to lookup when it was made or Fujitsu can look it up.

    • They were able to tell me when it was sold based on the serial number and therefore say when the warranty they offer ceased. I'm guessing that's because the warranty starts at the time of purchase?

    • AndyC1:

      Only if you can prove when it was purchased or made or installed and then ACL may be applicable

      The Judge (OP), in their original post:

      Fujitsu who advised the unit was purchased in 2016 & factory warranty expired in 2021.

  • +5

    Maybe the solar installers damaged it..

    • +3

      Lmao not sure why you & Muzeeb have your collective panties in a twist over someone seeking to establish their legal rights in a couple of different scenarios. You can pay to have it fixed if you prefer?

      • checks g-string

        Nope. Not twisted at all

      • You can pay

        Sorry.. thought the subscription to the I bought a new house series was free…

        Add some OF content I might be tempted..

        • Muzeeb got you covered there based on comment above lol. What's the deal with gatekeeping forum use though? I got 7 forum posts to date & 2 are about my house…why you feel compelled to read let alone respond is a little odd.

  • The problem is on the remote?

    • Nah, replaced the batteries & reset it, and it works on other Fujitsu units in the house. Conversely the other remotes won't work on the faulty unit so I'm guessing it's the receiver.

      • ok, how you know it's 8-10 years if you don't even know how much was the previous buyer pays for the air con system?

        • That's a stab in the dark, but it's the minimum I'd expect a higher end brand to last, probably more actually given it's not used very heavily. When you install a/c what's an acceptable lifetime?

        • What?

          • +2

            @cookie2: He did the maths. 2016-2023 = 7-8 years. Then decided ACL for aircons should be 8-10 years LOL

  • +1

    I reckon you need to sell the house dude. Just hide the damage.

  • No proof of purchase I doubt you can do anything, surely it isn't that much to have the part replaced ?

    • Guess I'll find out 😂 but yeah, I'd rather a multinational corporation pay if they're liable.

      • +1

        Absolutely! Let us know the outcome

        • I might even call ACA to share my story 🤗

  • +3

    Fujitsu are asking for proof of purchase, which I cannot supply

    Acl requires that you have proof of purchase.

    • +1

      Thanks, question answered. Appreciate your input.

      • Just to add onto this, one of the reasons you need proof is that acl doesn't apply to second hand goods of private sales (hence you usually wouldn't have the receipt for this)

  • +1

    Might be a silly suggestion, but have you tried power cycling the unit (if possible)? When my ducted drops off the wifi the only way to fix it is to turn it off and on.

    • Didn't think of that, caveman brain just went the direct route of eliminating the most obvious possibilities! I'll give that a shot tomorrow. Thanks!


    diy job?

  • +1

    Did you buy and install it? Or was it installed by the previous owner? Was this a brand new house you had built or an old house?

    If it was an old house that you bought and the aircon was installed by the previous owner… it’s a used aircon that was sold to you secondhand. No ACL on used goods.

    If you installed the aircon, you can use a bank statement as proof of purchase if payment was done by EFT.

    If it was a brand new house and the aircon was part of the package, then you need to contact the builder and get them to fix it, or get in contact with the subcontractors who installed it to fix it…

    Or Google how to fix it, and if it’s a cheap/easy fix, do it yourself.

  • Aircon has magically started working as usual again, receiving signals from the remote. I'm wondering if there was a little condensation build up after a good 14hr run time on either the sensor or the PCB that was causing it to play up. Thanks to most for their constructive input.

    • +1

      At least this Air con post was resolved unlike the Good guys wrong installation debacle. Im still hurting on that one with no closure!

      • +1

        As it turns out Fujitsu agreed to come and fix it under ACL…they've arranged for their authorised repairer to attend next week. I have to ring and explain that it's all good, for now!

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