I have been in a long process of curbing my spending habits.
To do so, I have been deep diving into all the variables related to my spending from both a data driven standpoint (discretionary spend per month/year, shopping activity online, etc). And also looking at an internal standpoint (emotional regulation, what am I running away from/numbing by spending, are there any patterns with my shopping, where in life did this habit start forming… etc)
One of the things I decided to have a look at, was how long I've been active on Ozbargain as a member.
I've been a member since 01/02/2011. That is 11.92 years as of today. This is quite a long time browsing Ozbargain and spending. Nothing to be proud of and nothing to be shamed of.
I do admit, I have saved a lot on items using this website. On the flip side, probably more than half of the stuff I have purchased via deals on this site aren't necessities. Ozbargain isn't to blame. It's just a tool I use amongst many other sites/things to get that dopamine hit when adding to cart and checking out.
I throw myself a battery of questions when I am about to buy a non-essential item:
- Honestly, do I really need this?
- Do I have something else similar to it which works just fine?
- If I'm upgrading, is it worth the upgrade?
- How long and often am I going to use this? Will this just be a phase?
- Am I buying this because it's been upvoted over 100+?
- How am I feeling right now? Am I buying this to numb/run away from something? If so, what is it?
- If I am going to eventually buy this item, can I sell something else?
And many more questions….
So, are their many others here on Ozbargain in the same boat? Anyone else trying to actually curb their spending habits?
How long have you been a member (or how long have you been actually active on Ozbargain) and anyone have any personal tools they use to regulate their own spending?