Comments / Feedback / Suggestions Thread 2023

Another year of OzBargain. Please use this post to submit feedbacks and request features. Again, no guarantee that requests will be responded or implemented, and often feature requests can take months to be pushed out, when there are other issues blocking them.

Here are similar posts in the past: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, and 2018.

closed Comments

  • I'm a frequent user of the tap date to copy comment url feature, but am always deleting the protocol and domain part of it to convert it to an internal link. Could we have a button for that in the comment link dialog. Further, could we have the same for posts? (in a post list, from search or deals page, tap date to copy permalink or the internal address)

  • How come when I write 2011, it turns into a numbered list?

    • +1

      Because you didn't have any text before 2011 and typed in ". " (dot space) after the number.

      Markdown syntax for lists:

      Ordered lists use numbers followed by periods

      It’s important to note that the actual numbers you use to mark the list have no effect on the HTML output Markdown produces.

      • +1

        Well that's pretty stupid when answering the question of what year my previous car was made in. Thanks for the explanation!

        • +1

          No worries. The workaround would be to type "2011 . " or "2011.. " as couple of examples.

        • Type a backslash (\) between the number and the period (.) to override Markdown numbered list formatting.



          2011. Hello.


          1. Hello.


          2011\. Hello.


          2011. Hello.

  • The avatar images for Store Fans are all generic.

  • +1

    How about adding tags for mobile plan networks, e.g. Telstra Network, Optus Network, Vodafone Network? This way, we can filter all offers for a given carrier, e.g. Telstra Network would yield all offers from Boost, Woolworths, Aldi, etc, in addition to Telstra itself, of course.

  • Could we please have price highlighting in the notifications pulldown as we do in post list screens? It just makes it easier to scan through the posts for offers on a given price range.

  • Could we please have unpublished posts removed from notifications (e.g.)?

  • +1

    Dunno if it's ever been suggested, but what about a "birthday" tag for deals that then goes to a main page, or to the wiki? I know the wiki is the often the most frequently used page, so there's obviously quite a bit of interest

    • Every deal that has now been tagged with birthday will have a link to the birthday wiki included. See this deal for example.

      We'll starting trying to find all the birthday deals and tag them.

      • Cheers neil!

  • -4

    Comment negs should require replies, just like post negs require comments (for instance).

    • +2

      Dude you're salty about getting DVed for what is essentially an invalid neg, the item you claimed is identical isn't, it is a different brand and smaller.

      • -2

        the item you claimed is identical isn't, it is a different brand and smaller.

        There we go; that wasn't so hard. That's all I'm suggesting; that people justify their comment Neha the same way we justify our post negs. I probably would disagree with that justification, and we could discuss its merits, and perhaps I could even be convinced and revoke my neg, but as it stands, it's just a game of pile on without any productive and informative discussion.

        • +2

          You're getting panty-twisted because some random, faceless internet personas anonymously disagreed with your sentiment over a niche deal on an online bargain forum. Maybe it's time to re-evaluate what is important in your life. Getting downvoted sure as hell isn't something to lose sleep over.

          • -2

            @Ham Dragon: Nope, it's not about those specific negs on that specific comment on that specific post; it's about how the site works, and what sorts of behaviours it promotes and what sorts it demotes.

    • +2

      I’ll give you a comment. If you wanna play in the sandpit with the big boys you’ve gotta learn how to take a neg, especially when you linked to an aliexpress product that’s clearly not decor branded.

      • -4

        Identical otherwise — same size and shape — probably even from the same Chinese factory. Regardless, we should discuss this there, not here, but the way OzB is working at the moment, letting people neg comments without justification and hiding negged comments, just rewards mob rule instead of dissent, discussion and diversity of thought.

  • -3

    I don't really understand this OzB standard of writing "+ delivery ($0 C&C / In store/ Prime / Premium / VIP / OnePass / etc / etc)" on every post… Isn't that redundant? Charging delivery is the norm, as is not paying to pick it up ourselves. The exception to the norm is "free" shipping, i.e. "product $price delivered @ store."

  • +1

    Up/Downvote comment buttons on a deal's /comments page

  • Could we please have unread private msgs put up top in the notifications drop down and page (sorta like priority msgs on Gmail)? I've just found I've been missing private msgs under the deluge of deals and comment replies. If I miss a deal or comment reply here or there, that's a-right, but not responding to a private msg feels kinda rude.

    • We've now added Notification Grouping.

      1. Make sure you have "Show beta features" turned on (under My Account->Edit->Account-> OzBargain Settings).
      2. You'll get another checkbox "Show notifications in groups" (under My Account->Edit->Account-> OzBargain Settings).

      3. Your notifications popup will now group the notifications in

        • Private Messages
        • Reminders
        • Referral Expirations
        • Comments
        • other notifications

      I've had it switched on for our sister site Cheapies so here is how it looks after a bit of use.

      Main dropdown showing private messages (none unread), comments (2 unread) and everything else.


      If I click through to the private messages, it will show them in the dropdown.


      If I click through to comments, then I'll see all the unread comments.


      Let us know if all that makes sense and if we have the prioritization right.

      • Awesome! Thanks, @neil. Could we please have it in the notifications page too? My notifications dropdown indicates I have 5 unread replies, but they don't show in the drop down bc I've got read ones first, but when tapping See All I end up having to resort to searching the page again.

  • Queensland/Brisbane time expiry

    As server is based on Sydney time, how does one suggest an expiry date/time correctly for Queensland based specials? There is an extra hour to purchase special.

    Please see [QLD] $45/month, 50% off Urban Xtreme RockClimbing and Adventure Pass - 3 Month Minimum Term, rate ongoing - OzBargain

    Also how best to post webpages where the pricing gets better than advertised later on in the purchasing flow?

    OK I read the blurb

    If the deal expires at a time other than midnight, the time of day can be specified in AEST/ADST after the date.

    and updated the deal, however now it shows tomorrow but not when.

    • This has been the way forever. Would love to see a solution for when the southerners have their curtain fading ritual 😂

  • Cheddar is missing from the cashback dropdown box in the vendors' page (not here, for instance).

    • is not in the cashback list provided by Cheddar's API.

  • +1

    Can the mobile favicon be the same as the desktop favicon? The icon keeps changing depending on what device I last loaded the site on which causes me a mild displeasure (there has never been a truer first world problem). Much love.

  • Filter on Unread Notifications

    Does anyone else think it's a good idea to have unread notificiations filter? Or is there a greasemonkey script or extension to do this task?

    • +1

      There is.

      • +1

        Thanks for trying to answer my query.

        I looked at that page and it lists checkboxes for permission to alert about new posts in different categories.

        However if there are multiple outstanding alerts with some read and others not it doesn't show just the unread ones.

        • +1

          Ah, gotcha! Yeah, it'd be great to have it as a toggle on the notifications dropdown menu and page themselves. I'm often having to scroll through multiple page loads to get to the unread posts (and even more often too unbothered to chase them up).

  • Why Scotty isn't live option on the app ?

    • Because people should just use the website.

      • It by far my favourite page and I'm sure for others . Because it not on the app I'm normally on another app .
        It breaks my heart . I might miss that fresh bargain beginning.

    • That's what the integration with ProductReviews is for.

    • Just read the comments section and you'll quickly find out, or comments of prior deals

      Review systems are flawed by nature, as fewer people will write a positive review compared to negative. Comments here are generally different for popular products, with people saying how they've liked their experience with a product

      A prime example of a flawed review system. I mean, it can't be that bad…

      • +1

        Yet OzBargain still integrates it into the deal pages? Or did last I checked a year or so ago. Maybe i'm out of date.

        YEP Still integrated in the deal page.

        UPDATED productreview is in deal pages.

      • It accurate .
        Look at how poor JV ( OZB Legend ) has been treated here :)

  • In the user profile settings, can we get an option to by default sort searches by "Post Date/Time"? Currently there is a similar profile setting under edit > deals > Sorting but it seems it only applies to the deals page and not searches. Currently after entering a search term and the search results appearing, I always have to click on the "Sort" drop down menu and change the option.

  • Please add a checkbox
    For Australian made/owned goods
    So posters can indicate
    And display an icon on the deal.

  • +1

    I have one suggestion. With the badges, I believe if they were different colours for different accomplishments. E.g top deal 150 votes or over green colour, top comment yellow colour etc . I think this way it's also easier to disquintish the posters achievements. I know it's not that important. But just a suggestion that I thought.

    • +2

      I'm really proud of my black badge. The message from system about how a $1 difference doesn't constitute a new deal was admittedly quite funny.

      • Really? I was wondering what those black badges are. But if there was a classification of all badges with different colours for different accomplishments, I think it would be nicer.

        • It's the duplicator badge and the only black one. I can understand it following the Gold, Silver and Bronze format how it's currently set.

          • @Clear: I don't judge anyone here, but do you think a top comment should be the same colour and badge as a top deal? From my point of view, if I check someones profile and see like 50 silver badges , I am not sure if they are top posters or top commenters.

            • @Scrooge McDeal: In my opinion I think adding anything to fuel the already toxic competitiveness will just make things worse.

              • @Clear: That's also a different point of view that I haven't thought about. And maybe you are right.

                • @Scrooge McDeal: The old Xiaomi MIUI forums used to reward members with various "medals". The average forum member was more decorated than a North Korean soldier

                  I'm sure scotty and the team probably don't want profiles to be too cluttered, so the current system is more clean.

                  • @Clear: Wow that looks daggy. What I was suggesting it's still something simple but with few more colours to distinguish the achievements. But I haven't thought your point of view about toxic competitiveness. You have have been here far far longer than me. So I trust your judgement on that. I am still a newbie here

            • +1

              @Scrooge McDeal: To be fair I think everyone recognises the top posters and commenters after a lil while, regardless of badges

              • +2

                @spackbace: This is true. I get heaps of PMs about Xiaomi, SSDs, monitors and tablets. All the things I'm known for posting a lot of deals on.

          • +1

            @Clear: Yep gotta love the black badge lol

  • Is it possible to block stores / users / keywords from triggering the +30 votes in 30 mins notification? I love this notif, but it’s frequently populated by ~$3 shopback cashback on gift cards, which imho is not worth the hassle (obviously many other folks love these deals though).

    If it’s not currently possible to filter what triggers the “hot deal” notif, please consider it a suggestion to be able to do so.

  • One more suggestion. Maybe if possible to have a space on each persons profile were they can write a short 2-3 Sentences about their selfs or something like a quote that represents them

    • +2

      This isn't Instantscam or Fartbook…..

  • +1

    Add a prompt when someone makes a forum post about a used car:

  • Add on the deal page a dropdown list of gift cards the merchant accepts, much like the cashback rates, with a link to the gift cards wikipage.

  • I want to participate only in certain competitions. So I have set up a filter on the competitions which is working fine, but there is no option to sort them in the filter. Could you provide a sort option also in the filter so that I can see the competitions closing soon on the top? thanks

  • -1

    I'd like to suggest that we adopt a titling rule for points deals (example) to include their conversion to $s and %s, much like we have for AliEx deals to add in the omitted GST and be expressed in both USD and AUD. For instance, 20x Everyday Rewards on Apple (Excl. $20), Super Adventure, Binge/Kayo/Flash, The Iconic Gift Cards +More @ BIG W (Instore Only) would be 20x Everyday Rewards (10% Off) on Apple (Excl. $20), Super Adventure, Binge/Kayo/Flash + More @ BIG W (In-store Only).

    • It's a bit ambiguous as say the $30 gift card is worth 600 (or 630?) points. It's a minimum of 2000 points to redeem $10 off your next shop. Also there are people who have their points transferred to Qantas.

      • It's a bit ambiguous as say the $30 gift card is worth 600 (or 630?) points.

        How do you mean? Aren't $30 worth 6000 pts?

        It's a minimum of 2000 points to redeem $10 off your next shop.

        True. But that can be left implied, same as we leave it implied in multiple currency posts that FX rates may fluctuate over time, no?

        Also there are people who have their points transferred to Qantas.

        Right. But these have conversion rates too, don't they? (that at which airlines let us top up reward purchases)

  • It'd be great if product pages included a summary table with the latest (or least? or avg?) posted prices by tag. Or perhaps even a chart of posted prices by tag over time (like Camel³)!

  • May we have infinite scrolling in deals pages as we do in the notifications page?

    • This already exists. Make sure the "infinite scrolling" box is ticked.

      • Ah, right! Forgot about that. Mine is ticked, though. In see it works in the New Deals page, but not in the Popular Deals one (which is the one I most often use). I'll update my request then to:

        • May we have infinite scrolling in Popular Deals page as we do in the notifications page New Deals one?
  • +3

    I think flight deals should specify if they're direct or have a stop over in the title. Or at the very least description if there's not enough room.

    Take this deal and countless others where it's not specified and after clicking through to the website it's a 20 hour stop over.

    As RogueWolf pointed out we already tag deals if they're refurbished.

    • +1

      Many routes don't have direct flights (e.g. Australia to Brazil), making a Boolean direct vs indirect tag rather redundant. In some cases, the option is rather between 1, 2 or 3 stops. Perhaps the rule should be that flight posts ought to include total flight time and number of stops in the description, for multiple destination departures, and in the title, for single ones, e.g.:

      • Sydney to Bali 1-Stop 8h RT Flight $500 @ Travel Agent
      • +1

        all they have to do is mention "long stop over" in the header, example below & pretty clear which header describes the deal better, the way IWTF & BTF are posting gains more clicks by leaving out the details, most of these flight deals they post are 20hrs - 35hrs each way which is far from normal for flights:

        op's header, clearly misleading & you would assume it's a normal flight at a great price:

        Tokyo, Japan Return: Melbourne from $664, Sydney from $679 on China Southern [May to June] @ Beat That Flight

        modified header, clearly states has long stop over & price makes sense:

        Tokyo, Japan Return: Melb from $664, Syd from $679 on China Southern [May to June, Long Stop Over] @ Beat That Flight

    • We've reviewed flight deal titles at our meeting this week.

      Non-direct flights should be denoted with via City or City Stopover. So to your example:

      Tokyo, Japan Return: Melbourne from $664, Sydney from $679 on China Southern (Guangzhou Stopover) May-June @ Beat That Flight


      Tokyo, Japan Return: Melbourne from $664, Sydney from $679 on China Southern (via Guangzhou) May-June @ Beat That Flight

      Some notes about stopovers.

      • Stopovers for flight deals aren't always consistent in stopover times. In the above example from Melbourne it's 9.5 hours & 6.5 hours on the return leg. Sydney is 20 & 6 hours or 9 and 17. Things like these details should be mentioned in the description which is isn't in the example.
      • A short stopover of say 3 hours might be OK to many for it's duration. For others it's too short to explore the city for your stopover.
      • A long stopover of say 6+ hours might be a pain for some but if you're intent on spending a few hours exploring a city, might be good.
      • A very long stopover of say 12-20+ hours might be a less rushed way to check out a city and many airlines offer a free hotel stay (as is the case in the example).

      Some other things we are hoping to improve the titles:

      • Removing marketing speak "full service to", "on 5 star airline" "Qantas Red Tail Sale", "Over 45,000 discounted seats"
      • Priority on mentioning as many cities, fares in the title instead of the above.
      • Some consistency with arrows. ↔/↹/<->/ <>
      • A few other things like bags, emojis, 3rd party booking sites, full city name etc,.

      Probably nothing the average OzBargainer needs to know as it's super pedantic but we will be discussing it the frequent posters for airline deals

      • Tokyo, Japan Return: Melbourne from $664, Sydney from $679 on China Southern (via Guangzhou) May-June @ Beat That Flight

        I like the title being formatted this way because "(via Guangzhou)" makes it clear that there is a stopover of some kind. Then obviously in the deal description you can see how many hours it is with each leg. If you're searching for a direct flight you'd know to steer clear of deals with "via X" in the title.

  • This shows that the site's dupe rules need exceptions

  • +1…

    Only memberships older than 1 year are allowed to post in the classifieds area.

    While it's not going to stop scam activity, could some form of activity be a requirement as well?

    This account has zero activity on the site, yet can post. For any other sort of sale (not a new car order), this would raise alarm bells

  • +1

    Deals Around Me

    Admittedly, this is probably a bigger project (of integration with GMaps API), but I bet it'd be fun:

    • Users would either specify an address, or just a suburb, or simply share their location through the browser, and see a list of deals at stores near them.

    I generally do this manually, checking the deals here for each store I know to be in the area, when I go out shopping.

  • +2

    I think it's time to reassess the voting limits for performance-based store bans, given the ever-growing popularity of this site and the votes that deals now get, I'm sure most would agree that a +1 vote average can be pretty easy to obtain for the most mediocre stores

    2018 request
    2019 request
    2020 request

    • I said similar in Dec 2022 in the 2nd paragraph but it wasn't addressed.

      If something is a bargain it will easily get 5 upvotes, don't see the issue in raising it.

    • Just an FYI regarding this

      Every day the same 2-3 members upvote everything

      Just note that there is a mitigation for this, users who constantly click the + vote button will get flagged by our system as "Low Value Votes".

      The system counts the number of votes they cast each day and if it is above a certain threshold, their votes do not count towards the performance based ban calculations.

      So for example if a deal has 3 votes and they are all cast by low-value voters the system will treat it as if it had zero votes.

      • I do acknowledge that, and I remember that coming into policy as a result of my whinging ;)

        Given average vote scores increase year on year (ie more and more common to see +100 deals these days), personally I think the minimum vote requirement should increase each year as a result. No different to car stamp duty thresholds, etc etc

  • +1

    Suggestion: When clicking through the link to a deal etc from an email notification it also clears the notification bell for that notification.

    I feel like I'm doubling up all the time when I click through the email, then need to clear the bell also for the same thing.

  • Strange bug this morning

    Chrome iOS iPhone 12. All auto update

    I refreshed too, and it kept happening

      • I think I've identified the bug. Can you check whether it has been fixed?

        • Thanks Scotty. I've checked both devices. Fixed

  • Alerts on tags would be great.

    • +1

      A subscribe button would be great, but there's a workaround for the alerts: search the tag, e.g. air fryer tag:air-fryer-, and create an alert for the search.

      • +1

        Thank you, that's a good workaround.

    • In addition to the above, note that you can subscribe to product tags and get alerts (just not non-product tags).

      Click subscribe on a product, eg. You can see/manage your product subscriptions here.

    • FYI you can now subscribe to brand and product category tags. See here for more information.

  • Add New button on store pages
    This is just a nice to have. Cosmetic even. Just some a UX improvement.
    Case: I often check the store page before posting a deal to avoid duplicates (in spite of the embedded duplicate checker on the post page). Having a New button there would be handy (though the New button on the dropdown menu is just 2 taps away). It'd just be more visible. And could have some stuff on the post page prefilled with the store info.

    • In addition to this, it'd also be useful to have a Repost button in expired deals, such as the ones ref'd here and there.

  • +1

    Create tag/board for recalls
    For example…

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