I just bought two 250 RGB strings during the Myer sale and had to get support from Twinkly for one of the strings that had about 6 LEDs doing their own thing occasionally. Twinkly are sending a replacement set. During tree pack-up I've just discovered one of the LEDs on that set is super hot. Can barely touch it.
But now a problem with the other string. I've moved it to a window and set it up as a curtain but after remapping one of the LEDs is turning on out of sync to when it should. I didn't notice this while on the tree and I've remapped it several times, even resetting it.
Using the 'snow' routine it's doing what the top LEDs are doing despite it being at the bottom. I moved it to the middle, remapped, but it's still mirroring the top.
Anyone else having/had problems with individual LEDs ?
Is there any chance there's any kind of reflection anywhere? I had a few issues as there was a bit of a reflection on my hardwood floor. Although if it's the same bulb and it's now in a different position and none of the other ones are doing it, it seems unlikely.