This was posted 2 years 2 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[eBook] All eBooks US$2.99 (~A$4.41, Free Membership Required): e.g. ESV Expository Commentary (Was US$69.99/~A$103) @ Crossway


NB: This is a Christian book publisher.

I just saved $1000 by buying all their "Preaching the Word" commentary series (Highly recommend)
Normally $40ish each, but now $2.99 for 4 days to celebrate the new year. It's in USD but still great deals to be had.

Need to sign up as a free "Crossway+" member first. Then the discount automatically applies in your account.

If you go to a church, send to your pastor too, they will likely appreciate it!

Here is the email that shows the expiry date (it started US time, so I assume it finishes US time too)

Celebrate the new year with discounted ebooks and audiobooks. Starting today and running through January 6, 2023, Crossway+ members can purchase any ebook or audiobook for only $2.99.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Are these audio or ebooks only? Not physical right?

    Edit: thanks for clarifying the post

  • Thanks heaps.

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Unfortunately it looks like some of them are unavailable e.g. 1-3 John. Not sure why that would happen with an eBook!

    Link to register to Crossway+

  • +1

    Thank you very much, I bought 11 ebooks.

  • -8

    USD2.99 is still USD2.99 too much in my option.

    OP could have saved $81 by not buying them at all.

    Surely in this day and age open source alternatives that cost nothing would be more than adequate for this purpose. Or is business and profit the aim of the game?

    • +6

      Why should the creators of this content not be paid for their effort?

    • If there's an open source alternative that you know that's as good as the paid stuff out there, let me know. I suspect I'll be waiting forever. It's not so much about profit, but ensuring that the scholars who produce this stuff have a living.

      • -3

        So they can still make a profit by selling at 96% off?

        That doesn't tell you that the normal price is massively inflated?

  • +10

    Thanks, treebytheriver. I'm an Anglican Minister from Kogarah and I just added a lot of valuable resources to my collection and had saved a lot in the process. As well as American authors there were quite a few Australian Christian authors as well. Much appreciated!

    • +8

      username checks out

      • Wordplay on another title, "The Kid from Kogarah"

        • -1

          The kid from Kogarah that's only 1hr old.

          LoL 🤣😅

          • @frugalferret: Not sure what you're on about the kid from Kogarah being an 1hr old - they're obviously referring to Clive James.

      • 🪳Checking in

  • Such a good sale. Thanks OP!

  • Is there a way to link the purchased item to Logos?

    • +3

      Not quite what you want, but in Logos 10 you can tell Logos about your print books and they come up in search results.

    • No they are different platforms. But you can check the page number from Logos - if you have the book in Logos - which I can't see the point of getting multiple copies.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Seems to apply to audiobooks too.

  • Thank you very much OP. Got a few eBooks 😎

  • Thank you!

  • -5

    If they were true Christians the eBooks would be free. I know the Catholic church love money so much that they stole from the taxpayer by claiming job-keeper during COVID lockdowns.

    And then there's Hill Song, not to mention the many multi millionaire prechers in the USA who con their flock of gullible followers.

    • Grow up

    • -1

      Are you a Christian Uncle Leo?
      In the bible it explicitly says "the worker is worthy of his wages" and that "elders are worthy of a double honour" i.e. worthy to be paid.

  • I believe in science and evolution.

    Throughout recorded history, we can count anywhere from 8,000–12,000 gods who have been worshiped.

    Hillsong reports $87 million revenue this year, the founder has amassed a 10 million dollar fortune while currently being tried in criminal courts for child sex offendences.

    • Chances are, people who benefit from this sale wouldn't endorse Hillsong either. But idk what point you're trying to make.

  • I assume Crossway+ is a free membership?
    The prices won't change until the books are added into the cart.
    Just bought 3 books which made my collection of Foundations of Evangelical Theology Series complete!! I purchased the other 6 books years ago from Koorong and paid $16-17 each. Thanks OB!
    Any other suggestions?
    Good pick for the audiobooks too!

    • Gentle and Lowly, ESV Expository Commentaries

      • Thanks! Already got ESV Expository Commentaries from Olive Tree for 30USD. It has 3 volumes though. I just checked Crossway it has 11 volumes.

  • My only point is that Religion should be "non-profit" organisations.

    For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

    • Wholeheartedly agree. But to echo some of the above comments, there are people who dedicate their entire lives to writing books and resources for the faith. Paying for their products supports them and allows them to continue on that path.

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