Hi All
I recently moved to using a macbook from windows and I frequently use Excel. I love mac but I dislike how there is a lack of shortcuts and some features on mac's version of Excel.
Is there some way to get window's version of excel on mac?
Hi All
I recently moved to using a macbook from windows and I frequently use Excel. I love mac but I dislike how there is a lack of shortcuts and some features on mac's version of Excel.
Is there some way to get window's version of excel on mac?
Would using the web version of Excel via Office.com help?
I would say no because Office 365 is gimped even worse than Office on Mac.
Virtual machine or check out web version. Wines capability with recent office versions is poor
A lot of salty Apple users here regretting their overpriced junk purchases.
You spelt CRapple wrong
CRAPPLE LOL original.
No, your incessant hatred of Apple is just insanely cringey
This made me laugh lmfao.
Just learn the Mac version. It's also possible you were using an old version of Excel for Windows and are now using the current version of Excel, Microsoft change things around every now and then.
I regularly use both the Windows and macOS versions of Excel and completely agree about the lesser functionality of the macOS counterpart - best solution is Parallels to be honest.
Not without work to the point that makes me question why you don't just use windows if you love that excel version so much.
Use a VM.