OBD2 Scanner for iOS Recommendation

Looking for recommendations for a cheap OBD2 scanner that compatible with iPhone/iPad running iOS 16.

Trawling through eBay is confusing as some say Bluetooth will work with iOS and others say no and wifi is required for iPhones.

So using the collective experience in OzBargain what do I need.


  • Define 'cheap'?

    I got one of these ($65) https://caristaapp.com/

    It will do most things without the monthly subscription but if you do need the extra function I think you get 7 days or so before you have to subscribe.

    Here it is on the Apple APP store. https://apps.apple.com/app/id954363569

  • +1

    I got a cheapo wifi one because the cheapo Bluetooth one I had wouldn’t connect to iPhone.

    Both were the budget eBay specials. No links as it’s quite a while ago.

  • Thanks all, have ordered the wifi scanner and will check out the apps when it arrives.

    • How did you go ?

      (I realise it's been almost 2 years!)

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